Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Abortion--for and against arguments

If you order your cheap custom essaysessay from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Abortion--for and against arguments. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Abortion--for and against arguments paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Abortion--for and against arguments, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Abortion--for and against arguments paper at affordable prices!


The most important part of reproductive rights is the principle that a woman has the right to decide whether and when to have a child. Religious beliefs, politics, incident of pregnancy, support, economy, long term consequences, such as regrets and depression, being able to take responsibility, and health issues are major factors that must be taken in consideration before resulting to abortion. To eat, survive and reproduce are primary needs for every human being. Modern society is for several reasons a non-child-friendly society. In many cases there is no time for the parent(s) to take care of the new born child as in countries such as the U.K. and the USA, parent(s) do not have sick leave to stay home with their newborn.

Governments are bound to respect this basic human right by ensuring that women have access to the full range of quality reproductive health services, including abortion. 6% of the world's people live in the 64 countries where induced abortion is permitted for a wide range of reasons or without restriction as to the reason. For the remaining 8% of the world's population, abortion may be prohibited altogether or permitted only to protect a woman's life or health. Though throughout the last 0 years there has been seen a clear trend toward the removal of legal barriers to abortion access, the right to choose abortion still remains unavailable or under threat in many parts of the world.

In 155, the anthropologist George Devereux demonstrated that abortion has been practiced in almost all human communities from the earliest times. Women faced with unwanted pregnancies have turned to abortion, regardless of religious or legal sanction and often at considerable risk. Even Hippocrates, the famous philosopher, spoke against abortion because he feared injury to the woman, recommended it on occasion by prescribing violent exercises. 1

Custom writing service can write essays on Abortion--for and against arguments

In primitive tribal societies, abortions were induced by using poisonous herbs, sharp sticks, or by sheer pressure on the abdomen until vaginal bleeding occurred. Abortion techniques are described in the oldest known medical texts. 1 The ancient Chinese and Egyptians had their methods and recipes to cause abortion, and Greek and Roman civilizations considered abortion an integral part of maintaining a stable population. Ancient instruments, such as the ones found in Pompeii and Herculaneum, were much like modern surgical instruments. The Greeks and Romans also had various poisons administered in the various ways, including through tampons.

Even after criminalization of abortion, women continued to have abortions in roughly the same proportions. Abortion simply went underground, and became clandestine and therefore a much more dangerous operation for the women to undergo.

Attitudes toward sexuality and procreation were changing in the twentieth century, which was contributing to the legalization of abortion. Reduced influence of religious institutions was also a related factor. In some countries rubella epidemics and thalidomide created awareness of the need for legal abortion, and in other countries there was concern about population growth. The major reason for legalization was that women were being injured or dying from unnecessarily dangerous illegal abortions.

Regardless of the law, abortions are carried out in every country in the world today. Worldwide, it is estimated that 50 million abortions occur each year, where more than 1/ are illegal abortions occurring mainly in developing countries. Clandestine and illegal abortions in countries such as Muslim Asia, Latin America and Africa, where abortion remains prohibited or restricted, remain a serious health problem. A major problem in countries where abortion is illegal is maternal deaths. The estimate number of women who die from clandestine abortion ranges from less than 100,000 to as many as 00,000 women a year, and for every women who dies from an illegal abortion, many more suffer serious, and often lifelong, health problems such as hemorrhaging, infection, abdominal or intestinal perforations, kidney failure and infertility.

Most abortions are carried out within 1 weeks of the pregnancy. In extreme cases they can be carried out up to week 4 if it is life threatening for the mother, or if any genetic mistakes have been spotted, but you would have to give birth to the baby. Though nowadays, with help of technology, premature babies can be saved from week , so this creates a problem if you want to carry out abortion this late.

A new contraceptive, which is also a form of abortion that has been created, is the Morning After Pill. This pill is to be taken within 7 hours after sexual intercourse, preferably within 6 hours. With this pill available for many, it is impossible to calculate how many abortions take place each year.

Population growth or decline compares replacement of the current number of reproductive age individuals with the number of babies being born. By this measure, the United States is now in a sharp population decline. One recent projection of the population had predicted that around the year 000, half of the population will be over 50 and a third will be over 65. If this continues, the impact upon society will be tremendous. One problem that we already have is that we cannot feed the population we already have today, and everyday more and more die from starvation; this is especially a problem in developing countries such as Africa.

