Friday, May 29, 2020


If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Tobacco. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Tobacco paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Tobacco, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Tobacco paper at affordable prices!


" A bill of rights is what the people are entitled to against every government on earth, general or particular and what no just government should refuse." (Thomas Jefferson Smoking is the right of the consumer. If the consumer chooses to smoke, then that choice is non other then the consumer's. Just like we are entitled to our own opinions, we are entitled to our own rights. Many times, smoking has come up as a huge and involving issue. Compared to this century of having much disagreement, and controversy; in the sixteen hundreds, tobacco was so popular that it was regularly used as money. (http//www.buedu/COHIS) No one now, in 00, would use such a thing. But since tobacco was such a popular item, and many people around that time, often craved for it, it was a good source of income.

Around 184, cigarettes became very poplar and in style. ( On the other hand, smoking and tobacco companies have had its twisting and turning. Many people frown upon those who smoke, for the non-smokers find it tasteless and unappealing. As for those who have long since been smoking, they cannot help but continue. Nicotine is a very addictive but yet satisfying activity that is a hard habit to break. Prohibition was the banning of alcohol in the 10`s and before. Prohibition failed greatly because the addiction to alcohol was so high. Just like prohibition failed, so would banning smoking. Both are an addictive behavior and both would fail to ban. ( Just because someone makes a law, doesn't mean that its right, and just because it's a law, doesn't mean the rest of the world will follow it. There are many who drink, smoke, drive, etc. all under age. All of those acts have laws against them, yet so many choose to ignore those laws and proceed in their life. For an example; Driving is an act that someone is entitled to. It is their right to drive. Driving such as smoking are both a hazzard. Driving could easily kill someone else, or injure someone else. The government seems not to understand, that it is the consumer`s RIGHT to smoke, just like it is their right to go driving when they need/want to.

People today seem to be finding more and more effects of secondhand smoke. The portion of the public, whom choose not to smoke, should not have to be exposed to secondhand smoke. Second hand smoke is dangerous but occurs in many public places. Secondhand smoke was found to cause lung cancer by Surgeon General in 18. ( In 187, Congress banned smoking on all flights lasting more than two hours because of these high risks it took. Even by 16, had the United States started to take serious action, by making it illegal (law) to smoke in public places.(

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You cannot prove smoking is a harmful activity because you can't prove a negative. (, Johnson, Jonathan Dallas) Tobacco companies require a lot of workers. They give many jobs to women who cannot find jobs elsewhere. For the many people in this world that have just gotten out of a rehab center for alcoholism etc. many turn to smoking, because it is a very relaxing way to relieve stress or tension.

Back in 10, a ban on alcohol was attempted. It failed greatly for many found how addictive alcohol is (alcoholics.) Smoking however is just as addictive as alcohol. ( If the government were to try and put a ban on smoking in public areas etc. I highly doubt that anyone that had been smoking for more than one year would stop "cold turkey." Although smoking has been more accepted in today`s society, there are still very many people that have their strong disagreements about it.


It is the people`s and public`s right to stay smoke- free, especially in public places. Secondhand smoke is harmful and the public is entitled to their safety. It is a proven fact that cigarette smoke accounts for thirty percent of all heart disease deaths.

On the other hand, we know nicotine is in the process of smoking. Nicotine is the leading ingredient that people most often, would think would cause the heart disease and would attack the heart and make you crave more. A proven study was shown that while smoking a cigarette, only a little allows its way into the bloodstream.(http// "Action on Smoking.")

While snoring is one of the less complicated and less dangerous effects of smoking, it is still a problem associated with smoking. Many sleepless nights and damaged passage ways for airflow because of the number of cigarettes smoked, is something almost every smoker deals with. Yet, we have all seen the ads in the papers on the television in magazines etc. about cures for snoring. Patches, surgery, exercises, positions to sleep in at night, etc.

It is the smokers RIGHT to smoke. If they choose to smoke, then so be it. Non-smokers are not to say whether or not a smoker can smoke or not. It isn't their body. A woman died at age one hundred twenty- five and smoked up until she was one hundred and twenty- three. A man died at age one hundred and two, from old age, and smoked almost every day of his life, compared to a man fifty years of age, died and never smoked once. If the public has such a problem with passive smoking, then don't resort to that public place.

