Friday, April 17, 2020

Al Capone: The myth the legend

If you order your Cheap Custom Essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Al Capone: The myth the legend. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Al Capone: The myth the legend paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Al Capone: The myth the legend, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Al Capone: The myth the legend paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service! Al Capone the Myth, the Legend

Al Capone was a heartless man, who did not care about the well being of others; because of this, he killed many people. He led a life of showboating and other such means of a rich and immoral man. His thoughts were only of what would help him to succeed not of what would help others. Al Capones mother was named Teresina Capone. Despite having many growing boys, she was still able to take in sewing piecework. Teresina was a mother of four, and also, she was a housewife. She made sure that the Capones were taken care of. Because of this, it is hard to understand why Al Capone became such a hated criminal. Gabriele Capone was Al Capones father. Since he had the ability to read and write, he was able to get a job in a grocery store, until he was able to get enough money to open his own barber shop. He also wrote literature and poems, when he had the time. Capone grew up in a loving family. His father never hit the kids; he only talked to them. There were no disturbances, violence, or dishonesty about this family. The killer in Capone was thought to have come from when he had gotten his first job. Capone was a role model to many of the boys in the community. He worked for a man named Johnny Torrio. He ran errands, and got paid for it, so he had pocket change. Torrio was a new type of gangster. He was one of the firsts of this new breed and helped with the development of a newly found criminal enterprise. There were other Capone children; not just Al. James Capone was the oldest child. The two other kids in the family at this time, other than Al, were Ralph and Frank. James, Ralph, and Frank were not as well known as Al. This was because Al was the only one working for Torrio. Johnny Torrio moved to Chicago, when 10 came around. Since he moved, Capone started getting into other things. One of these things was gangs. There were many gangs. These gangs were made up of what race they were, and where they were from. Even though he was in street gangs, and was good friends with Johnny Torrio, there was no sign as to how bad this man was going to be. There was only one real disruption in the Capone family. This was when James left the family and went west. Frankie Yale built his turf on aggression and muscle. The Harvard Inn was a bar that was opened by him on Coney Island. Yale hired Capone because Torrio had recommended him. Capone worked as the bartender. Capone learned from Yale that he should control his temper, or soon Capone would be killed. Capone was taken under Yales wing.