Many organizations that are anti-abortion, recommend giving birth to the baby, and eventually giving it up for adoption, as so many people are trying to have babies, but for some reason cannot. Anti-abortion organizations are against abortion for the obvious reason, that they believe abortion is equivalent to murder, as the embryo is alive, defining alive as that this being is growing, developing, maturing, and replacing its own dying cells. During embryonic development, the heart is one of the few organs that must function almost as soon as it is formed. The human heart begins to beat and pump blood through the embryo around day of gestation, which is one of the reasons abortion is concidered murder by many people.

One might argue that in a case where rape is involved, that abortion should be the answer (the chance of getting pregnant after rape is 1 or out of 1000), but these anti-abortion organizations ask questions such as; will she be able to live comfortably with the memory that she killed her developing baby? Or would she ultimately be more mature and more at peace with herself if she could remember that, even though she became pregnant unwillingly, she nevertheless solved her problem by being unselfish, by giving of herself and of her love to an innocent baby, who had not asked to be created, to deliver, perhaps to place for adoption, if she decides that is what is best for her baby. Compare this memory with the woman who can only look back and say, I killed my baby. Anti-abortion organizations seem to play a manipulative role on the insecurity of women, also giving them a guilt trip, as they are convincing them that they are killing a human being, yet telling these women that they have the right to choose.

Though many may view abortion as murdering innocent children, a woman should have the right to decide whether and when to have a child. As mentioned before, there are several issues to be taken into consideration. Abortion has existed since the beginning of time, and there is no reason why it should suddenly decrease. By keeping abortion illegal, one creates a major conflict for women's health, whereas legalizing it would reduce numbers of maternal deaths, and decrease dangerous diseases and infections illegal abortions cause. Legal abortions would also reduce infertility, so that these women can have another chance to become pregnant in the future.

. H.P. David, "Abortion Policies", in Abortion and Sterilization Medical and Social Aspects, J.E. Hodgson, ed., Grune and Stratton, New York, 181, pp.1-40.

. Ibid, p.8.

Please note that this sample paper on Abortion--for and against arguments is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Abortion--for and against arguments, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Abortion--for and against arguments will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Friday, April 24, 2020

I am lucky!

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on I am lucky!. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality I am lucky! paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in I am lucky!, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your I am lucky! paper at affordable prices!

I can be considered lucky because I have almost fallen off a cliff, got chased out into oncoming traffic, fell out of a 50 foot bush, and jumped out of a moving car and still survived. Out off all those incidents I never got hit or near death. I also came out with only nd degree cuts and burns also. Many of those times I came close to getting seriously hurt or killed. None of those times though I got anything broken or needed stitches.

I am lucky because I survived almost falling off a cliff. My sister, Billy, and I decided to go slide down the cliff to swim. So we walked down to the area, we had noticed it said no trespassing, because it was dangerous. We went anyways and as usual we slid down the cliff. We got bored and decided to walk around the top of it. So we were walking around it and all of a sudden I slipped and started falling. My sister noticed and said hold on I will go get Billy.

So she went to go get Billy while I was hanging off the side. At the time I was only 8 and weighed very little, so when I slipped and caught a hold of a piece of weed sticking out of the ground it held me. So there I was dangling over the cliff. My palms were sweating so I couldn't grip the weed very well. I waited there for five minutes but it felt like an eternity.

I looked down and there was nothing but green trees sticking up like little spikes. I started to slip because the weed had broken. Slowly like an antagonize dream I started to slip. I yelled for help. I managed to catch the edge nothing left but air around me. One hand slipped my heart pounding. I tried to yell for help again but I lost my voice. Suddenly I heard Billy. "Were is he Deidre," he asked. She broke out in tears yelling "I don't know I don't know." I managed to yell help." Just as I let go of the side he grabbed my arm. He pulled me up making sure not to let go.

In addition to surviving almost falling off a cliff I am lucky because I didn't get hit when I was chased into oncoming traffic. When I was ten I went with my cousin Nicole to watch my sister fight another girl. I had just come back from playing baseball with Nicole. As I watched my sister beat up the girl, the girl's boyfriend showed up with his friends. After the fight the boys went after my sister and hit her. I didn't know what to do, so I took my baseball bat and started swinging at their heads like they bop its. I beat them up with the baseball bat, then one of them managed to get it.

I saw them get up, and I ran. My cousin Nicole took down two of them. I took one of there bikes and started to ride it. They came out in front of me and I pulled the bike into traffic. I got up to the light and stopped but they were right behind me. So I took a chance and raced across almost getting hit at least 10 times. I rode for a mile down the street, and stopped at a Kroger's. They seen me and I got chased around the store. Then I took the bike and once more got chased into traffic. A police officer saw them and got his car and chased them down.

