Thursday, April 9, 2020

A Writer Ahead of Her Time

If you order your Cheap Custom Essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on A Writer Ahead of Her Time. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality A Writer Ahead of Her Time paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in A Writer Ahead of Her Time, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your A Writer Ahead of Her Time paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service! Kate Chopin was a strong, independent woman. Her strength and independence was surely a result of her upbringing, but being born in the mid-eighteen hundreds, this was not a popular way for a woman to be. As she became a writer, her experiences throughout her childhood and her early adulthood made for some very controversial themes and ideas in her writings. As evidenced by her short story "The Story of An Hour", Kate Chopin was obviously ahead of her time in that she often wrote of such controversial themes as a woman's desire for freedom and independence. To understand the controversy of her writings, it is important to understand her upbringing and the world in which she lived.

Chopin was surrounded by strong women and very few men during her childhood. She was born in St. Louis, Missouri in 1850 to a family with money and social class. At the early age of five she was sent to a Catholic boarding school, Sacred Heart, where she was taught by nuns who believed in creating strong women. However, shortly after she got there her father was killed in a train accident, and she returned home. She lived with her mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother (all three widowed), along with aunts, uncles, cousins, and servants, but "the strongest individuals were the widows" (Kate). Then, two years after her father's death, Chopin returned to Sacred Heart to continue her education. There she was taught that "young women ought to know science and history to be their husband's intellectual companions" (Toth 1).

Chopin's uncommon upbringing was followed by an uncommon adult life. She married a cotton broker when she was twenty. They lived in New Orleans and reportedly had an unusually happy marriage for the time. However, twelve years and six children later, her husband became ill and died. For about a year she took over her husband's role in his business, which was highly unusual for a woman to do, but then she returned to St. Louis and eventually began to write. Working for a living was another thing that women did not typically do. Very few women worked outside the home at that time. (Howard)

Chopin was an accepted member of society in St. Louis, but "she was not a stereotypical product of her times and so could not conform to socially acceptable themes in her writing" (Hicks). In an online article about Chopin's life, Ann Bail Howard gives a great description of the culture in which the writer lived "Marriage, said Chopin's world, was the goal of every woman's life, service to her husband and her children her duties, passionlessness and submission her assumed virtues, selflessness her daily practice, self sacrifice her pleasure." Chopin's defiance to this mindset made her a "pioneer in her own time" (Kate). Elizabeth Fox-Genovese of Emory University calls Chopin "one of the earliest examples of modernism in the United States", and reports that, "In a time that it was not acceptable for women to speak out about sexuality and independence, Kate screams it in her writing" (Society).

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Chopin's short story "The Story of An Hour" is a prime example of her writing about a woman's desire for freedom and independence. This is the story of a woman, Mrs. Mallard, who learns that her husband has been killed in a train accident. It is Mrs. Mallard's eventual revelation in regards to her freedom that was considered to be so inappropriate at the time the story was written. Jennifer Hicks, a director at Massachusetts Bay Community College, says that Chopin "implicitly questions the institution of marriage" in this story. At the beginning of the story we are told that Mrs. Mallard has "a heart trouble" (Chopin 71), as great care is taken in breaking the news of her husband's death to her. Her initial reaction is appropriately extremely grievous, but then she goes upstairs to her room and wants to be left alone. This is where the reader learns that her heart trouble, while likely a medical condition, also refers to the unhappiness Mrs. Mallard felt in her marriage. Hicks points out that "the problem with her heart is that her marriage has not allowed her to ‘live for herself'."

Mrs. Mallard is truly sad about her husband's death, but she soon begins to see past the pain and into the future. The narrator explains that "she had loved [her husband] sometimes. Often she had not" (Chopin 7), and while "she knew that she would weep again when she saw the kind, tender hands folded in death; the face that had never looked save with love upon her…" (Chopin 7), something within her begins to change. As she sits comfortably alone in her room staring out the window the narrator explains what Mrs. Mallard sees and hears "trees that were all aquiver with the new spring life … the delicious breath of rain … the notes of a distant song … patches of blue sky" (Chopin 7). This description does not depict the setting of a woman mourning the loss of her husband. Rather, it foreshadows her revelation. She sits with a "suspension of intelligent thought" (Chopin 7) as she begins to notice the new feeling. Before she even fully comprehends it, "a little whispered word escaped her slightly parted lips … ‘free, free, free!'" (Chopin 7). The repression that she felt in her marriage is evident as the narrator reveals Mrs. Mallards thoughts. There would no longer be any "powerful will bending her in that blind persistence with which men and women believe they have a right to impose a private will upon a fellow creature" (Chopin 7). She actually finds herself rejoicing at her new found freedom and praying for a long life. Only recently she had feared that she would have a long life. At the end of the story Mrs. Mallard composes herself and returns downstairs only to see her husband walking through the front door. The news of his death and of her freedom had been wrong. At this moment she dies, and the doctors say it was because of the "joy that kills" (Chopin 7). The ironic truth is that she died of the disappointment of her short-lived freedom.