There have been many times through out history when smoking has come up as a big issue and, has had up roaring action taken upon, and against the danger of smoking. Many people say, how dangerous it is, yet only know from what they've read, seen, or heard. But experience, is how you really find out. People say that the smoking ads for the various types of brands of smoking encourage young adults to smoke, and gain and unhealthy lifestyle. Concluding that this may be the simplest form of conclusion is not so. The smoking ads in reality are ads to entice smokers to switch to their brands. A survey was taken of one hundred and twelve middle school students, and only two out of the hundred and twelve students raised their hand to the question whether or not an ad has ever enticed them to smoke.

Free- choice is a magazine sent out with information from and organization called, Forest. They send out useful information for those who agree that it is the consumer's choice and right to do what they want to their body. Surveys, documents, general information, etc. are all included in this magazine. Many smokers depend upon to get their information. The OSH society is a smoking control agency. It relates to people with questions on smoking related topics. ( It can be reached at 470 Buford highway, NE Atlanta, GA 041-74. The Cigarette Pack Collectors is a group which follows the tobacco industry trends and gives people a forum or exchanges stories as well as swapping packs. The newsletter is published six times a year. (

Rights 1. Qualities that constitute what are correct, just, proper, or honorable. . Something to which one has a just or lawful claim. By banning smoking in all public places is something unjust, which will hopefully never again be an issue. I have a great apprehension, that people have a problem and disagreement to the fact where people have their rights, and it is the nonsmoker's right to stay smoke free… But where there is a simple problem, there is a simple solution. If the nonsmoker has a problem with the smoke, leave. No one is making that person stay. Allowing a person to smoke in a work place, etc. would be an act of justice, but we don't have a just society.

Please note that this sample paper on Tobacco is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Tobacco, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Tobacco will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Descartes and Elizabeth

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Descartes and Elizabeth. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Descartes and Elizabeth paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Descartes and Elizabeth, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Descartes and Elizabeth paper at affordable prices!

Descartes and Elizabeth

Though Descartes adequately explains the functions of his practical philosophy in the control of the passions using reason, Elizabeth of Palantine more successfully shows the impractical use of reasons in relation to the passions in civil and family life. Descartes' basis is reason. It can be used to control the passions and lead to truth. The passions need to be controlled because if they are, true happiness is found and pain can be avoided. Elizabeth argues with this in explaining that only a person with an infinite knowledge of these passions and reason can succeed in this mastery of the passions and it isn't useful in the everyday life of everyday people.

Descartes argues that one should base their ideas of truth and what exists on reason and not experience. He claims that reason is the foundation for everything we should believe is real. When we base our beliefs on cause and effect we basically base them on experience because cause and effect are merely derived from experience. But there is no reason to believe that our experiences should be consistent with the past. Experience cannot give us truth to what will happen, only what is likely to happen, only an estimate of the future. He claims that it is not experience that should aide in your ideas of the world, but reason . We connect this to Descartes idea of the passions. He says that you must use reason to control your passions and in doing so you will be happier because you can control each aspect of the passions, both good and evil. Descartes argues that a person is an entangled web of passions that are the key to thought. Each passion has the ability to warp rational thought. He believes that each passion can be based on the body and its reaction, the way the heart beats, the blood pumps, and the muscles ache. He believes that if one truly understands these passions they can learn to control them which is the key to happiness and relief of the painful emotions. If a person can control the passions they will only allow the good to get through and avoid evil. This is the key to knowledge.