I took the bike and dropped it right there on the in them middle of the main road. I ran back to where Nicole and Deidre were. They had left, and so had the people that got beat up. I walked home and saw them their. And told them what had happened. We all had a good laugh and went on.

Besides not getting hit when I was chased into oncoming traffic I survived a fifty-foot drop. I was climbing a bush that had grown as tall as a tree. My sister, my cousin Brittany, and I were climbing a tree. They always were able to get close to the top. So I decided I would climb to the top. They went into get a drink. Before they got in I stuck my head through the top and yelled, " Hey I made it." They laughed and walked in. As I climbed down a branch broke and I started falling headfirst. I had my hands extended and yelling as the wind rushed through my body.

As I started to fall I managed to get half way turned around. I hit a branch knocking the air out of me. It had felt as if someone took a slug hammer and hit me in the stomach. I had turned back to my feet. I hit the last branch breaking it. It took me a second to get my breath back. My back was all scratched up and bleeding. I crawl my way inside. Yelling for my grandma. She sees me on the floor bleeding. She picks me up and carries me up the stairs. She pores peroxide on it. It burns at first. But then I get better. I put my shirt back on and go back and play.

After falling out of a tree I am still lucky because I jumped out of a moving car. It was 10 at night. And I wanted to go back to the vocation house. But it was down the street and I didn't want to walk. Some people my sister had met offered to give me a ride home. So I got in the car. Not know the driver was high or drunk.

They pulled out and hit the curb. Right then I knew there was something wrong and I said I wanted out. They said relax we will be there in a second. I thought about it and decided I should get out. By the time I realized it they were making there way around a tree surrounded by concrete. I figured if I was going to go it was now or never. So I opened the car door and jumped.

Since the car door was open it got smashed when it hit the tree. They hit the curb and thought they had ran over me. I was lying on the ground laying in blood because I rolled through rocks at 0 mph. I stood up, Soaked in blood. At first no one could see me because the car was blocking their view.

My sister though I was hit and open the passenger side beating the heck out of the driver. I walked around numb at first from shock. She said I needed to get home. She couldn't go with me because she was scared what would happen to her if she were there with me when I walked in. So I walked and in five minutes the pain kicked in.

I crawled the rest of the way. I walked in and my grandma grabbed me and ran me up stairs. Rinsing the blood off me it wasn't as bad as it had appeared. I had two big scraps on my shoulders, elbows, knees, and hands. Then next day I went with my brother and we played out in the ocean. The salt water burned like alcohol. But it helped by cleaning and scabbing it. I still have the scar on my right shoulder from it. And that's why I consider myself to be lucky.

Please note that this sample paper on I am lucky! is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on I am lucky!, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on I am lucky! will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Thursday, April 23, 2020

The Pardoner's Tale

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on The Pardoner's Tale. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality The Pardoner's Tale paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in The Pardoner's Tale, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your The Pardoner's Tale paper at affordable prices!

The Medieval Period, a time of Lords and Knights, pilgrimages to visit famous shrines, and the profound power held by the church. Due to this power, certain members of the clergy take their authority a little too far and abuse their rights. Power is not easily contended, and there are certain characteristics to be administered in order for one to be a member of the power-holding church. Because of this limitation, the clergy are identified as ideal or hypocritical. Having to demonstrate actions of humbleness and simplicity are two of the many characteristics required among one member of the clergy, the Pardoner. In the poem, The Canterbury Tales, Geoffrey Chaucer displays the Pardoners physical description and personality as apart of his hypocrisy and how in the Pardoners Tale he manages to create a story during his pilgrimage of how greed can lead to corruption and death.

With the use of physiognomy and physical description, the author creates the Pardoner to be more female than male. Being called effeminate gives him a perfidious or hypocritical characteristic. Also the personality of the Pardoner is to be humble and selfless, being a member of the clergy, but he is the exact opposite endowing him a deceptive classification. He also manages to stratagem others into believing in holy objects to profit off of them when they are all made up. An example of his deceptiveness is shown when Chaucer writes, There was no pardoner of equal grace for in his trunk he had a pillow case which he asserted was Our Ladys

Veil on one short day, in money down, he drew more than the parson in a month or two. It is obvious that the pardoners attention is not set on the responsibility to the church especially when he made monkeys of the priest and congregation, but rather to fulfill his greed.