It is easy to understand why "The Story of An Hour" was so controversial at the time. Marriage was considered to be sacred in the eighteen hundreds. Women lived to be married and were content with their secondary positions in life. The idea that a woman would want to be free and independent was quite unpopular to say the least. Hicks explains that Chopin wrote during a time that "a female writer who wrote of women wanting independence would not be received very highly, especially one who wrote of a woman rejoicing in the death of her husband. The fact that she pays for her elation with her life at the end of the story is not enough to redeem either the character or the author." It is believed that Chopin enjoyed her twelve-year marriage, but being surrounded by such strong women during her childhood, she did not feel that it was necessary for a woman to have to depend on a man. She expressed this time and time again in her writing. Obviously ahead of her time, her controversial stories remained socially unacceptable until about fifty years after her death. Interestingly enough, as there are still inequalities between men and women in today's world, issues regarding the social roles and responsibilities of women remain relevant to today's readers.

Works Cited "Kate Chopin The Writer". n. pag. Oct 00.

http// "Society in Kate Chopin's Lifetime". n. pag. Oct 00.


Chopin, Kate. "The Story of An hour". Literature Reading, Reacting, Writing. Ed. Laurie

G. Kirszner and Stephen R. Mandell. 4th ed. Fort Worth Harcourt, 000. 71-7.

Fox-Genovese, Elizabeth. Interview. "Kate Chopin A Re-Awakening". Public Broadcasting

Service. n. pag. Oct 00. http//

Hicks, Jennifer. "An Overview of ‘The Story of An Hour'". Short Stories for Students. Gale

Research, 17. n. pag. Literature Resource Center. Public Lib., Killeen. 1 Oct. 00.

Howard, Ann B. "A Woman Far Ahead of Her Time". 17. Great Plains Chatauqua Society.

n. pag. Oct 00. http//

Toth, Emily. Unveiling Kate Chopin. Jackson Mississippi UP, 1.

Please note that this sample paper on A Writer Ahead of Her Time is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on A Writer Ahead of Her Time, we are here to assist you. Your cheap research papers on A Writer Ahead of Her Time will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Analytical Essay

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Analytical Essay. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Analytical Essay paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Analytical Essay, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Analytical Essay paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service! Analytic Geometry Analytic geometry was brought fourth by the famous French mathematician Rene

Descartes in 167. Descartes did not start his studying and working with geometry until after he had retired out of the army and settled down. If not for

Descartes great discovery then Sir Isaac Newton might not have ever invented the concept of calculus. Descartes concept let to calculus and Newton and G.W.

Leibniz would not be know as well as they are today if it were not for the famous mathematician Rene Descartes. Analytic geometry is a, branch of geometry in which points are represented with respect to a coordinate system, such as Cartesian coordinates, and in which the approach to geometric problems is primarily algebraic. (Analytic Geometry) Analytic geometry is used to find distances, slopes, midpoints, and many many other things using special equations and formulas to determine what a person is looking for. Analytic geometry concentrates very much on algebra, generally, it is taught to students in algebra classes and becomes very helpful when being used in geometry. It is not very often when geometry is taught not using the algebra to solve the problems, unless proving statements, analytic geometry is used most often when speaking of geometry, it is the guidelines of geometry. It is a set way to find out answers to problems. There are many simple formulas to analytic geometry, but some of them get very complex and difficult. Analytic geometry is not only used in math, it is very common to see it being used in any kind of science, logic, and any other mathematical subjects. There are formulas in this form of mathematics in which the volume of a gas is measured, and other formulas along those lines ( Some formulas and equations of analytic geometry are The midpoint formula- (change in x/, change in y/) Distance formula- square root of (change in x) squared -(change in y) squared Formula for slope- (Change in y)/(Change in x) Formula for a line- y=mx+b where m is the slope of the line and b is the y intercept. Equation of a line- ax+by+c=0 (Fuller,

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Gordon) To find perpendicular lines you take to slope of each line and multiply them together, if the result is one then the lines are said to be perpendicular.

To find parallel lines the Slope must be exactly the same. These are just some simple facts about analytic geometry, it actually can get very complicated. When finding out about parabolas and ellipses it gets difficult, there are many difficult and extended formulas in analytic geometry (Fuller, Gordon 7, 1, 18).

Obviously these are just a few examples and analytic geometry goes on much further than what you see in these formulas. There are so many geometric formulas and theorems that they are almost impossible to put in a list. Analytic geometry has been combined with many other branches of geometry, now there are some things that are hard to decide wheater to label them algebraic or otherwise. Analytic geometry is broken up into two sections, finding an equation to match points and finding points to match equations. (Geometry)

There are many other kinds of geometry such as demonstrative geometry that involves measuring fields and right angles. The early Egyptians developed this kind of geometry when building. There is descriptive geometry that involves using shapes that do not change when moved, they are definite, defined shapes.