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The main passions are wonder, love, hate, desire, joy and sadness. Descartes believes that each has a separate result from the body. Some cause your heart to beat faster, while some cause your muscles to tense and ache. To regulate these passions the first step is to use reason to understand each physical aspect of them. His whole basis is to keep rational thought even through experiencing passions. One of his most convincing descriptions of controlling the passions is keeping morality which pertains to the passion of desire. He says to control this desire you must only desire the things that are good for you and only desire what depends on your actions, your own free will. To truly believe this you must believe that everything outside of your free will is Gods will and you have no control. Another point he makes about the passions is based on generosity and its counterpart, pride. One who is generous is confident in themselves and willing to give to others because they are secure in what they have. On the other hand pride is not good for the persons soul. It is based on others being less than you and comparing yourself to them. Pity relates to this as well in that pity is only sadness for another because you are thankful that you aren't going through the same thing. Pity is based on believing you are better and not that you are happier. Descartes adds to these passion with sadness, especially when it comes to death. In a letter to a friend who's wife passed away he explains "a soul that is strong and generous, like yours, knows too well to what condition God has made us born into to wish by any ineffectual wishes to resist the necessity of his law... even those who go to their death for the good of persons they love seem happy at the last moment of their life" (Nye, p ). He is saying that if one controls their sadness with reason and prevents all disagreeable emotions they will achieve clear rational thought and true happiness. If one can look ahead using reason to see the result of the passions, they can control the outcome.

Elizabeth makes good points against Descartes argument about the passions, which causes doubt in the minds of the reader She complains that one cannot truly know the reaction of the body to the passions because the body reacts to so many things at once how is one know which is which. If you can't understand the passions in their entirety how can you have good reason to believe them as true passions and therefore control them? She gives an example of her confusion, "love is always accompanied by desire and joy, or desire and sadness... How is it then possible to tell the different beating of the pulse, the different digestions of meats, and other changes of the body, which serve to reveal the nature of these movements (Nye, p ). She looks at herself to discuss the difference, she claims that sadness will cause excessive eating to one person, but lack of eating to another. To continue her argument she begins to tear apart Descartes' idea of how to control these passions, and whether or not it is possible. She says that there are so many things in life, an infinite number, that one cannot even come close to anticipating every thing. Reason alone can't help to differentiate which actions will be useful. She also wonders "how (can) we prevent desiring with ardor things which tend necessarily to survival (like health, and the means to live) which nevertheless do not in fact depend on free will" (Nye, p 4). How do we really know good and evil if we can't anticipate all that will happen? Reason alone can't do this. She believes that although Descartes' philosophy may relate to himself, an intellectual, it would be very little use to others in life with respect to family and politics.

Elizabeth makes an excellent point here. Descartes puts himself in a life outside of the real world, secluded from everyone around him. Although Elizabeth realizes that she is not the average person either, she isn't claiming that she is right, only that Descartes isn't. The knowledge of family and political life has aided Elizabeth in the realization that "to evaluate goods, it is necessary to be completely acquainted with them and to be acquainted with all those among which we must choose in an active life would require an infinite science" (Nye, p 58). Elizabeth has a broader view of life seeing how people act gives her an advantage over Descartes. Her point about infinite things gives good reason to doubt Descartes. If we are supposed to evaluate every possible outcome of our passions to control them it will be difficult when looking at all the possibilities. Elizabeth makes a good point in that it is difficult to differentiate between a passion and indigestion, and each person probably has a different reaction to each passion than the next person.

Descartes' argument for using reason, the foundation to his practical philosophy, in the role he gives to the passions seems good from the initial standpoint but when Elizabeth analyzes his belief she does an excellent job of causing skepticism towards his arguments. In another letter to Descartes Elizabeth claims that under her own experience she has found sometimes using experience to understand life is more beneficial than using reason. For people who aren't very rational Descartes practical philosophy isn't very practical.

Please note that this sample paper on Descartes and Elizabeth is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Descartes and Elizabeth, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Descartes and Elizabeth will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Wednesday, May 27, 2020


If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on descriptive. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality descriptive paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in descriptive, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your descriptive paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service! Running up the hillside, I realized my life was soon to end. It was much like a scene from some big Hollywood movie. I was flashing back in my mind the life I had lived. I staggered willfully to excel with more speed than a turtle seasoned with one hundred years of life. My bloodied and wounded leg would not hold much longer with the quickly made makeshift splint. This was the end, it was time to give up, I had met my final demise.