During his journey to Canterbury, the Pardoner devises a story stating, greed is the root to all evil. To have him create this story and say this instinctively identifies him as a hypocrite because he demonstrates the same attitude as the characters in the story. When the author writes the story of the Pardoner telling about the three riders, he exemplifies their greed by stating, And here is a lot of gold that is to be divided equally among us three nevertheless, if I could shape things thus so that we share it out- the two of us. The greed among the three riders eventually lead them to their deaths. Ironically, the intention in this story is to establish the truth of moral, but the pardoner does not even follow his own advice.

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The power given to the Pardoner is abused when he uses it for his own greedy implications and therefore confirms his hypocritical statement of greed being the root of all evil. By using the pilgrimage as the opportunity for the Pardoner to be shown allows the power of the church and the effect on the people come together.

Please note that this sample paper on The Pardoner's Tale is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on The Pardoner's Tale, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on The Pardoner's Tale will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Critical Review of "The Problem of Free Will" by Walter T. Stace

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Critical Review of "The Problem of Free Will" by Walter T. Stace. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Critical Review of "The Problem of Free Will" by Walter T. Stace paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Critical Review of "The Problem of Free Will" by Walter T. Stace, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Critical Review of "The Problem of Free Will" by Walter T. Stace paper at affordable prices!

Upon the assumptions made by Walter T. Stace, free will is the right bestowed upon us by god with the ability to make a decision between a set of options we come across throughout life. Further assumption has to be made into that there are no influential external factors over these decisions made. For example, in situations where the circumstances leave us with no alternatives, e.g. held at gunpoint, this is not at our own free will as in the example it is not under your authority, your life is on the line. On the other hand, situations where the agent has rational control over and responsibility for his own actions could be a strong argument for free will, as with my choice to discuss this topic. An incompatible theory to that of the believer in free will is that of the Determinist. Determinism is the hypothesis that every event and concurrent choice made as a result of that event is predetermined by some antecedent sufficient condition for its occurrence, commonly recognised as karma or fate. This concept has many schools of philosophical thought with situations befalling due to laws of nature, inevitability or your choice being altered as a result of previous situations in which you either carried out or experienced the action in point. If this is in fact true then everything is predestined to happen and all control of your life is non existent, therefore it does not matter what you do, your future and legacy has sometime in the past been decided.

Staces argument is primarily concerned with the basic nature of morality and its relevance to the problem of free will. His point being that it is almost certain that if there is no free will there can be no morality. If morality is taken to be of fictitious nature, the question of what is fundamentally right and wrong can now be contested, as universally everything has already been predetermined. In essence, the public perception of a criminal act does not exist as a criminal has been destined to commit the act almost without his navigation and therefore it would not be of his choice to perform said conduct.

He then disputes that philosophers who contradict the existence of free will only do so to increase their knowledge on the subject within their studies and professional moments. This is based on the belief that when it comes down to everyday choice all human like to believe that there is some element of freedom of preference present as a solace. The comfort suggests a fondness to boundaries and the self-chosen fate even in the more trivial matters. The discussion then diverges into the case of justifying the punishing an infant for being dishonest. This can be counter by the fact that at the age of the infant they could not have built up a decent reserve of righteous distinctions between equity and immorality. In line with that, the combination of the ease of impression children possess and the fact that many people have lied in the past, it is inevitable that children will grow up to imitate and follow in the footsteps of their ancestors. If that holds then it is ethically wrong to discipline your children in certain situations, excluding that of actual damage.

Stace then challenges the definition of free will, as he believes that it is the mediocre terminology associated with free will that has lead to all the confusion over its existence. Free will currently is seen essentially as a state of indeterminism, in that nothing is predetermined. The author then gives a few exemplary models of restricted acts and alleged acts of free will, which all contain a common factor that is the supposed to be the new definition of free will. In actuality, all cases given, free and unfree alike, could be interpreted to contain principles of a will that is not entirely free. Gandhis fasting because he wanted to free India is prime example as this is a historically remembered case that if, in fact, Gandhi had not fasted India might not have been released government oppression. Consequently, the situation was predetermined by the situation in India and his beliefs he was instilled with as a citizen of India and as a human being. Stealing bread because one in hungry too can be construed to include an aspect of determinism.