Another is non-three- dimensional geometry that uses analytic and projective geometry to study four dimensional figures. All of these kinds of geometry are commonly used (Geometry). Analytic geometry is used every day, it is defiantly something that can be extremely helpful if learned. Analytic geometry is used in architecture, surveying, and even business. In business analytic geometry can be used to find the maximum profit that can be made from a sale or event. As with all skills that are generally learned, analytic geometry is a great thing to know. Even the simple things, the basics, are very helpful. This subject can be broken down into the simplest things, such as having to walk to say Wal-mart and knowing when you are about half way, that is taking the distance from the starting point to the destination and dividing it by two to find out how far half way is. That could be considered part of the midpoint formula. Some of the formulas are a bit complex to use in everyday life, but in some working careers, it is very common for a person to use these highly complicated equations. Rene

Descartes was a famous French mathematician, he came up with the theory of analytic geometry using the Cartesian coordinates (Instant Essays). The

Cartesian coordinates that are a plane made of two intersecting lines where numbers, (x, y) are used to find the relative distance from the intersecting lines. These lines have 4 different sections and go on forever, there is no end to Cartesians coordinates (Cartesian Coordinates). Descartes got his education fist from Jesuit College and then the University of Poitiers. After he left school Descartes liked to party until he joined the army of Prince Maurice of

Nassu. In 168, after Descartes had retired, he contributed his life to Scientific research and philosophic reflection. (Descartes, Rene)

In Descartes life he wrote many essays in which he became famous for. Compendium

Musicae and Discourse on Method are two of Descartes famous essays. In 167 a group of his essays was published, after years of having the essays, they caused

Descartes to finally become well known. Descartes did not make amazing accomplishments until after he was retired from the army. A little over then years after his essays were published Rene was invited to Sweden by Queen

Christina because she wanted to meet the person with the brilliant mind, shortly after arriving in Sweden Descartes fell ill and died (Descartes, Rene). Rene

Descartes contributed not only to math but also to science, and many other things. Rene followed the scientific method, he loved to build off others ideas and make them more interesting and informational. He followed Francis

Bacons method, but based his results on rationalization and theory, rather than experiences. (Descartes, Rene) He was very dedicated to everything that he studied, and that is why he had accomplished so much in his lifetime (Descartes, Rene). Descartes was the originator of Cartesian coordinates and curves. As it has been stated many times already, he is known as the creator of analytic geometry. He also contributed the imaginary number i to the math of algebra, this is used in result of negative roots to a number.

Please note that this sample paper on Analytical Essay is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Analytical Essay, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Analytical Essay will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Anaylses of Doris Lessing text

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Anaylses of Doris Lessing text. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Anaylses of Doris Lessing text paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Anaylses of Doris Lessing text, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Anaylses of Doris Lessing text paper at affordable prices!

Doris Lessing is a South African born Novelist and she has lived in Britain since the 140's. She is well known for her political views especially, her views on the anti-apartheid.

This story is situated in a foreign country and it revolves around two main characters, a Mother and a son. The story relates to the challenges that the son sets for himself, and how he has to overcome them to prove his own manhood.

The boy and his Mother set off on the first morning of their holiday. When passing a rocky beach the young boy becomes entranced by the adventures it holds, and is more interested in exploring it, than going with his mother to the over crowded beach on the other side of the bay. Although he feels obliged to stay with his mother, to make sure that she is safeguarded. This is probably due to the fact that they are a one parent family, and he has grown up looking after his mother's emotional welfare.

"The boy watched that white, naked arm, and turned his eyes, which had a frown behind them, towards the bay and back again to his mother."

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The boy stays with the mother, although he still thinks about the rocky beach. The dangers of it has captured his imagination, and like the stereotypical boy he likes anything that could be dangerous or could get him into trouble. The boy's mother feels extremely responsible for him, and is constantly looking out for him. She still looks on him as being young and innocent, and is therefor quite protective and wary of him being independent. However, she loves him enough to realise that she shouldn't smother him, but this doesn't stop her from worrying.

"He was an only child, eleven years old. She was a widow. She was determined to be neither possessive nor lacking of devotion. She went worrying off to the beach."

The next morning when they are walking passed the rocky beach, Jerry, the boy, just can't bear not to go down to investigate the dangerous bay. So he blurts out that he would like to go down and have a look at it. His mother agrees.

The writer seems to make the beach seem dangerous. The personification of the rocks makes them seem if they are bruised like a human would be if they had been repeatedly hit by the sea. This makes the sea seem as if it is out to damage the rocks. Also the use of similes

"Over a middle region where the rocks lay like discoloured monsters under the surface,"

This makes the rocks seem like they are waiting under the sea to pounce at Jerry. Most children are afraid of monsters, even though they don't exist, so it is brave of Jerry to venture into the water.

Jerry is a very lonely boy, he has no brothers or sisters to play with while on holiday.

He sees a group native boys diving off the end of a small cape, but he can't join in with them because they are older than him, and they are foreign. He longs to be part of their group and watches them for a while, waiting for a reason to go over and join in.