Life had not always been so much on the edge for me. I was your average young scientist, filled with curiosity and obsessed with my work. It was not really my style to be a "hands on" field scientist, but I could simply not refuse an opportunity presented like none other. For centuries talk about a missing evolutionary link has been cooked up and then placed into the mainstream media so that some perverse people could go in search of this red herring of a tale. Sasquatch and the lock-ness monster are only a few of the creatures that were created in the minds of foolish people searching for an answer. The study would be strictly scientific to research some odd occurrences at the Arctic. As most citizens of the earth know, the world has been experiencing global warming for the last twenty years. The warming has been significantly altering the environment of our glacial land areas, but this would be truly unforeseen.

The vessel's diesel engines screamed to propel the red painted underbelly of the S.S. Ice-Cruiser through the concrete hardened water. The vessel was designed for arctic ice-breaking adventures and was key to getting us to the normally unreachable plains of the inner Arctic. The light dazzled over the vast whiteness of the Arctic's stretching tundra. Only a bright blur of nothingness could be seen for miles. As the crew and I stepped upon the wicked and unforgiving glacial floor, we all felt the uneasy disturbance that came through the ground and trembled through our bodies. We all stood still and then in unison uttered the words "MY GOD". We looked in the direction of the disturbance to find rather than cold vast frozen tundra, an appealing lush plateau with beautiful trees and foliage. It was as if we were in the depths of a frozen hell looking tearfully towards a heavenly body consisting of a tropical setting.

We had established a proper encampment on the outer edge of the tropical environment. This was scientifically insane, the environment only twenty feet away was a frozen -45 degrees Fahrenheit and where we were it was a perfect 80 degrees. Impossible by all mainstream thought, but it was here for all to see. We had constructed the mobile labs complete with all of the necessary equipment to observe and monitor the environment. The morning had begun like any other tropical day; the sun arose to bring a morning mist that would nurture the surrounding plant life. Droplets of water danced playfully on the large leaves supported by the enormous green foliage. It was simply serene, that was until the noises began. It went through your body and reminded you that death was near. A call not heard for centuries, a shriek in which all evil is derived; the sound of everything and nothing, impossible to describe. The sound was something that should only be heard if you are knocking on the door to hell.

Cheap Custom Essays on descriptive I awoke with fright. My extremely vivid dreams of those devilish ramblings helped me rise immediately from my slumber. As I would soon experience this day would be one seared into my memory for an eternity. The team and I set out into the field to try and discover where the noises had been coming from. Odd, no singing of birds, no rustling of small animals, complete silence. It was like nothing I had ever experienced before; it was as if everything was dead and gone. Eerie to say the least of the situation, but we all tried hard to ignore the disturbing enigma. Suddenly to our left it had made its appearance. The animal was standing at a still halt with its chest was resting upon the canopy of the probable 80 meter vertical tree line. My God, this creature was insanely enormous. Thoughts of the tumultuous Abominable Snowman rushed through my mind like what I used to watch in my youth on Sunday morning cartoons, but this animal was actually standing before me. Its feet were twisted and ugly like ground beef with an odor of being rotten for months. They were proportional to a small school bus. The legs jutted out from the remaining body like two high-rise buildings. They looked to be human like in appearance, but were some five hundred times larger. The monster was completely covered with tufts of very coarse hair like that of a Scottish terrier. The legs drew up to a torso that displayed a fairy tale dragon muscular structure that rippled and flexed with every movement. The shoulders were grossly wide and dawned excessively muscular extremities that gleamed in the sunlight. The face was severely disturbing, alien-like in its shape being pointy and oversized in proportion to the rest of the body. My legs moved in natural reaction and immediately the three eyes zeroed in on my location. It must have been thinking that I was the weakest and puny specimen of an animal that it had ever seen. I could see the pool of saliva forming around the beast's outer lips as it stared me down like a juicy piece of filet mignon. I began to run for high ground, but soon my ankle met with a stray log on the ground. It was broken. I used some bark and vine to mend it quickly, but the monster was gaining effortlessly. And suddenly I here a pfffft, like what you hear in the movies of a silenced gun. The beast fell to the ground with a tremendous thud revealing the remainder of my team aiming the sedative releasing dart gun. It was over, we had conquered the beast.