Al Capone then met a woman. After awhile, they were married and had a child. He focused mostly on his family and a good career. He moved to Baltimore after he stopped working for Yale. He worked as a bookkeeper for a construction firm. Capone was very reliable and smart, so he was very successful. One of the most perfect places to build a criminal empire, was Chicago. It was open to anyone with enough money to buy it. It was a rowdy, wild, and heavy-drinking place, so it came very cheap. Al Capone came to the city of Chicago in 10. The province of organized crime had become the flesh trade. It was starting to be the main way of organized crime. Big Jim Colosimo was the headman of this city. Together, they earned $50,000 a month. Colosimo owned a top club in Chicago. It was called Colosimos Cafe. He was a pimp, but it seemed that no one cared. Colosimo flashed his richness and glamour around by wearing diamonds and other flashy jewelry all the time. He was a true man of Chicago society; this was because he was handsome, generous, and larger than life. As Colosimos business grew, he brought in Torrio to help in operating and growing this empire. Torrio was able to expand the business unnoticeably. He was not interested in fooling around; he was a serious businessman. Colosimo divorced his present wife, and married a singer, who had stolen his heart. Yale had heard about this, and muscled in on Colosimos enormous empire. Colosimo was assassinated in his own nightclub by Yale. The police eventually figured out that Yale had killed Colosimo. There was a waiter who had witnessed who it was, but would not testify against Yale. So, Yale was able to get away from prosecution. He failed at his attempt to take over Colosimos empire. This was because Torrio was able to keep a hold of the business after Colosimo had been killed. Torrio had offered Capone money and opportunity for advancement, so it was hard for Capone to keep with the bookkeeping job. Soon after all of this had happened, Al Capone began to run Chicago. While he was running it, the mayor was William Thompson, who got along very well with the Syndicate. There has been a succession of Democratic mayors in Chicago, but organized crime leaders had always been running Chicago. There was a political group called the West Side Bloc, who were put together in the days of Al Capone. This political group is still together to this day. As Capone reached his thirtieth birthday, he appeared absolutely invulnerable. He had built a coalition that had reached across ethnic boundaries, and included many different cultures and people. He dominated the business of bootlegging, although he was not the only one in the business. It was the same in gambling and vice trade. Capone manageably arose to his position of absolute eminence, within only a seven-year span. He had the greatest success story that Chicago had seen in 100 years. The government forces began to gather momentum because Capones success gave them the influence. They knew that if they did not hurry up and catch him, that more people would become involved under Capones business. Destiny alternately wanted Capone, although he thought that he was in control. Capone wore clothes that made him out to be a gangster. One style of which was custom-made suits. He loved flattery, and he generously rewarded those who provided it to him. He was a man who showed that he had money, he was not the type who would simply hide all of his wealth, he would flash it around. He especially loved the good life. His explanation of the good life was the best women, food, liquor, diamonds, and silk underwear. Whenever Capone was crossed, he became overcome with rage. It has been reported that he knocked the brains out of several of his boys, using a baseball bat. He did this after he had decided that they had betrayed him. Because Capone was such a violent man, Torrio could use him. This was because Torrio enjoyed the use of power rather than other means. Direct action was the way that Torrio would rather do, than the ability to plan and keep the loyalty of his Troops. Torrio had to use fear to get respect. When he was at the top of his power reign, he sent orders through Capone to the Troops. Torrio was killed. After he had been killed, Capone rose to the top. He celebrated his return to the top with a banquet at the Western Hotel. After many of Capones friends had been killed, he felt he was out of danger, but really was not out of it. Al Capone had been sent into a trial, because of his tax evasions. He had anticipated that he would have to pay heavy fines. He also anticipated that he would be in jail for about five years. He had also figured that he could transact all of his business while still in jail. Capone went to Alcatraz prison for five years. While there, he was living like a king. He had all of the luxuries, except one. That one, was that he could not run anything from Alcatraz, so he would not know what was going on outside. He then went back to court. The judge decided that it would be much better if Capone spent the rest of his sentence in the Cook County prison. Within days of his arrival there, this jail was the newest outpost for him. He handled a lot of his business there. After his sentence was served, he was released. He had slowly begun to deteriorate, until finally, he died of cardiac arrest. In his 48 years of being a well-known Mafia man, he had left his well-known marks all over. Capone has been remembered from all of the things he did. Although these were all bad, and he did nothing for the good, he is still remembered.

Cheap custom writing service can write essays on Al Capone: The myth the legend

Please note that this sample paper on Al Capone: The myth the legend is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Al Capone: The myth the legend, we are here to assist you. Your cheap research papers on Al Capone: The myth the legend will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Thursday, April 16, 2020


If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on marketing. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality marketing paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in marketing, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your marketing paper at affordable prices!

Jo Smith

MBA 515-Management

Dr. Little

December 4, 00

"Motivating Employees"

Businesses and organizations are increasingly implementing new and innovative incentive programs in order to motivate employees, increase productivity, and reduce absenteeism. One such company is International Paper (IP), a liquid packaging firm that manufactures juice and dairy cartons, located in Plant City, Florida. According to Sandy Smith (00), International Paper has recently begun using rewards and recognition programs in order to motivate its employees to pay greater attention to safety practices. Age-old trends of rewarding employees based on accident statistics are a thing of the past, according to Smith (00). Instead, IP is looking for ways to motivate its employees to improve safety practices at the plant.

According to Seth Marshall, President of Safety Pays Inc, "The point of motivational programs is to make the work force pay attention to the safety infrastructure" (Smith, 00, p. ). Thus, IP chose to implement incentive programs and rewards, which would hopefully help motivate employees to pay attention to standard safety practices. For instance, one such motivational tool is a "gain sharing", or profit sharing, program at the plant. Each employee earns a cash bonus for specific activities related to waste reduction and safety. For example, every month at IP, each employee is expected to conduct four safety observations of their co-workers. Each employee who completes the observations receives an additional 5 percent toward the profit-sharing amount. Further, if every employee at the plant conducts their observations, all employees receive yet another 5 percent.

In addition to gain-sharing programs, IP is working on other safety incentive programs, which aim to "recognize team performance utilizing injury and illness rates…Structured like a horse race, teams will ‘race' each other for points, and prizes will be awarded…"(Smith, 00, p.4). IP's safety incentive programs will include both monthly and quarterly grand prizes, such as vacation cruises. According to Theresa Childers, EHS coordinator at IP, "I can't tell you how much we're going to spend on [the incentive reward program], but it's substantial. The rewards are worth it" (Smith, 00, p.4). The rewards Childers speaks of are significant decreases in job-related accidents and injuries, as well as increased productivity and a reduction in absenteeism.