When one of the native boys waves and smiles at him, he jumps at this chance to go over and meet them. However when the boys realise he is foreigner strayed from the tourist beach they forget about him. Jerry is contented with the fact of just being with them.

As they begin diving, Jerry watches them in awe, and wonders if he could dive the way they do. So he tries, and the boys watch him, making way for him as he swims back towards them.

On the second attempt at diving, the foreign boys dive, them swim for a long time through an underground cave, in a rock and arrive on the other side of Jerry. A long line of rocks separate Jerry from his new foreign acquaintances. As Jerry is frantic to belong to the group, he tries to copy them.

Diving into the water and then swimming to the line of rocks which lies between him and them. He can't find the opening they swam through, and he becomes desperate to find it. He has failed, and by the time he has resurfaced, the foreign boys are attempting it again.

Jerry is so desperate to fit in, that he begins to splash around, and is just being childish, he doesn't realise this at first because he used to doing it.

"And now, in a panic of failure he yelled up, in English "Look at me! Look!" and he began splashing and kicking in the water like a foolish dog."

Eventually he understands that he has made a fool of himself, and he is embarrassed.

"Through his hot shame, feeling the pleading grin on his face like a scar that he could never remove,"

The boys carry on diving, and again he is only watching. He begins to count how long they have been under water, and they are taking a long time to resurface. He begins to get very worried when they haven't broken the water by fifty, and he is extremely frightened before they emerge from the water at one hundred and sixty. They foreign boys swim away and leave Jerry alone. He knows they are leaving to get away from him, and this upsets him.

At this point Jerry seems to need reassurance and comfort, so he swims to a place where he can see his mother. This makes him feel a little better. So he swims back to the rocks, whichare again personified as being

"the fanged and angry boulders."

By this time, Jerry has challenged himself that one day he will accomplish what the foreign boys had, and swim through the underground passage. The personification of the rocks makes it seem as if he has to fight a dragon, which would be quite a task.

By this time he has decided to return to the villa and wait for his mother. His is extremely eager for her to buy him some swimming goggles, so that he can complete his challenge.

We can tell Jerry is eager from the way he is impatient with his mother and can't wait for them, he wants them this minute. Also he snatches them out of her hand once she had bought them.

"But now, now, now! He must have them this minute, and no other time"

"As soon as she had bought the goggles, he grabbed them from her hand,"

Straight away Jerry is running to the beach to try and complete his task as soon as he has the goggles

He is very determined. He continues looking for the passage in the rocks. While he is clinging to the rock he finds the entrance, and he was ecstatic. Although when starting to enter the gap he feels things brushing up against him and his imagination runs wild, as he begins to think of giant octopuses. In other words he is scared of the unknown, as he can't see what's inside.

Jerry realises that before he can accomplish his task he must condition his breathing. And so he spends the rest of the day training his lungs. When finally the sun started getting low Jerry rushed to the villa

The next day Jerry doesn't ask permission to go down to the rocky beach, because he doesn't want to tell his mother what he is doing because she will get worried. Also he wants to do this challenge by himself, to prove the point that he is independent.

He spends all day practising, and when he goes to the villa that night his mother reminds him that he only has four days left on holiday. On the day before they left Jerry had to do it. Tension is growing because he has limited time.

It came to the morning when Jerry would try.

He swam in the water and then attempted to swim through the tunnel. When Jerry begins swimming through the tunnel he loses his count, this shows signs of strain, trying to dive through the tunnel.

The physical description of the way the tunnel is and how Jerry moves along it, show us the sheer pressure and strain he is under.

Jerry can't see anything but blood when he surfaces from the water, because his nose is bleeding. The fact that he believes his eyes have burst shows that he must have realised he was under a lot of strain.

It also takes quite a lot to make the nose bleed, so he must have been straining extremely hard to get through the tunnel.

The story ends my Jerry's mother enquiring if he is alright, because he is looking pale. She sees the bang on his head.

Jerry lies about how he banged his head, and doesn't mention the tunnel. He does this because what has taken place is very private to him, and he believes his mother shouldn't be involved, so he doesn't make a fuss.

The title of the story is very significant, because the story is about the rite of passage of a young boy called Jerry. Through the tunnel suggest the adventures he went to, to pass through the tunnel, but it also is the rite of passage from a boy to a man from the challenge.

Please note that this sample paper on Anaylses of Doris Lessing text is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Anaylses of Doris Lessing text, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Anaylses of Doris Lessing text will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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If you order your Cheap Custom Essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on MIS. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality MIS paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in MIS, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your MIS paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service! 1. What benefits can you see from networking your branch offices and headquarters together?