Please note that this sample paper on descriptive is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on descriptive, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on descriptive will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Tuesday, May 26, 2020


If you order your Cheap Custom Essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on eisenstein. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality eisenstein paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in eisenstein, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your eisenstein paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service! Sergi Eisenstein 1188-1480 was a Russian filmaker well nown for polititcal persausain and fine art. Eisenstien has made many contributions to modern film. He shaped the socail and artistic potential of cinema by combing realistic narrative with symbolic imagery.

Eisenstein used the tchnique of montage, the assembling of cinematic shots in rapid successions. He used different angels and views to manipulate human emotion. His geometric composistions arre never static. The individual shots are full of dynamic movements. He does edit the shots together but sees each frame as a unit with dynamic charge of one frame into conflict with the charge of the next. Although the central character of Eisensteins films are the mass, he never forgets that the mass consist of individuals. He invariably shows the viewer the impassioned faces of men and women.

In his film the Battleship of Potemkin (15), he uses all of these techniques. The theme gets its flesh from Eisensteins depicition of the people who embody it.

In the first act Men and Maggots the workers meat is infested with maggots. The Czarist doctor looks at the meat closely with his glasses to magnify and claims the meat is wholesome. Eisenstien stresses the workers pain by filming the muscles of a workers back as he sobs.

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In the second act, the men rfuse to admit their food is edible and rebell. This leads to a violent sequence and finally the ship belongs to the workers. One sailor has been killed in the battle that leads to the third act, Appeal from the Dead. The workers fil pass it as his body lies in state on the shore. This section of the film moves very slowly as Eisenstein emphazes how the dead mans actions touches and unites the people of Odessa. He evokes our sympathies with loving shots of the sorrowing faces.

In the fourth act, Odessa Steps, Eisenstein creates the horror of the slaughter with the individual reactions of the people of Odessa. The workers race out to the Potemkinin their boats carrying food to the workers on the ship. Other Odessans watch and wave from the shore. Suddenly, Czarist troops open fire at the men, women, children, and old. A mothers son was shot and falls on the steps. People are walking on him. Eisenstien closely focuses on the little boys hand as people are stepping on him.

In the fifth act everyone reunites. Both ships are waving to eachother and cheering because they were not ordered to fight eachother. As a viewer i was relieved to see this that there would not be another battle and innocent lives lost. The sailors looked so happy and grateful to not have fought. Unlike the Odessa Steps where it leaves you in such a rage and upset at the same time. But i think that was what Esenstein was trying to do. To feel what the charactors were feeling.

Please note that this sample paper on eisenstein is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on eisenstein, we are here to assist you. Your cheap research papers on eisenstein will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment from cheap essay writing service and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Monday, May 25, 2020

Cult Of True Womanhood (The Yellow Wallpaper)

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Cult Of True Womanhood (The Yellow Wallpaper). What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Cult Of True Womanhood (The Yellow Wallpaper) paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Cult Of True Womanhood (The Yellow Wallpaper), therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Cult Of True Womanhood (The Yellow Wallpaper) paper at affordable prices!

Cult of True Womanhood

Prior to the twentieth century, men assigned and defined women's roles. A woman was thought to be incapable of caring and making decisions for herself without a man to guide her. In the story, The Yellow Wallpaper, the author, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, delineates the life of an intelligent, young woman who is a wife and mother. She assumes her role as the nurturing mother, yet is submissive and passive to the patriarchal head. The lady suffers from a psychiatric disease that makes her hallucinate, anxious, and depressed. The patriarchal head, John, is a physician and assumes full responsibility for his wife's care and diagnosis. The main character's older brother, whom is also a physician, makes a prognosis that concurs with John's, thus leaving her no choice but to subject herself to the torment of the yellow wallpaper room. The reader presumes that John is not a psychiatric doctor by the side comment the main character makes "John is a physician, and perhaps that is one reason I do not get well faster."(p. 704) John's treatment for his wife's disorder is The Rest cure. The medical profession's godlike attitude in "The Yellow Wallpaper" demonstrates man's arrogance during this time period toward the strength and vitality of women. The Rest cure prescribed entails "phosphates or phosphates-whichever it is, and tonics, and journeys, and air, and exercise, and am absolutely forbidden to "work" until I am well again."(p. 705) The mental disorder in the lady's head is permitted to continue and manifest in its solitude. As a result of the wife's submissiveness and obedience to her husband's "Rest Cure", her disorder becomes increasingly worse. A psychiatric disorder left untreated will manifest and become deeper rooted within the victim's mind.