Although Childers believes that IP's incentive programs do indeed motivate employees to pay closer attention to safety procedures and hazards, some critics argue that such reward-based programs merely serve to keep injuries and accidents under-cover. That is, some managers believe incentive programs only motivate employees to hide their injuries in order to obtain rewards.

However, Mike Hadlow, president of US-Motivation in Atlanta, reviewed some recent findings that suggest incentive programs do indeed increase employee motivation. For instance

· Incentive programs aimed at individual workers increase performance by 7 percent

· Programs aimed at teams increase performance by 45 percent

· Incentive programs have an equal, positive impact on quality and quantity goals

· Long-term incentives are more powerful than short-term (44 percent gain v. 0 percent gain)

(Smith, 00, p. )

Thus, incentive programs clearly do have an impact on employee motivation. According to Buck Peavy, president of Peavey Performance Systems, "In theory, we shouldn't have to have incentive programs to motivate people to work safely. In reality, rewards and recognition will boost safe behavior and motivate people" (Smith, 00, p. ).

A second firm cited in Smith's article was West Valley Nuclear Services. Cathy Atkinson, administrator of the Pollution Prevention Program, came up with a new way to motivate employees to pay attention to pollution standards. For example, each employee received points for coming up with a pollution prevention idea, more points for developing a plan to implement the idea, and even more points for actually implementing the plan. Employees used these points to purchase products such as sporting equipments and gas grills. And, each quarter, like IP, West Valley had a grand prize drawing for employees with the most points, and usually gave away a vacation cruise.

According to Atkinson, "Our motivation program was extremely successful and the payback was substantial" (Smith, 00, p. ). For example, employee suggestions resulted in saving West Valley $. million over an 18-month period. One particular employee simply suggested saving energy by installing timers on the light switches. This suggestion saved West Valley $0,000 to $0,000. Other employees suggested ideas such as using recycled paper and buying "green" software. Apparently, the reward program both motivated employees and rewarded the firm as a whole.

Smith's article clearly conveys how successful incentive programs can really motivate employees with respect to many aspects of a firm's operations. Although the programs may indeed be costly, the benefits appear to exceed the costs, and result in a higher degree of employee motivation. Since employees are primarily increasing their inputs in order to obtain tangible gift-based rewards, as most other employees are doing, equity theory certainly applies to such firms as IP and West Valley. That is, the firms are not necessarily relying on classic motivational theories that suggest employees are motivated by a need for power, achievement or responsibility. On the contrary, the firms are aiming to increase employee inputs by providing tangible rewards. Expectancy theory also applies, with respect to performance-reward linkage. That is, if an employee truly desires the rewards that the firm offers, he or she can be expected to perform at a level that would provide the employee with such a reward. All in all, IP and West Valley's reward-based incentive programs do indeed appear to strongly increase motivation.


Smith, S. (00). "Safety incentive it's not just a breakfast anymore; coffee and donuts

are giving way to increasingly creative ways to motivate and reward employees

for their safety and environmental management efforts". Occupational Hazards.

June 00. Retrieved Nov. , 00 from


Please note that this sample paper on marketing is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on marketing, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on marketing will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment from and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

How can traffic congestion in the city be solved?

If you order your Cheap Custom Essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on How can traffic congestion in the city be solved?. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality How can traffic congestion in the city be solved? paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in How can traffic congestion in the city be solved?, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your How can traffic congestion in the city be solved? paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service! The problems of traffic congestion had rapidly increased in the last 0 years. It had especially grown geometrically in the last five years. In 10, there were 000 cars going into the city everyday but in 000, there were 10,000 cars going into the city everyday. That's not the only problem; there are also delays in travelling to and from a place. According to many commuters in lili, there has been a 0 minutes delay just to get into the city since 10. That's getting very serious. Pollution is also a major problem in the city. There are too many cars and all the exhaust emitting from cars is choking all of the plants. It is not only exhaust emission that is polluting the city but also the sound pollution, which is another problem.

Proposal 1- By-pass

45% of the cars going into the city are through traffic that means they are not stoping in the city. If we build a by-pass which is a road that goes around the city that we can educe a quite large number of cars going into the city. By-pass can also speed up the traffic for both the through traffic and the people that want to stop in the city. It can also give the city a fresher and clearer environment because there is not many exhaust emission and sound pollution and when there are not many cars and pollution, people will eventually feel better when they go shopping.