One of the main benefit of networking the businesses computers and information is that business processes are speeded up and inefficiencies are squeezed out. This is because information flows more freely. Everything happens much faster. All kinds of documents - from emails to spreadsheets and product specs - can be exchanged rapidly between networked users. In the Special Salmon case, the headquarters can update the different varieties of fish, prices for each type of fish, quantity demanded and quantity supplied for each type of fish on its internal network daily. As such, all these information will be made available to all branch offices at different times of the day. Employees at the branch offices will be able to check the Web pages to track the fishs progress - in real-time. In addition, the communication between employees, customers and suppliers can be improved. This is because clients could communicate via email and receive accounting updates electronically. Networking can also have a tremendous flattening effect on an organisation as in the salmon case, too. For example, the traditional hierarchy is sidestepped at every turn by the seekers and providers of information. Anyone who drew their power from their ability to supply or withhold information will find the networked world immensely threatening to their personal authority. Therefore, it is beneficial to network the branch offices and headquarters together.

. What benefits can you see from data communications linkages between headquarters and Special Salmon fishing boats?

One of the benefits of data communication linkages headquarters and Special Salmon fishing boats is that the fishing boats can provide emergency signaling to the headquarters. In this case, the safety of the fisherman in the fishing boats will be maximized whenever they are out at sea fishing. Besides, through data communication linkages, the headquarters will be able to inform the fishing boats for a specific type of fish immediately when there is a high demand for that specific species. On the other hand, the headquarters can also inform the fisherman to avoid catching the type of fish that has a low demand in the market. In addition, if the restaurant wants a specific species and they know where to catch those species. The restaurant can inform the headquarters and the headquarters will in turn give orders to the fisherman of where they can catch those fish. As such, the data communication linkages can help to save effort as well as time. In this case, the data communication linkages can help to reduce those unnecessary costs and deliver the information to the fisherman more efficiently.

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. Describe the type of network you could use to connect the branch offices and head quarters. Consider the LAN, MAN, and WAN topologies as well as any role the Internet should play.

To have the communications between branch offices and head quarters more efficient and effective, Special Salmon could utilize LAN, MAN and WAN.


As the name suggests, a LAN serves a local area (typically the area of a floor of a building, but in some cases spanning a distance of several kilometers). Typical installations are in industrial plants, office buildings, college or university campuses, or similar locations. In these locations, it is feasible for the owning Organization to install high quality, high-speed communication links interconnecting nodes. Typical data transmission speeds are one to 100 megabits per second. The most widely used LAN system is the Ethernet system developed by the Xerox Corporation. Intermediate nodes (i.e. repeaters, bridges and switches) allow LANs to be connected together to form larger LANs. A LAN may also be connected to another LAN or to WANs and MANs using a router.

The headquarter of Special Salmon is located in Miami. There is one large and powerful IBM mainframe computer. There are totally 115 managers and staff. Most of them have micro-computers. One LAN can be established in the headquarter office to connect those micro-computers with IBM computer. In that case, everyone in the office can share the information more effectively so that make the coordination more efficiency.


A Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) is one of a number of types of networks. There are three important features which discriminate MANs from LANs or WANs

1. The network size falls intermediate between LANs and WANs. A MAN typically covers an area of between 5 and 50 km diameter. Many MANs cover an area the size of a city, although in some cases MANs may be as small as a group of buildings or as large as the North of Scotland.

. A MAN (like a WAN) is not generally owned by a single organization. The MAN, its communications links and equipment are generally owned by either a consortium of users or by a single network provider who sells the service to the users. This level of service provided to each user must therefore be negotiated with the MAN operator, and some performance guarantees are normally specified.

. A MAN often acts as a high-speed network to allow sharing of regional resources (similar to a large LAN). It is also frequently used to provide a shared connection to other networks using a link to a WAN.

The headquarter of Special Salmon and its branch offices can establish one MAN respectively with their customers and the market so that they can get the proper information about demanding of fish and market price faster, they can use WAN to contact with the fishing boats and request fishes with proper quantities and species according to the market demand.


As the term implies, a wide-area network spans a large physical distance. A WAN like the Internet spans most of the world!

A WAN is a geographically-dispered collection of LANs. A network device called a router connects LANs to a WAN. WANs differ from LANs in several important ways. Like the Internet, most WANs are not owned by any one organization but rather exist under collective or distributed ownership and management. A major factor impacting WAN design and performance is a requirement that they lease communications circuits from telephone companies or other communications carriers. Transmission rates are typically Mbps, 4 Mbps, 45 Mbps, 155 Mbps, 65 Mbps (or sometimes considerably more).

For Special Salmon, there are totally 81 branch offices located along the Atlantic seaboard and the Pacific seaboard. A WAN can connect 00 fishing boats, branch offices and headquarter. The information about the demand and quantity of each type of fish required can be transmitted at the fastest speed to each branch office and to each boat. The branch offices can also inform the headquarter about the inventory of fish arriving and fish being sold through WAN. The headquarter will make the proper marketing decision once they get the information and sell fishes immediately without any delay. The characteristics of the transmission facilities lead to an emphasis on efficiency of communications techniques in the design of WANs.

Generally speaking, Special Salmon can use LAN, MAN and WAN properly (See the diagram below) to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of communications.