The Yellow Wallpaper reflects the idea of the Cult of True Womanhood, which binds women to the home and family. John "imprisoned" his wife in a house set in the countryside, miles from family, friends and society in general. Women of this time were constricted to the set parameters that men determined. When the mentally-distressed woman first arrives at her dwelling abode, she describes it as "The most beautiful place!"(p. 704) Through the narrator's description, we obtain an image of an almost prison-like building. Women were conditioned to accept the boundaries set by their husbands and remain in place, in the private sphere. The narrator is treated as a prisoner by her husband. "It is quite alone, standing well back from the road quite three miles from the village."(seclusion) "there are hedges and walls and gates that lock" (locked in) "and lots of separate little houses for the gardeners and people."(guard shacks)(p. 705). She is not allowed to sleep in the room that she wishes to because John must be by her side throughout the duration of the night, "He said there was only one window (in order to keep watch of the prisoner) and not room for two beds, and no near room for him if he took another."(p. 707) John even makes excuses that seem credible as to why his wife must stay in the nursery, "I was to have perfect rest and all the air I could get. So we took the nursery at the top of the house."(p.707) The "enforcer" believes that by restraining his wife and keeping her away from the public sphere she well improve physically and mentally.

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Women played the role of nurturer and housekeeper. Social stability was maintained by women who were dedicated to the welfare of home and family. The main character feels even more nervous and depressed because she is not able to fulfill her "duties" as mother and wife, "It is fortunate Mary is so good with the baby"(p. 705). She feels worthless because she is not the one caring for her child. Men imposed the idea on women that they were emotional servants that must follow their guidelines and remain within the home. Those who stepped outside of the "home" sphere and into the "public" sphere where "they did not belong" were looked upon by society as outcasts. Women attempted to overthrow the traditional definition of women's roles but faced much confrontation. Just as the author Charlotte Perkins Gilman struggled to throw off the constraints of patriarchal society in order to be able to write, the main character feels pressured to hide her writing, "I did write for a while in spite of them; but it DOES exhaust me a good deal--having to be so sly about it, or else meet with heavy opposition"(p. 707). She conceals her writing in a desk drawer so that the housekeeper will not find the emotional journal entries she makes expressing the frustration and imprisonment she feels. It is against the incredible pressure exerted by men to retain control that women had to agitate.

John believes that his wife's recovery depends on her willingness to get well. He views her illness as a personal fault, she chooses to be exhausted and mentally drained at all times. "John does not know how much I really suffer. He knows there is no REASON to suffer, and that satisfies him."(p. 708) The narrator shows how although she has a formed opinion (and probably successful idea for her treatment), she is still swayed by her husbands direction, I sometimes fancy that in my condition if I had less opposition and more society and stimulus--but John says the very worst thing I can do is to think about my condition, and I confess it always makes me feel bad."(p. 706) The wife is submissive to her husband's word and actually believes his prognosis that it is not a mental disorder and rather self-induced, "Of course it is only nervousness"(p. 705). John makes his wife feel guilty for not performing her role as wife and mother, "It does weigh on me so not to do my duty in any way!"(p. 705) She feels as if she impends on John's life, "I meant to be such a help to John, such a real rest and comfort, and here I am a comparative burden already!" (p. 705) She believes that her mental illness is her fault and that she can, if she chooses to; control her outrage and actions, "I get unreasonably angry with John sometimes. I'm sure I never used to be so sensitive. I think it is due to this nervous condition."(p. 708) John drills the notion into his wife's head that she lacks self-control. She "take's pains to control herself" and ends up feeling exhausted. As a result of the husband's lack of emotional capacity and insensitivity, the narrator's recovery is hampered. A mental disorder is a disease that must be treated and is by no means self-induced.