On the other hand, by-pass is a very expensive and very time-consuming project. Also during the time when the by-pass is constructing, there will be more congestion and inconvenience. By-pass is also at the same time adding more to original problem, as we only want to limit the numbers of cars going into the city, we don't want to build more roads so that people think is very convenient and encourage them to buy more cars. By pass is only a very short-term solution.

Help with essay on How can traffic congestion in the city be solved?

Proposal - Encourage public transport

We can improve and make more attractive public transport. We can also provide more services, better prices and deals. Public transport can reduce a very large number of cars from the traffic going into the city. Once again this can also reduce exhaust emission and sound pollution. If people are satisfied with the services of the public transport then they would relied on it and wouldn't have any intention of buying any more cars. This would reduce a vast number of cars. If people did relied on public transport then there will be more job opportunities because they would need to increased the number of trains, buses etc then they will need more people to drive and control the transportation

Please note that this sample paper on How can traffic congestion in the city be solved? is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on How can traffic congestion in the city be solved?, we are here to assist you. Your cheap research papers on How can traffic congestion in the city be solved? will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment from cheap essay writing service and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Costa RicaCome To Get Away

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Costa RicaCome To Get Away. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Costa RicaCome To Get Away paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Costa RicaCome To Get Away, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Costa RicaCome To Get Away paper at affordable prices! Costa Rica

Come To Get Away

Costa Rica is a small country located in Central America with Nicaragua

bordering it to the North and Panama to the South. Costa Rica has a population

of .6 million and is about 51 100 sq. km. Costa Rica is a gorgeous country

with great sights and amazing rain forests. Costa Rica is an ecotourists dream.

Costa Ricas capital city is San Jose and theres a major airport located

right in the city.

Costa Rica offers alot to do. The coutrys three most popular national

parks are

Poas National Park

Poas National Park offers two breathtaking crater sights. The first is

the Poas Volcano measuring 1.5 km across. This was once a very active

volcano dating back before the early 1800s. Tourists are not allowed down in

the crater but the view from above is still amazing. The second crater is a short

trek to the South away from the Poas Volcano and is name Botos. It is a smaller

version of its counterpart. This park is located The geysers are usually open

from 8am until 4pm. Admission to see the sites is approximately $6.00 US

funds per person.

Manuel Antonio National Park

This is a great tropical park. Is has alot to offer. There are alot of different

species of monkeys, plants, and lizards. You can take a rain forest tour, go for a

leisurely swim, lay by the beach and snack, or go snorkeling in the turquoise

ocean. This beauty of a National Park is located 181 km SouthWest of San

Jose. Its hours are 7am until 4pm with the generous admission of $6.00 the

same as Poas National Park.

Irazu National Park

The Irazu Volcano meaning thunder and earthquake mountain is the

highest vocanic mountain in Costa Rica at a staggering 4 metres high.

Standing on the Western side of this volcano you can see both the Pacific

Ocean and Caribbean Sea. This great crater is almost a perfect circle with a

lime green lake in the bottom which some days happens to be red. This is

a one of a kind site and would be a great pleasure to see. Irazu Park is

located 50km East of San Jose and the Parks hours are 8am until 4pm and

is well worth the $6.00 admission price.

What Else Is There To Do In Costa Rica?

What isnt there to do in Costa Rica is a better question! But since Im

only supposed to name three other attractions besides the gorgeous national

parks, lets start with golf.

Costa Rica golf fans have taken advantage of the great landscape

theyve been blessed with and turned it into amazing world class golf courses.

Take the Los Suenos Marriott Beach And Golf Resort for example, this

resort not only offers great hotel rates, tennis, horse riding, a spa, marina and

many other activities, but also a great scenic golf course. It is an 18 hole, par 7

golf course . It is conveniently located an hour and a half by car from San Jose.

Another golf course in Costa Rica is the Barcelo Los Delfines Golf &

Country Club. This is a nine hole course and is the most advanced in the

country. While taking on the course surrounded by forest you can hear the

peaceful sound of Ocean in the background. There are plans to add another

nine holes in the near future adding to the courses elegance.

Still not having fun? Why not go fishing? Costa Rica offers some of the

best fishing resorts in the world.