4. What are advantages and disadvantages to private lines, virtual private networks and the internet for your data communication medium?

Using a Private Lines for a communication between branch offices and headquarter of Special Salmon will provide a high security and high-speed connections, however, it will cost more than VPN which is now a trend in communication technologies. VPN could provide a relatively medium speed connections through the internet and as the technologies are improving, by combining with high speed internet connection through a cable network or DSL modem would make VPN more popular as a method of connections.

While the internet would remain as the most popular communications way, as it is widely used even tough it does not provide a good security, with the right software and hardware, VPN could utilize internet for the connections.

Advantages Disadvantages

Private Lines High speed, high security Expensive

VPN Secure, relatively inexpensive

Internet Inexpensive Lower to medium speed, low security


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Please note that this sample paper on MIS is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on MIS, we are here to assist you. Your cheap research papers on MIS will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Friday, April 3, 2020

Burdens of Responsibility

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Burdens of Responsibility. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Burdens of Responsibility paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Burdens of Responsibility, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Burdens of Responsibility paper at affordable prices!

As I attend the University of Hawaii at Manoa, I reside on the on-campus residence halls, particularly Hale Mokihana. In fact, more than a thousand students, everyday, tread home from school to these dorms. If you ask anyone, living there is no were close to being at home. One thing that most students dread are the rules and regulations, simply because it puts a limitation on his or her freedom of being independent. What exactly are these rules? What consequences are put into effect when these rules are violated?

These questions and more have been answered in the "Rules and Regulations" and "Disciplinary Actions" Sections in the University of Hawaii Residence Hall Handbook, which is given out during the check-in period. This light-weight, spiral handbook is very eye-catching to the readers with its decorative cover and handy campus map on the back. The facts are presented under specific bold topics, in a well organized layout, which makes it easy to read and follow. Many students, like myself, use this handbook for the convenient calendar organizer located towards the back of the book.

This manual is a compilation written by the staff of the Student Housing Department. However, the person responsible for the overall contents is Darryl Zehner, Director of Student Housing. He speaks on behalf of the University of Hawaii Student Housing Institution. The staff's credibility is very reliable and trustworthy because of their obligation to create a safe and trouble free environment. The authors are more knowledgeable about the topic then the readers.

Buy Burdens of Responsibility term paper

This document serves a dual purpose to answer any question a resident may have concerning the policy and to provide a broader understanding of how the residents are expected to behave. The need for this document was to set a system of order so that chaos would be prevented. It prohibits illegal actions and objects that may put the lives of others in danger. It is still widely used today for its effectiveness as well as usefulness in the past, controlling resident conduct. A set of rules is common and appropriate for situations involving many people. The rules and disciplinary actions suggest that no matter what social status and class standing one may be in the same set of rules apply to everyone in the same hall. Other potential readers may be prospective residents, parents, or visitors. They too can get a taste of what the on-campus setting is like by referring to this document.

Not only are the rules and regulations relevant in order to establish a safe living atmosphere, but everyone can also benefit from it. For me, I am glad that they enforce the "Quiet Hours" policy because it helps promote my academic success by placing me in an environment easy to study in. Others who are having problems with people causing trouble can use this book as an important tool to notify the authorities on one's wrongdoings. Rules, including no vandalism and harassment, have played important roles in creating a safe atmosphere respective of others rights. This document is also very advantageous to the writers. The importance of it being a written document is that the rules are set in stone. There is no room for excuses to explain why someone has violated these rules. Although this document is not a contract, people must abide to the contents and cannot dispute or contest it.

Although the rules and disciplinary actions have relevance and some strengths, many questions arise resulting on issues that can be debated about the contents. Certain rights as well as imposed responsibility seem to be on the line for the residents. Also, specific rules are questioned to be unfair. The writers do not offer any explanation to why these rules are implemented. The reasons are usually obvious, however, there are times when it is unclear. "Why must the flyers and poster be first approved by the hall director?" This particular case exemplifies the vagueness found throughout the guide.

In situations of vandalism where the individual does not come forward to claim responsibility, everyone on the floor is punished and must pay a fee of ten dollars to the damage that is done. This group assessment should not be applied seeing that it is unreasonable to those who are innocent. It is also said that possessing a water jug is prohibited for it may be a common source container to hold alcohol. This irrational regulation is an example that limits one's rights at the dorms. Imposed responsibility such as cleaning our rooms as well as checking in our guests seems to be a hassle. Everyone has to compromise on behalf of convenience.