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In stealing bread the starving being has been, from a lifetime of routine, compelled with the necessity to carry out feeding rituals. The only consolidation in Staces argument is that the individual may or may not steal from a wide variety of products to be consumed, the free will exists due to his preference for bread or the moral justification that "only" stealing a loaf of bread would achieve. This could then give rise to a basis for compatibility between free will and determinism. Choices are therefore subject to limitations, similar to boundaries, that we are allowed to, with use of our free will, let pass by and select between. The endless alternatives are thus set to a predetermined state, has comparable similarities with that of a soft determinist viewpoint and not the infiniteness associated with time and space.

Stace suggests that the same theory could be applied to non-human and inanimate objects, if they act in a way that strays from the norm we perceive. The example of both the poorly bloomed roses and that of the automobile, which is in need of oil, provides a good explanation for this as he tries to show that everything in the world needs something for it to carryout its designated task. Furthermore, different kind of things require different kinds of causes to make them do what they should so, every decision has a set reaction that is only appropriated if a certain chain of events takes place, different events are triggered by different catalysts. This again is a point that can be read as both of free will and determinism as although the chain of events can vary the outcomes are limited. With the example of injecting motor oil into a small child and beating a motor, a relevant point is put forward in that there is limitations on decisions. The absurdity of the examples is strength alone to predetermined purpose in life, but does not rule out the freedom involved. As strange as it sounds some people find it therapeutic to beat their automobile is it breaks down, they may even believe it may fix it and too in the fact that there must exist a mind that daily dreams up weird things to do with engine oil.

At last, Stace goes on to say that where as it is believed that for morality and punishment to be fitting then the existence of free will must be certain. In reality, determinism is required for moral responsibility to exist in the punishment involved in established conditioning methods. If punishment and reward are equally methods of developing a trained human behaviour then human behaviour can be directly linked to determination. If human actions are uncaused, punishment is useless and thus beings would have no grasp on reality and would be as unpredictable as an atom's movement and therefore irresponsible in all actions. So, a balance of the two is more realistic to explain life, a series of choices with predetermined outcomes.

In conclusion, Stace makes various relevantly interesting points that are both valid and questionable. This could be put down to the fact that he has not considered the argument from several viewpoints as evident in Descartes Meditations, through the use of different personas. As Staces philosophised back in the fifties, it may be possible that there may not have been a wide enough or open views on free will and determinism, so his knowledge was inferior in respect to a twenty first century philosophy student. With free will being the majority's ideology it may be that it is predetermined that we were to believe that we are free to live the way we want and not that of a set route, to settle any further uncertainty in life.

Please note that this sample paper on Critical Review of "The Problem of Free Will" by Walter T. Stace is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Critical Review of "The Problem of Free Will" by Walter T. Stace, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Critical Review of "The Problem of Free Will" by Walter T. Stace will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Singaporeans are too pragmatic to appreciate the finer things in life

If you order your cheap custom paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Singaporeans are too pragmatic to appreciate the finer things in life. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Singaporeans are too pragmatic to appreciate the finer things in life paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Singaporeans are too pragmatic to appreciate the finer things in life, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Singaporeans are too pragmatic to appreciate the finer things in life paper at affordable prices cheap custom writing service!

Singaporeans are too pragmatic to appreciate the finer things of life. Do I agree? Well, to some extent, yes. Our main mission in Singapore either to get a good job, a better post or make more money. We often do focus on the bigger picture and neglect the finer details Think about it. Do we often neglect our family members and friends when rushing to meet deadlines or reach a goal? Do we take it for granted that they are there? And when was the last time you actually stopped to admire a flower's beauty?

In some families, parents work late nights to finish up a project, to meet a client's needs. Sometimes, this goes to the extent that their children are not even able to catch a glimpse of them or talk to them in that day. Sometimes you think have they ever questioned their purpose of working so hard till late at night? They do it for money. They do it for a more comfortable life. They do it to bring up their children but don't you find them actually neglecting them instead? Most of my friends spend their time at home alone in the afternoons while their parents are out at work. Some even have to have dinner alone because their parents do not return till late at night. Why do they let their professions come first, before their families? In my opinion, being with your family and spending time with your love ones is more important and of course, more enjoyable than slogging away at work. After all, if satisfying your material needs take precedence over satisfying your emotional needs, you're never going to be a happy person.

An example more familiar to us most of us study for the sake of taking a test. Don't we often heave a sigh of relief after every test then conveniently forget about what we just studied as we proceed to prepare for the next test? Are we not exam-orientated in our classes? We are learning our syllabus to deal with exams. If there is any knowledge that does not concern us nor has no relevance with the upcoming test or exam that we are about to face, I doubt any of us will take the initiative to learn it. Instead, our reaction would be ah, forget it. I can't even understand the facts in the textbook; would you expect me to remember something that has nothing to do with the test at all? We neglect the finer details, the additional information because we study for the sake of studying and not to actually learn and appreciate the subject.