The Ocotal Beach Resort is considered one of the most superior fishing

resorts in the world. It offers 4 to 7 night stays and youre provided with food,

bait, a foot fishing boat, a place to stay, beer, soft drinks, and a mate all for

$1480 to $750. You have the rare opportunity to cath 100lb. plus fish every

month of the year.

One of the newest fishing lodges in Costa Rica that is quickly gaining

popularity is the Crocodile Bay Lodge. The fishing here is some of the best

in the country. The water temperature at Crocodile Bay averages out at about

80-8 degrees. You have a great chance to catch the big story teller at

Crocodile Bay. The rates are slightly more expensive than at Ocotal Beach


So you need one more activity to do as you stay in Costa Rica?

Why not take in the amazing wildlife of the country by going bird watching?

This activity could be pleasurable for all and you have a chance to see many

different species of birds that you cant see anywhere else.

Corcovado Lodge Tent Camp gives you a great chance to check out

gorgeous wildlife on their 18 acre rainforest reserve. It is located on the

Southern border of Corcovado National Park, home of the most diverse

environment in Costa Rica. You can stay at the camp for three days for

approximately $600 with many extras available. It is located very near to

Crocodile Bay.

Ecoplaya Beach Resort is a 4 star lodge that offers many other

activities as well as bird watching. You can tour along their half mile of

beach or take their nature trails. They have many different suites to stay in

to fit your needs all at very affordable prices. The resort is located 5 hours

away from San Jose and is right near Ocotal Beach Resort.

Above are just a few of the attractions to visit when you go to Costa

Rica. Other activities include canapy tours, scuba diving, bungee jumping,

butterfly watching, windsurfing, mountain biking, turtle watching, canyoning,

horse back riding, kayaking, rafting, surfing, and many others.

Who Goes To Costa Rica?

Alot of young adventure seekers go to Costa Rica to participate

in such things as rock climbing, kayaking, rafting, bungee jumping, scuba

diving and other more intense activities. They are ecostourists who want

to experience the beauty and features of the country. They are also

recreational tourists that just want to get away from it all.

Theres also and older generation that goes to Costa Rica to take

in the beauty and sites. You can call them ecotourists also. They are more

likely to go bird watching, turtle watching, site seeing, or just relaxing on

the beach.

Dos And Donts In Costa Rica


-visit sites and admire their beauty.

-learn as much as you can.

-clean up after you and yours.

-help the local economy.

-do what you can to keep the country beautiful.



-make alot of noise.

-vandalize anything.


-take more fish than you need when you fish.

-influence local culture.

-disturb or feed the wildlife.

Please note that this sample paper on Costa RicaCome To Get Away is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Costa RicaCome To Get Away, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Costa RicaCome To Get Away will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Monday, April 13, 2020

Comparative essay on the elements of fiction between "One Hundred Years of Solitude" and "The Secret Miracle"

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Comparative essay on the elements of fiction between "One Hundred Years of Solitude" and "The Secret Miracle". What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Comparative essay on the elements of fiction between "One Hundred Years of Solitude" and "The Secret Miracle" paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Comparative essay on the elements of fiction between "One Hundred Years of Solitude" and "The Secret Miracle", therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Comparative essay on the elements of fiction between "One Hundred Years of Solitude" and "The Secret Miracle" paper at affordable prices!

Both set in the midst of South American culture, ‘One Hundred Years of Solitude' by Garcia Marquez and ‘Ficciones' by Jorge Luis Borges, attempt to illustrate the nature that is humanity. While on the whole both stories are presented differently, similar factors were used to emit a similar feeling from the reader. With focus on the last few chapters on ‘One Hundred Years of Solitude' and on one short story in Ficciones, "The Secret Miracle", a more concise explanation can illustrate the different approaches the authors may have made in using the death of two central characters in either novel to conclude the book/short story.

Chapter 18-0 in One Hundred concludes the novel to the very last happenings in the town of Macondo and to the death and downfall of the Buendia family, the town's founding family. The last of the family line, Aureliano II finally fulfills his life-long pursuit of deciphering the parchments that was left by the gypsy, Melquiades, after he finds his child being eaten by the ants. In The Secret, the last few days of Jaromir Hladik is recounted after he is sentenced to death for charges no one really knew. As he spends his last few days, he asks God to grant him just one wish before he dies; and that is to give him just enough time to finish his last, and what he considers would be his greatest novel. The sense of imminent death is present in both these pieces, as the reader knew right from the beginning that these two characters were going to die. However, parallels can also be seen in the irony that comes with their deaths. Almost at the very instant they fulfill both their goals, they die.

