Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Uncle Tom's Cabin

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Chapter 1- This book sort of opens with two men talking about slave trade. I dont understand why people have the nerve to talk about trading people like they were baseball cards. When slaves were traded, families were broken up, and I would be miserable if I couldnt be with my family.

Chapter - In this chapter, a slave named George invented a machine for cleaning hemp. Instead of his master being proud of him, his master says let a nigger alone....and theyll invent labor-saving machines. I dont like the way that they say the word nigger. Its really offensive, but I guess that is how it was back then.

Chapter - This is the chapter that George tells Eliza, his wife, that he has decided to try to escape to Canada. He says that his master has worked him too hard for too long. He says to look out for their son Harry. Harry is male, and when fate strikes, it will pierce through Elizas soul.

Write your Uncle Tom's Cabin research paper

Chapter 4- This chapter introduces Uncle Tom. I think that Unlce Tom and his wife sound like nice people. It explains how George Shelby, the masters son, is teaching Tom to read and write. I think that it is sad how we take for granted that we go to school and can actually read and write. Blacks hardly ever knew how to do these things.

Chapter 5- Tom is sold along with little Harry. I dont know how people can sell other people because no one owns any one else. I dont know why the blacks just didnt over power the whites and take control of everything. That would have been my plan.

Chapter 6- Eliza escapes with her son and husband. I would be so thankful because I know that my mother would do something like that for me if I were in that situation. She is such a great women and I love her so much!

Chatper 7- While running away, Eliza cannot eat because she is in so much fear. I think that if I was on the run, and if I got caught and would be killed, I would not eat either. Its all too much to take in, in my opinion.

Chapter 8- There is ice in the river that they need to cross. Eliza is lost on what to do. She goes to the house of a kindly housewife. I am so glad that I have great friend that I too could go to in hard times.

Chapter - Eliza is about to cross a river. When she gets to the other side, there is a man there. He takes her to a house that is old and abandoned and there he gives both she and her son food, money, and clothes! What a great guy!

Chapter 10-16 Uncle Tom gets caught trying to escape. He is whipped until he cant move anymore. George, Elizas husband, is trying to make an escape. He gets to a tavern in disguise. He fools everyone, but then reveals himself. He then says I will fight for my liberty with my last breath. Meanwhile, Haley is going crazy buying slaves. I feel really sorry for all the slaves before the Civil War. I would hate to live a life like that! I would just be so awful. I am so thankful that I dont have to. Eliza is still in the company of friends, which brings to mind the underground railroad. I bet that there had to be a lot of trust in the Underground RailRoad, because of all of the people hiding the slaves. But, I am guessing that people were dishonest and told where the slaves were. You have to learn who you can trust.

Chapter 17-1 Slave hunters are still trying to track down Eliza, George, and little Harry. So, they decide to move in the night. I think that that would be a very good idea because its not as easy to see people in the night, especially when you dont have technology like flashlights and things. Mrs. Ophelia buys her a little girl so that the girl wont have to belong to a cruel master. That is total service right there. Doing something for someone like saving their life is priceless, and they will be rewarded for it if they havent already.

Chapter 0-6 Her new slave girl is everything that she could have imagined. She loves the girl like her own. She is a beautiful dark girl with glittering eyes, and sparkling teeth. When Mrs. Ophelia decides to give Topsy, the slave, a bath, she notices the giant welts and clloused spots all over the girls body. Mrs. Ophelia decides to teach Topsy all that she can. She has Topsy confess all of her sins, when in reality, Topsy has none. I wish that I was as good and pure as Topsy as to have little or no sins. That would be really nice indeed. Topsy is a bery good maid. She does everything with perfection and elegance. Even though it seems to be going great, Topsy is really hurt and says to Ophelia Nobody can love niggers. She is very hurt and upset by this, but I would be also.

Chapters 7-4 Eva dies and her husband St Clare is deeply hurt. I remember when my grandma that I was really close to died. It was like a part of me died with her. Me and my grandma were very close, but not even ask close as a husband and a wife. It was unbelievable to bare for St. Clare. Tom tells St. Clare about Christ. He gets him to pray, and he immediately becomes closer to Eva. St. Clare offers Tom his freedom, but Tom does not go. He wants to fully convert St. Clare and insure Christian happiness for him. St. Clare is worried about sending Tom away. My cousin just left on a mission last night, and I was worried about him going, but you just have to know that they are in the right place at the right time doing the things that they know they should be doing, so, I told him goodbye. Ophelia tells Clare that Tom will be extremely cared for in the North. Later on, Clare is stabbed, and he calls upon Tom to pray for him. He dies. When that happens, Tom is the sold to a man named Mr. Legree. Mr. Legree will not let Tom even speak of God on his plantation. Tom tries to help the slaves on the plantation. He tries to help a lady but then is roughly flogged for it. I would hate to bet beaten. It is probably the worst thing in the world.

Chapter 5-40 Legree is nothing but a loser drunk man that will never give up an sort of drink if he life was on the line. He is afraid of Cassey, a woman slave. Since is feared to harm her, he hurts a helpless Tom instead. There has never been someone more helpful to Tom then the woman named Cassey. She is something. I remember the day that I met my best friend. It was a whlie ago, but we have been the best of friends ever since. She is a really big example in my life and I love her a lot. She means the world to me, and if I lost her, it would be the end of the world as I know it. I also feel that way about my mom and dad and brother and sister and aunt and uncle and cousins. All the important people in my life are really important and I do NOT want to lose them at the least bit. I love them all.

Chapter 41-44 Tom is about to give up. He as tried everything from forming an escape party to trying to kill himself. His master now says that Tom is trying to die, the troublemaker. Its too bad that people have to lose hope like that. No matter what happens in this life, we should never lose hope. Uncle Tom finally dies. He is then burried on a sandy knoll. All of Toms friends have found freedom, its too bad that Tom could not be there with them.

Chapter 45- This is the ending chapter, just giving hope and faith to those slaves that have none. She states that she has only given a faint shadow, a dim picture, of the anguish and despair that are at this very moment, riving thousands of hearts, shattering thousands of families, and driving a helpless and sesnitive race to frenzy and despair. She says that people who have slaves will be held accountable before God.

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