The Yellow Wallpaper presents a very interesting perspective of how a man can influence and control a womans life from a feminist point of view. The narrator's condition is treated by the insensitive husband as a personal issue that can be managed. Through the author's usage of diction and personification of the wallpaper as an imprisoning force, we see rather the sanity of the main character and the insanity infringed on her. Just as a physical disease must be diagnosed and treated, a mental disorder must be cared for. Obviously, any person isolated in a room with yellow wallpaper would be driven to insanity. Clearly, the "Rest Cure" prescribed by John was ineffective. The lack of stimulation and society engagement allowed the mental disorder to grow and overtake the narrator's mind.

Please note that this sample paper on Cult Of True Womanhood (The Yellow Wallpaper) is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Cult Of True Womanhood (The Yellow Wallpaper), we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Cult Of True Womanhood (The Yellow Wallpaper) will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Thursday, May 21, 2020


If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on fantasy. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality fantasy paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in fantasy, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your fantasy paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service! Kari let her legs dangle over the edge of the ship as she stared out to the horizon. Clear skies, calm seas, and nothing to do--this was not exactly her idea of a good time. The warm sun glinted off of her dragon skin bodysuit, casting iridescent shadows that swayed about on the deck in time with the ships gentle rocking. One of the crewmen walked by, he was a gruff, dirty fellow with a scraggly beard and a patch over his left eye. Kari smiled warmly to him, but he responded by giving her a wide berth. With a sigh, she stared back out at the limitless expanse of water.

She got out a bible and started reading

Then god said, glet us make humankind in our image, according to our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle and over all the wild animals of the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon earth.h

So god created humankind in his image, in the image of god he created them; male and female he created them.

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She told her self, why this canft be true. Why do we have to live hidden scared of the animals that out ran this world? The world was opposite to what the bible had told. Humankind did not have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle and over all the wild animals. We were the lowest and the weakest species living in this world. For more than a thousand years, it has been like this. Human kinds have been trying to defeat and take over the world from the beasts, but they are furious and evil.

Kari stepped onto the forbidden land Gayer. She took a mighty step onto the land and saw the shadow of the ship behind her flying away into the safety of the water far away from the land as the sails could take them. From here on, she was all by herself, and she had to protect herself from any blood pumping animals which would love to byte into her flesh. She walked through the dark forest; eyes wide open, making sure that nothing was near her. She did not want to encounter any beast on her way to the castle. She had to get there fast as possible, she had to urgently get to the castle and see the king who was suffering from a poison which was circling through out his body. Fourteen days ago, the castle was attacked by the beasts of the forest and in the battle; the king was poisoned by the evil monsters of the forest. That is all that Kari knows, but she had to get to the castle right away, and she didnft have any time to waste with any animals on the way. But luck wasnft on her side today, because from no where a Lionous had showed up, and was staring right at Kari. She drew her sword, from her waist and held it up in the air, waiting for the Lionous. Lionous was a large looking lion, around a size of an elephant. All the animals have been mutated after a rain of rocks came down from heaven. She held her sword tight and started charging at the beast, yelling her lungs out, screaming with hate. She swung her sword and the beasts head separated from the body as if it was never connected.

The head of the beast slowly dragged down from the body and bolted down onto the ground. Blood sprinkled everywhere; the forest was a strawberry jam. She cleaned off the blood, splatted on her sword. She wiped it clean using the leaves on the tree. She places her sword back into the case and started walking toward the beast which just tried to rip her open. She knelt down and ripped out its tongue, just by using her hands. She tore it out and started heading off again. She kept and kept walking trying to get to the castle. And after her long walk thought the forest, she finally found the castle. She immediately run to the gate of the castle, and told the guards that she was here to see the king. They guards kindly let her through and escorted her to where the king laid. The priest spoke, the kind has been poisoned by the beasts in our last attack by the beasts. The king is dying fast, but there is nothing we can do. We have tried to go the Crukule mountain, where a special herb exists, but that is where the beast lay. We have sent many solider there to recover the herb, but none of them us ever returned to this castle. We do not know the where about of these soldiers. We are guessing that the beasts have killed them.

gSo what we want you to do is, to go and find us the herb. The king will not last much longer, so you must hurry,h the priest said.