This sense of irony put forth by both authors emphasize the ongoing theme that time is almost irrelevant in both novels. "(Aureliano II) saw the epigraph of the parchments perfectly placed in the order of man's time and space The first of the line is tied to a tree and the last being eaten by the ants….Melquiades had not put events in the order of a man's conventional time, but had concentrated a century of daily episodes in such a way that they coexisted in one instant." In the final pages of One Hundred, as Aureliano II is deciphering the parchments, he discovers that time in a sense has collapsed so that the entire history of his family and the town occurs in a simultaneous instant. While the book is written chronologically, there have been hints of overlapping stored throughout the book. AS if time is also occurring in circles and in spirals as you read it in linear form. Garcia illustrates this by constantly mentioning the ghost of past characters; which, together with the foreshadowing and description of the present happenings, bring the past the present and the future together. In The Secret, Borges plays with time in such a way that the reader does not fully understand just how long the piece takes place by. While throughout the short story mentioning dates uses definite time, it is in the very last instant, as Hladik is writing his novel, that time is played with. It is said that Hladik asks for an entire year from God in order to finish his work, however, no one really knew whether it was in fact a whole year that the time has stopped, because the time HAS in fact stopped. There was no way of measuring. A the end of the story, the reader is told that in fact, only a minute of conventional time has passed. This gives a sense of "time is what you make it to be" that Borges is trying to put forth.

The use of symbols is abundant in both pieces in helping the reader understand the incidents that are happening in the novel/short story. In the final prophetic scene of One Hundred, mirrors were once again mentioned (Macondo is decried as being a "city of mirrors" throughout the story). This is interesting because it is said that as Aureliano read about himself reading about himself and feels "as if he were looking into a speaking mirror". This indirectly ties in to the idea of infinity that is also presented in The Secret wherein Hladik writes a story within the story that the reader is reading within a book. This loop often lends to the idea of labyrinths, a theme that is prolific in a lot of Borges' work. It lends the element of pieces looping back upon them and upon reality, almost to undermine reason and put forth a sense of exaggeration. A technique that helps the reader not only question whether what is happening in the novel is possible but also question existence itself. Labyrinths are said to symbolize a long a difficult path, which is not far from the journeys that these two characters in each piece has taken, only ending in tragedy. Other symbols that were used in One Hundred during these last few chapters were the tornado that engulfs he town of Macondo, perhaps symbolizing the spirality of time; also the ants, not far from the bee that is used by Borges to symbolize death and professional advancement (to Hladik as a writer) in The Secret.

Order custom research paper on Comparative essay on the elements of fiction between "One Hundred Years of Solitude" and "The Secret Miracle"

An omniscient power (God in The Secret and Melquiades in One Hundred) is presented in both pieces by the authors, which, can be interpreted as introduction to the idea that things are predetermined; that what happens to us is beyond our control. Both Marquez and Borges attaches supernatural power to act as the pre-determiner of the pieces on the whole. God is asked for by Hladik to grant wishes, which as one would recall is what Melquiades also did in the beginning of the novel, granting Jose Arcadio whims. This gives both pieces a pessimistic view that man has no free will and that all actions are predetermined, however, it also emphasizes the dark nature of human existence. While this is not so much indicated in The Secret, an introduction to the character's religion, "…his blood was Jewish," briefly focuses on the incident of the holocaust and in a way lends to the dark nature of the story, especially since he was not even sure of the reasons to why he was arrested except of maybe his religion.

One prevalent aspect in both novels is the use of magic realism. Although realism and magic seem to be at first opposites, they can, however be combined and both are necessary in order to convey Borges' and Marquez's conception of the world. Magic realism conveys the idea that reality is incorporated with superstition, religion and supernatural beings. Many Latin American authors share this approach and in a way help shapes the piece. The act of reading is interpretation. With the input of several imaginative factors, it helps raise questions to the readers' mind. With this understanding that reading is subjective to a reader's interpretation, stories/novels can be created with tight structures with numerous meanings. And this leads to question what is real and what is not, forcing the reader to look at their own life.