In addition, if anyone asked us out for a movie or a girls' day out, we would probably say "Sorry, I can't, you see I have a test tomorrow" or "I have homework to do." There is definitely no problem with studying, but sometimes we get all typically Singaporean and "kiasu" that we keep cramming ourselves with information, continuously doing questions from assessment books. Why don't we study smart, then drop our books and relax with our friends? If we keep studying, would there ever be an end to this? Are you going to keep studying, without taking some time off homework or your books, until you graduate from your university, then continue to center your life around work? In the end, after we graduate, sure, you've got your degree, but do you have a social life? In my opinion, Singaporeans work too hard to enjoy friends and fellowship, as well as to appreciate the simple gifts of nature.

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Perhaps in Singapore, you can't a place where you could sit back and enjoy the azure blue skies over an open field of wild flowers, smell the autumn breeze or admire snow capped mountains, but we could always make do with a simpler thing which is as beautiful, be it the sunset, listening to a bird tweet or just laughing and enjoying the presence of close friends. There's still East Coast Park, Botanical Gardens or Siloso beach The question is, do you have the time?

But, if you think about it, is it possible to not be too pragmatic yet being able to survive in our society today? I guess not. Graduates from recognized universities all over the world have to fight to get a place in a successful company, and because of this we students are all studying hard to get good marks, to later get into a good university, to build up your "brownie points" so you get an upper hand over the others. So you see, Singapore has a competitive society which somehow forces us to being pragmatic, and it is not exactly our choice. If we were given a chance, we would probably take life easier and have the time to appreciate most of the greater things in life, but if we manage our time properly and set some time for family and friends, as well as paid attention to the small but beautiful things in the world, we could actually enjoy the finer things in life and appreciate them. It is possible for our lives to actually be more meaningful.

There was once a saying "Yesterday was the past which we cannot change, tomorrow is the future which we are unsure of. Today is a gift, that's why it's called the present." Should we not live each day to the fullest and appreciate every little detail in life?

Before you rush off to do something else, think about it. You could make a difference in your world.

Please note that this sample paper on Singaporeans are too pragmatic to appreciate the finer things in life is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Singaporeans are too pragmatic to appreciate the finer things in life, we are here to assist you. Your cheap college papers on Singaporeans are too pragmatic to appreciate the finer things in life will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Paradoxically, Darwinism provided a justification for both social conservatism and social reform in the period from 1870-1915. Discuss this statement.

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Paradoxically, Darwinism provided a justification for both social conservatism and social reform in the period from 1870-1915. Discuss this statement.. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Paradoxically, Darwinism provided a justification for both social conservatism and social reform in the period from 1870-1915. Discuss this statement. paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Paradoxically, Darwinism provided a justification for both social conservatism and social reform in the period from 1870-1915. Discuss this statement., therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Paradoxically, Darwinism provided a justification for both social conservatism and social reform in the period from 1870-1915. Discuss this statement. paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service! Darwinism, the belief that nature was a random process in which either the strongest survived and persisted, was a philosophy widely discussed and used during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. During this time period, it was used to justify both social conservatism, the maintaining of the status quo in society, and social reform. From both sides, this philosophy was augmented upon and interpreted in many different ways. For those who believed in social conservatism, Darwinism justified the current social structure, whether it was exclusion of immigrants or the pyramid social structure. On the other hand, social reform came in many branches of Darwinism. Some, such as Walter Rauschenbusch interpreted the message of Darwinism as to have all individuals work to better society. Others used Darwinism to justify their reform of the idea of professions. Although, having their differences, both social conservatism and reform branched off from the same roots.

Social conservatism was a belief that most elites of the time period followed. Darwinism provided the necessary justification for their belief. In society, the number of elites was few while there was a huge population of lower class citizens, hence, creating a "pyramid" social structure. These elites had only one thing in mind, to make profit. To do so would require a huge supply of cheap labor, one that would stay ignorant as to not understand how to question the corporation's authority when being oppressed. Naturally, the tycoons were quick to take advantage of the influx of immigrants during this period by lowering wages and forcing immigrants to work in unbearable conditions. As the poor immigrants became chained to the factories, they could not afford to miss a single day of work in fear of being replaced. They would send their entire family, young or old, to work there. As a result, they had little time to educate themselves or go on strike during this struggle to survive. This allowed the corporate leaders to gain even more leverage on the workers. Their justification for this was Darwinism. They stated that the poor were poor due to their own incompetence and that they, themselves, were rich due to their own skills. In reality, the poor were living in squalor not due to their laziness or incompetence, but due to the cruel nature of the corporate leaders. Also, corporate leaders were did not become elite simply because of their competence, but also because of the fierce methods they used to deal with their competitors.