The writers' language and style plays a significant role in informing the students about the rules and its consequences when violated. When explaining the regulations the sentences are plain and precise in order to eliminate any uncertainty or ambiguity. Their meticulous criteria such as having a microwave or refrigerator is narrowed down to a specific condition. It is obvious that the writers of this section had clarity in mind. The tone is very distant and formal between the writer and the readers. However, the next section describing the disciplinary actions are obscure because of its wordiness and usage of big terms. It states, "Whether a student denies or does not refute the alleged policy(s) violations, the housing staff will make a decision based up the preponderance of evidence" (p. 1). The vocabulary is very elevated and written in an official and legalistic tone for the purpose of confusing the readers. It seems as if the author clarifies the rules but disguises the consequences so that those who break a rule will misconstrue the repercussions. From personal experience, sometimes people don't violate a rule simply because the penalty is too harsh. Because the writers' intent is for the readers to obey the rules, there is an abundance of denotative meanings rather then connotative meanings. The content is meant to be straight forward with no underlying meanings. There are no room for semantics.

The two sections in the handbook have been written very effectively to illustrate to the readers the authors' central points. They have created sentences both plain and complicated to convey their intended effect. Although not blatantly asked, the contents have questioned my own values, assumptions, and beliefs about on-campus life. Given the distant relationship we have with the authors and the limitations we possess as students, the book still functions as a reference guide. By possessing both positive and negative traits, the rules and regulations are communicated as being more complex in both an individual and communal level than what the book deems it to be.

Please note that this sample paper on Burdens of Responsibility is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Burdens of Responsibility, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Burdens of Responsibility will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Thursday, April 2, 2020

American Revolution

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on American Revolution. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality American Revolution paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in American Revolution, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your American Revolution paper at affordable prices!

The events that lead to the Revolutionary War clearly exhibit the evolution of the colonist's ideals regarding their rights and liberties. The English colonists had long held the utmost loyalty to the British crown, never distinguishing themselves from their British counterparts back in England; however, the colonists had gradually begun to embrace a new ideology in regard to their rights in liberties. By 1765, when Daniel Dulany wrote his attack on virtual representation, the English colonists were identified as "British-Americans" This simple reference indicates that the colonists were no longer content being just Englishmen, nor with English law and especially taxation being imposed upon them without some form of colonial consent or representation. The evolving ideals of the colonists were perhaps best summarized with Dulany's statement, "The relationship between the British-Americans and the English electors is a knot too infirm to be relied on as a competent security" (Beasley80). From the various documents declaring distinct rights and rebuking British mandates that emerged during this critical time, a definitive pathway of change can be traced that lead to a higher appreciation for rights and liberties as well as more individualistic ideals than were previously exhibited by the colonists.

By the 1760's disputes with England were increasing and Great Britain struggled to organize the colonies and lay rest to conflicts with the colonists, in "The Proclamation of 176" King George III tried to make good on his promise of no western expansion while attempting to keep in perspective the best interest of the English colonists. However, the proclamation was sorely misinterpreted, as the colonist viewed it a denial of their right to expand their personal land holdings. While this was perhaps a valiant effort on behalf of the throne to organize and to please the colonist, it would only help to more firmly plant the seeds of independence. Even as tensions between Britain and the colonies were at an all time high, many colonists were still very much loyal to the crown and had no direct intention of a complete succession from England. This lingering sense of loyalty was most evident in "The Olive Branch Petition", which was sent to King George III in 1775, only one year prior to the Declaration of Independence. This document expressed a deep desire amongst the colonists to reconcile with the throne and end the ongoing conflict. In the petition, the colonists referred to themselves as "your majesty's faithful subjects", which clearly exhibits their lack of desire to entirely severe ties with Great Britain. The petition would be the colonist's final plea for reconciliation, given that King George refused the document and declared the colonies in rebellion, which in turn brought the conflict between England and the colonies to a climax that resulted in the rise of an extraordinary nation.

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Please note that this sample paper on American Revolution is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on American Revolution, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on American Revolution will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on ertret. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality ertret paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in ertret, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your ertret paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service! moments on incongruous juxtaposition, such as Ken Carvers bovine head trampolining up from behind the garden hedge as Gilbert and Betty are getting down to a bit of illicit. Häagen Dasz-inspired passion, or Endoras new mobile Burger Barn arriving just as Kens coffin is being laid to rest. Here, whats humorous is the sequence of events, not simply the events themselves. Whats Eating Gilbert Grape is evocative in the way it draws - and draws on - minutiae, so the overall picture is the sum of accumulated detail. Bonnie Grapes way of clutching her tub of popcorn with simultaneous resentment and possessiveness conveys more about her self-loathing and her defiance than any trite verbal exchange about why she slumped into obesity.

Like Hallsströms earlier My Life As A Dog, this is a film of sentiment that eschews sentimentality, despite the main storylines concerning Gilbert and his family and his relationship with the outsider Becky. There are moments ripe for cloying treatment, like Gilbert intense meaning-of-life conversation with Becky, first amid the haystacks at sunset, everything bathed in rich golden haloes, and second beside a campfire at night. If only Gilbert could fathom her cryptic, whimsical statements and questions. Theres an awareness of the dangers of being mawkish that ensures any mindless rhapsody is side-stepped, interrupted, deflated a pragmatic approach to tearjerk material best summed up by the carefully unpatronising treatment of Arnie.