Not only do all of these affect the final outcome of the pieces, it can also affect the way we, as readers, view our own lives. Both authors keep with the themes that they are familiar with in order to create two separate worlds with similar aspects. While it is difficult to not to look at literary pieces with the notion that they all have one predetermined meaning, it is not difficult to see the factors that make up whatever one interprets the meaning to be. One walks away from both these pieces with a sense of awe, perhaps because of the intricate worlds that these authors have created through irony, foreshadow, imagery, etc. But one really has to savor the ingenuity of the presentations of both these pieces and to ponder the questions they raise, which ultimately is what a novel/short story should achieve

Please note that this sample paper on Comparative essay on the elements of fiction between "One Hundred Years of Solitude" and "The Secret Miracle" is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Comparative essay on the elements of fiction between "One Hundred Years of Solitude" and "The Secret Miracle", we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Comparative essay on the elements of fiction between "One Hundred Years of Solitude" and "The Secret Miracle" will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Friday, April 10, 2020

Bipolar Illness

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Bipolar Illness. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Bipolar Illness paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Bipolar Illness, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Bipolar Illness paper at affordable prices!

Did you know there are many famous people from the past and the present who suffer from bipolar illness? People from history such as, Abraham Lincoln, Ludwig van Beethoven, Michelangelo, and Winston Churchill are just a few to mention. There are people in our present day, like Patty Duke, Connie Francis, Dick Cavett and Robin Williams. The one thing all these people have in common, is the legendary mark they have made in history and today. There were writers, actors, composers, artists, musicians, and scientists whose brilliance and creativity came from being bipolar.

Although being bipolar has a downside to it with symptoms of depression, the opposite side of it is the mania. When a person is in a manic state, he or she becomes extremely creative and flights of euphoria seem to take over their mind. But, as we all know, what goes up, must come down. The mania eventually leads a person into depression. There are several warning signs that lead a person into either a depression or manic state.

To explain this illness in more detail, bipolar disorder is a medical condition that affects a person¡¦s moods that can go from one extreme to another. Some common symptoms of mania are

Cheap University Papers on Bipolar Illness

„X feeling unusually euphoric or high (much like having an adrenaline rush)

„X having racing thoughts

„X having inflated feelings of power

„X feeling agitated

„X needing little sleep

Out of shear exhaustion from the mania, a person eventually becomes completely fatigued and washed out physically, mentally and emotionally. This leads into a deep depression. The common symptoms of depression are

„X feeling worthless

„X having very low energy (feeling slowed down)

„X diminished ability to think or concentrate

„X losing interest or pleasure in most activities

„X sleeping too much or suffering from insomnia

„X thoughts of suicide or attempting suicide

There are variable types of bipolar illness. The most prominent are Bipolar I, II and Cyclothymes. To explain these in some detail, I have listed the details below

Bipolar I ¡V Most people with this form of illness do outrageous things. They can go on spending sprees and buy big purchase items that they cannot afford or they don¡¦t need. They feel invincible and see no consequences for their behaviour. In full-blown, psychotic manias, a person loses all touch of reality and becomes delusional to the point of having hallucinations. Eventually deep depression hits them and loss of self-esteem, major fatigue, heart palpitations, queasy stomach, and feelings of hopelessness engulf them. At this point hospitalization is necessary to help in relieving a person.

Bipolar II ¡V People with this form of illness suffer recurring depressions, but there are no psychotic episodes. Instead, they have brief hypomanic periods, which make them feel somewhat euphoric and extremely self-confident. Their energy level is boundless. Unlike Bipolar I, this is a more toned down form of bipolar, which does not require hospitalization.

Cyclothymes ¡V This person has mild up and downs. The highs and lows only last a few days or weeks. They can start something with great enthusiasm but don¡¦t complete it. During their productive times, they can achieve remarkable things. They are known as rapid cyclers, like a car out of control and, at times, require hospitalization to stabilize the mood extremes.

Bipolar disorder has no age preference. It can strike a person in their teen-age years or as old as their 50¡¦s or 60¡¦s. It can be very devastating for a teen-ager if left undiagnosed. Having deflated self-esteem can cause them to drop out of school. This can lead to thoughts of suicide or attempting to do it.

There is treatment available for this illness. Long-term use of medication can stabilize the moods and depressions. Psychotherapy, electroconvulsive therapy and support groups are other options that can aid in recovery. Another important option is to become educated by reading books or materials that may help in understanding how to cope with it. A doctor may have informative literature to offer his patients and family members.