Not only did the elites justify social conservatism through Darwinism, but those in the middle class did as well. These people were the nativists in society that looked upon immigrants with contempt. As a result of this contempt, while they could not prevent them from taking their jobs, they shut out the immigrants from as many aspects of American society as possible. Their justification for this exclusion was eugenics. Eugenics was a derived "science" from Darwinism. This science ranked races in order of superiority. Naturally, Americans ranked themselves highest and immigrant races lower and therefore justified their actions against them.

Opposite from the social conservatives were the social reformers who also used Darwinism to justify their actions. One of the interpretations of Darwinism was the social gospel. One of the leading proponents of this was Walter Rauschenbusch. He, as well as others, advocated the working of individuals for a better society for all. Darwinism justified this belief in stating the strong would persist. The social gospel continued augmented upon it and stated that if everyone were to help society in general, everyone could be strong enough to persist. This became a backbone for the argument for reform.

Cheap Custom Essays on Paradoxically, Darwinism provided a justification for both social conservatism and social reform in the period from 1870-1915. Discuss this statement. Darwinism justified social reform for the poor. It also, however, justified the reform for the middle class as well. The most well known is that of the professionalism reform. In the time period between 1870-115, those who were modern day professionals sought to cleanse their name from the charlatans and incompetents that existed within. To cleanse their name, they began a reform movement. Starting from the field of medicine, regulations began to be set up that would only allow those who had been properly trained and tested to become a professional. This soon spread to all other modern day professions such as law and others. The justification for this was Darwinism. Those who were incompetent and lacked the proper ability would not be allowed to continue in order to ensure a proper future or capable "offspring".

Although paradoxically so, both social reform and conservatism both originated from Darwinism. Many of the results of social conservatism and social reform that originated from Darwinism functioned independently of each other, such as eugenics and professionalism. However, many results of these ends worked against each other, and resulted in great turmoil within the United States.

Please note that this sample paper on Paradoxically, Darwinism provided a justification for both social conservatism and social reform in the period from 1870-1915. Discuss this statement. is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Paradoxically, Darwinism provided a justification for both social conservatism and social reform in the period from 1870-1915. Discuss this statement., we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Paradoxically, Darwinism provided a justification for both social conservatism and social reform in the period from 1870-1915. Discuss this statement. will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Monday, April 20, 2020

Sexuality, Repression, and Power

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Sexuality, Repression, and Power. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Sexuality, Repression, and Power paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Sexuality, Repression, and Power, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Sexuality, Repression, and Power paper at affordable prices!

Sexuality, its repression, and the power responsible for this repression are the central themes in Michel Foucault's History of Sexuality. Sexuality, according to Foucault, is a repressed entity in modern society, and has been so for the past two hundred years. The sexual openness once common in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries became carefully confined and "moved into the home…silence became the rule." (page ) Though he believes that we are repressed he advocates that we have been forced into this repression by some form of power we have been made to believe that we are repressed. Personally, I do not think that Western societies today are repressed in any sense of the word. In all aspects of life whether it is on TV, in the movies, in the songs we listen to, in the books we read, in the advertisements we see, or just in public sex and sexuality are prominently displayed. I think it is fair to go as far as to say that nowadays very little sells without sex or anything sexual.

Foucault believes that the repression of sexuality was established by some kind of authority, which included the government and heads of families. This authority used its power to ensure that "not only did [sex] not exist, it had no right to exist and would be made to disappear upon its least manifestation." (page 4) This is not to say that sex was not acknowledged at all; it was, but mostly only for reproductive purposes. In addition, concessions were made for "illegitimate sexualities" (page 4), which included brothels and mental hospitals. According to Foucault, in light of this power advocating repression, any talk or action pertaining to sexuality was seen as a defiance of power, a "deliberate transgression." (page 6) Any person taking part in this infringement "places himself…outside the reach of power; he upsets established law." (page 6)

Although the leap into sexual frankness may have been a result of disregard for power, it has now become the norm. There is no longer any power which requires challenging. Nowadays, people, in general, have no problems with openly expressing their sexuality and, at times, do so even if it is highly inappropriate. If ours was a repressed society, we would not hear about pregnant 1 year olds; we would not have easily-accessible pornographic material; we would not see barely-clad Victoria Secret's models; TV shows and movies would not have prevalent sexual scenes; people wouldn't go around displaying affection in public. The extent to which Western societies have integrated sexuality into their everyday lives is evidence enough that any previous power repressing sexuality is definitely either non-existent or on its way to becoming so. Despite evidence to the contrary, a lot of people still think that our society is repressed.