If there is any underpinning theme in Whats Eating Gilbert Grape, its a notion of space. From the opening sequence, when the convoy of glistening silver campers bringing Becky into town snakes over the lazy hillside towards Gilbert and Arnie, theres a sharp distinction made between the parochial day-to-day aimlessness of Endora, and the potential life elsewhere. When Gilbert drives out of town only to turn back as soon as hes passed his farewell sign, he goes in search of Becky and tells her, Ive got nowhere to go. Beyond Endora theres a vaste expanse and theres nothing - Gilbert gazes out at that open space, while Arnie waves at each time he scales the heights of the gas tower. The reality of Endora, though, is something more akin to the world created by Bonnie, the lapsed matriarch of the Grape household, who has defined her space as being almost exclusively the inside moments on incongruous juxtaposition, such as Ken Carvers bovine head trampolining up from behind the garden hedge as Gilbert and Betty are getting down to a bit of illicit. Häagen Dasz-inspired passion, or Endoras new mobile Burger Barn arriving just as Kens coffin is being laid to rest. Here, whats humorous is the sequence of events, not simply the events themselves. Whats Eating Gilbert Grape is evocative in the way it draws - and draws on - minutiae, so the overall picture is the sum of accumulated detail. Bonnie Grapes way of clutching her tub of popcorn with simultaneous resentment and possessiveness conveys more about her self-loathing and her defiance than any trite verbal exchange about why she slumped into obesity.

Like Hallsströms earlier My Life As A Dog, this is a film of sentiment that eschews sentimentality, despite the main storylines concerning Gilbert and his family and his relationship with the outsider Becky. There are moments ripe for cloying treatment, like Gilbert intense meaning-of-life conversation with Becky, first amid the haystacks at sunset, everything bathed in rich golden haloes, and second beside a campfire at night. If only Gilbert could fathom her cryptic, whimsical statements and questions. Theres an awareness of the dangers of being mawkish that ensures any mindless rhapsody is side-stepped, interrupted, deflated a pragmatic approach to tearjerk material best summed up by the carefully unpatronising treatment of Arnie.

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If there is any underpinning theme in Whats Eating Gilbert Grape, its a notion of space. From the opening sequence, when the convoy of glistening silver campers bringing Becky into town snakes over the lazy hillside towards Gilbert and Arnie, theres a sharp distinction made between the parochial day-to-day aimlessness of Endora, and the potential life elsewhere. When Gilbert drives out of town only to turn back as soon as hes passed his farewell sign, he goes in search of Becky and tells her, Ive got nowhere to go. Beyond Endora theres a vaste expanse and theres nothing - Gilbert gazes out at that open space, while Arnie waves at each time he scales the heights of the gas tower. The reality of Endora, though, is something more akin to the world created by Bonnie, the lapsed matriarch of the Grape household, who has defined her space as being almost exclusively the inside moments on incongruous juxtaposition, such as Ken Carvers bovine head trampolining up from behind the garden hedge as Gilbert and Betty are getting down to a bit of illicit. Häagen Dasz-inspired passion, or Endoras new mobile Burger Barn arriving just as Kens coffin is being laid to rest. Here, whats humorous is the sequence of events, not simply the events themselves. Whats Eating Gilbert Grape is evocative in the way it draws - and draws on - minutiae, so the overall picture is the sum of accumulated detail. Bonnie Grapes way of clutching her tub of popcorn with simultaneous resentment and possessiveness conveys more about her self-loathing and her defiance than any trite verbal exchange about why she slumped into obesity.

Like Hallsströms earlier My Life As A Dog, this is a film of sentiment that eschews sentimentality, despite the main storylines concerning Gilbert and his family and his relationship with the outsider Becky. There are moments ripe for cloying treatment, like Gilbert intense meaning-of-life conversation with Becky, first amid the haystacks at sunset, everything bathed in rich golden haloes, and second beside a campfire at night. If only Gilbert could fathom her cryptic, whimsical statements and questions. Theres an awareness of the dangers of being mawkish that ensures any mindless rhapsody is side-stepped, interrupted, deflated a pragmatic approach to tearjerk material best summed up by the carefully unpatronising treatment of Arnie.

If there is any underpinning theme in Whats Eating Gilbert Grape, its a notion of space. From the opening sequence, when the convoy of glistening silver campers bringing Becky into town snakes over the lazy hillside towards Gilbert and Arnie, theres a sharp distinction made between the parochial day-to-day aimlessness of Endora, and the potential life elsewhere. When Gilbert drives out of town only to turn back as soon as hes passed his farewell sign, he goes in search of Becky and tells her, Ive got nowhere to go. Beyond Endora theres a vaste expanse and theres nothing - Gilbert gazes out at that open space, while Arnie waves at each time he scales the heights of the gas tower. The reality of Endora, though, is something more akin to the world created by Bonnie, the lapsed matriarch of the Grape household, who has defined her space as being almost exclusively the inside

Please note that this sample paper on ertret is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on ertret, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on ertret will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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