A family member will also need support to cope with a loved one with bipolar illness. The family doctor may be able to recommend a support group for family members. By becoming educated, the family can be more encouraging and understanding when their loved one has symptoms of mania or depression. They can also protect themselves from harm, due to violence or attempts of suicide, by calling 11.

In learning all there is to know about this illness, it is obvious that most people suffering from bipolar are remarkably brilliant and creative individuals. Without people like this, society would definitely miss out on many important events that took place in history. Beethovan composed great music. Abraham Lincoln was a profound and much admired president. Actors, like Robin Williams, demonstrate phenomenal extremes. He can play such complex characters with brilliant excellence. He has proven his success in several motion pictures.

My research on this illness has educated me to better understand some of my family members who also suffer from bipolar disorder. I have several cousins, both on my mother and father¡¦s side who are being treated for this illness. My deceased father was diagnosed with manic depression when he was forty years old, but refused to take medication for it. As family members, we had to deal with his extreme moods. It would have saved a lot of trouble for everyone if he just surrendered by taking medication. My son was diagnosed with Bipolar II at the early age of sixteen. I am very grateful that he was receptive to medication to relieve his symptoms. Today, he leads a more balanced life.

There is great stigma in society towards this illness. I believe that if people became educated about it, there would be less ridicule and judgement towards it. I know that I don¡¦t have any negative reservations towards my loved ones who live with this illness. How about you?

Books of Reference

Cronkite, Kathy. ¡§Conversations about Conquering Depression¡¨.

On the Edge of Darkness. New York Doubleday, 14

Duke, Patty and

Gloria Hochman. ¡§Living with Manic Depressive Illness¡¨.

A Brilliant Madness. New York Bantam Books, 1

Jamieson, Kay Redfield. ¡§A Memoir of Moods and Madness¡¨.

An Unquiet Mind. New York Random House Canada, 15

Styron, William. ¡§A Memoir of Madness¡¨

Darkness Visible. New York Random House Inc., 10

Please note that this sample paper on Bipolar Illness is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Bipolar Illness, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Bipolar Illness will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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A Slave Market in Africa

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on A Slave Market in Africa. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality A Slave Market in Africa paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in A Slave Market in Africa, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your A Slave Market in Africa paper at affordable prices!

Through the voice of a Dutch observer, the African slave market is described in high esteem. The Dutchman depicts the slave ships as providing a higher quality of life from what the slaves knew prior to their imprisonment. However, this man's portrayal of the slave trade is far from the truth.

Although the slave market in North America is most commonly remembered of all slave markets, traffic in slaves had existed for centuries before the arrival of the first European fleets along the African shore. The slaves used throughout Africa were mainly prisoners captured in battles with neighboring rivals. Slavery also existed in European countries before making its presence in the New World. But, with the discovery of the New World in the 140s came the subsequent planting of sugarcane in South America and the Caribbean Islands. The new plantations required more workers than could be provided by the small and inexperienced American Indian population in the New World. The European colonists were desperate for more laborers to toil in the brutal conditions of their sugarcane plantations.

As a solution to this problem, African slaves were shipped from the coasts and inland areas of Africa to labor in the New World. The new African slaves were somewhat less susceptible to European diseases than the American Indian population. This made the African slaves a much more desirable purchase. Altogether, between the early sixteenth century and the late nineteenth century, as many as ten million African slaves were transported to the Americas.

The Europeans were not the only people in support of the African slave trade. African intermediaries, such as private merchants, local elites, or trading state monopolies, were very active in the slave trade. Local monarchs in African states viewed the slave trade as a source of income. These elite Africans fully supported the slave trade because it boosted their own esteem. They were often paid in various types of imported goods, which included East Asian textiles, furniture, and other manufactured products. Although many of the actual slaves, and families of the slaves, were in much disagreement of the slave trade, they did not have the power to stop the process.

Custom Essays on A Slave Market in Africa

The slave trade, although it seemed very profitable at first to African elitists, had many dislocating effects. The importation of inexpensive manufactured goods from European countries diluted the establishment of local cottage industry and impoverished incalculable families. Political instability and civil strife intensified in Africa in response to the demand for slaves and the introduction of firearms. Although the coast of West Africa felt the greatest impact, almost all states who fell to the temptations of economic profit also contributed to the increase in conflict within their own state and amongst neighboring states.

Please note that this sample paper on A Slave Market in Africa is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on A Slave Market in Africa, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on A Slave Market in Africa will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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