These people believe that since there are certain rules or limitations against doing particular things, society is sexually repressed. A lady gets asked to leave a restaurant because she is breast-feeding her child while waiting for her food to arrive. Immediately there is talk of our society being sexually repressed; that sexuality is not accepted. There are some things are not appropriate to do in certain places. I personally would not breast-feed my child in public, and not because I am repressed or I feel that people will judge me if I do, but because I feel that some things are just not proper if carried out in public. If I was stuck and had to feed my child and I was out somewhere, I would find a place that was sparsely populated, and only because I would not feel comfortable baring myself to others. I don't think that a woman who chooses not to breast-feed in public is prudish; there is a just proper place for everything.

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Foucault believed that society's position on repression was a hypocritical one since he considers that there has always been discourse on sexuality, and that this verbalization in itself thwarts the whole idea of repression. He says his aim is to "examine the case of a society which has been loudly castigating itself for hypocrisy for more than a century, which speaks verbosely of its own silence, takes great pains to relate in detail the things it does not say, denounces the powers it exercises, and promises to liberate itself from the very laws that have made it function" (page 8). Despite the fact that this was what he thought about society's take on repression, Foucault did believe that we, as a society, believe we are repressed sexually. He believed that the relationship between sex and power is characterized by repression and that to not think so was to "[run] counter to a well-accepted argument." (page 8) He believes that repression is firmly anchored in our society and that to overcome the power that enforces it will take a long time; talking about and accepting sex in its reality is such an alien concept historically, that "it is bound to make little headway for a long time before succeeding in its mission." (page 10) He couldn't have been more wrong!

Writing this is 178, Foucault may have felt that society was repressed and that getting to a society in which sex was openly discussed and prevalent was going to be a major feat. However, it seems like overcoming ‘repression' wasn't such a conquest after all since sex is now a firm and much accepted presence in everyday life. It doesn't seem like there were any major obstacles to overcome to get to where we are today it was just a natural progression from where we were before. Sexuality (not the reproductive kind) has always been a part of society, and has just progressed from being something that was not very prevalent to something that has become very common.

Despite what he refers to as the repressive hypothesis, Foucault does believe that talk of sex has become more widespread, but he feels that it has progressed mostly as a means to gather more knowledge about it as a form of science. It is true that knowledge about sex has increased dramatically, and that is due to the fact that the subject has been approached with a scientifically, biologically and psychologically; however, other, non-scientific factors, especially forms of media entertainment, have also furthered our acceptance of sex, and these have probably played a larger role in establishing sexuality in Western societies. However, he doesn't believe that we have made sex more established in our societies because we wanted to; he thinks that it came about due to our repression of the repression.

According to Foucault, "one adjusts [the time repression began] to coincide with the development of capitalism." (page 5) This gives the impression that sex is severely restricted, not because society wants it that way, but because it is "incompatible with a general and intensive work imperative." (page 6) This means that we did not want to show that we are repressed and hence tried to cover it up by making is seem like that is the way it had to be. So mentioning sex gave the impression that talking about it was not out of the ordinary and hence this caused the surge in our knowledge about sexuality. This is another way in which Foucault believes society to be hypocritical. Personally, I don't think that any repression of repression took place. Repression, if you can call it that, was present in the past, and that led to our society today, where sex is more accepted and fewer things are taboo; and mostly these things are unacceptable because they are morally wrong or just unsuitable.

All in all, it seems that Foucault has a set idea on society and its repression of sexuality, and he believes that there is a certain power associated with this repression, causing it. It is this authority that has led us to where we are today, in terms of our acceptance of sex, since our pursuit for the want for sexual freedom has made us go against the roadblocks against discourse on sex. Personally, I believe that this is not the case, and that our acknowledgment of sex has had a natural evolution from being in a society where sex was present, but slightly common, to a society in which sex is highly rampant.

Please note that this sample paper on Sexuality, Repression, and Power is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Sexuality, Repression, and Power, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Sexuality, Repression, and Power will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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