She looked at the king and ran out back in to the forest. She ran, and ran as fast as her legs would take her. She never looked back and ran right thorough the forest.

After a long hour of running. She finally made it to the cave of the mountain. At the far end of the cave was where the herb grew, she had to get there as quickly as possible, and if she could, she wanted to get there without a fight. She walked in. And where ever she looked there was blood and bones of the soldiers would had tried to fight through. She kept walking inside, and without any warning, beasts started coming out and started assailing her. She had no time to waste; she drew her sword and cut through each and one of the beasts which were in her way, like a boat cutting through the water. She kept running, running through the beasts, blood pouring out like a fountain, cries echoing inside, nothing stopped her way.

She finished slaying all the beasts, except for one at the end, which was not like all the others. It was staring at her eyes waiting to kill her. She had to get through the beasts; she ran at the beast and started fighting with the beasts. It was much stronger than the other one which she fought with. It was much stronger. After a long battle against it, Kira won. She had stabbed the beastfs right through the head with her sword. All she had to do was find the herb, which lay in front of her and take it back to the king.

Please note that this sample paper on fantasy is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on fantasy, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on fantasy will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Shakespeare's Interwoven Classical Sources in Midsummer Night's Dream

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Shakespeare's Interwoven Classical Sources in Midsummer Night's Dream. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Shakespeare's Interwoven Classical Sources in Midsummer Night's Dream paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Shakespeare's Interwoven Classical Sources in Midsummer Night's Dream, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Shakespeare's Interwoven Classical Sources in Midsummer Night's Dream paper at affordable prices!

In a Midsummer Night's Dream, as well as in his other works, Shakespeare has referred to several classical sources. Through this process of rewriting and "modernization," the classics are kept alive. In this particular work, the four main stories can be tied together by works such as Ovid's Metamorphoses and Chaucer's Canterbury Tales.

The story of the quarrel between Oberon and Titania, the King and Queen of the Fairies can be linked to the romances of the four youths, Lysander, Demetrius, Hermia, and Helena because they both drew from the Metamorphoses. Hermia swears "By the simplicity of Venus' doves," taking us back to the silver doves that drew the love-goddess away in the final stanza of Shakespeare's narrative poem based on the Metamorphoses. She also swears "by Cupid's strongest bow, by his best arrow with the golden head," an explicit allusion to the first book of the Metamorphoses. Hermia, then, is swearing her love for Lysander by Apollo's love for Daphne. The quarrel is also interwoven with the Metamorphoses because the name "Titania" is derived from Ovid, where it refers to a range of goddesses of the night.

The stories of the wedding between Theseus and Hippolyta and the preparations and performance of a play by local, common men can also be connected by the Metamorphoses. The play, an Ovid story of Pyramus and Thisbe, was performed at the wedding of Theseus and Hippolyta. Pyramus and Thisbe, Salmacis and Hermaphroditus are book four of the Metamorphoses. Clearly, Shakespeare derived this love story from Ovid and incorporated it into Midsummer Night's Dream.

The wedding between Theseus and Hippolyta can also be interwoven with the story of the four romances between Lysander, Demetrius, Hermia and Helena. They both play a part in Chaucer's "The Knight's Tale." In lines 10-11, it states, "There wedded he the queen, Hippolyta, and brought her home with his to his country." The character of Theseus is also included in lines 645-646 where it states, "With Theseus and his squire principal, is risen, and looks on the merry day." The literary source of the romance of the young lovers in Theseus' charge is also "The Knight's Tale" in the Canterbury Tales. Initially, Shakespeare's chosen sources appear confusing, but upon examination, it becomes clear as to his ties and his intentions for them.

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Please note that this sample paper on Shakespeare's Interwoven Classical Sources in Midsummer Night's Dream is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Shakespeare's Interwoven Classical Sources in Midsummer Night's Dream, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Shakespeare's Interwoven Classical Sources in Midsummer Night's Dream will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!