Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Uncle Tom's Cabin

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Uncle Tom's Cabin. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Uncle Tom's Cabin paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Uncle Tom's Cabin, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Uncle Tom's Cabin paper at affordable prices!


Chapter 1- This book sort of opens with two men talking about slave trade. I dont understand why people have the nerve to talk about trading people like they were baseball cards. When slaves were traded, families were broken up, and I would be miserable if I couldnt be with my family.

Chapter - In this chapter, a slave named George invented a machine for cleaning hemp. Instead of his master being proud of him, his master says let a nigger alone....and theyll invent labor-saving machines. I dont like the way that they say the word nigger. Its really offensive, but I guess that is how it was back then.

Chapter - This is the chapter that George tells Eliza, his wife, that he has decided to try to escape to Canada. He says that his master has worked him too hard for too long. He says to look out for their son Harry. Harry is male, and when fate strikes, it will pierce through Elizas soul.

Write your Uncle Tom's Cabin research paper

Chapter 4- This chapter introduces Uncle Tom. I think that Unlce Tom and his wife sound like nice people. It explains how George Shelby, the masters son, is teaching Tom to read and write. I think that it is sad how we take for granted that we go to school and can actually read and write. Blacks hardly ever knew how to do these things.

Chapter 5- Tom is sold along with little Harry. I dont know how people can sell other people because no one owns any one else. I dont know why the blacks just didnt over power the whites and take control of everything. That would have been my plan.

Chapter 6- Eliza escapes with her son and husband. I would be so thankful because I know that my mother would do something like that for me if I were in that situation. She is such a great women and I love her so much!

Chatper 7- While running away, Eliza cannot eat because she is in so much fear. I think that if I was on the run, and if I got caught and would be killed, I would not eat either. Its all too much to take in, in my opinion.

Chapter 8- There is ice in the river that they need to cross. Eliza is lost on what to do. She goes to the house of a kindly housewife. I am so glad that I have great friend that I too could go to in hard times.

Chapter - Eliza is about to cross a river. When she gets to the other side, there is a man there. He takes her to a house that is old and abandoned and there he gives both she and her son food, money, and clothes! What a great guy!

Chapter 10-16 Uncle Tom gets caught trying to escape. He is whipped until he cant move anymore. George, Elizas husband, is trying to make an escape. He gets to a tavern in disguise. He fools everyone, but then reveals himself. He then says I will fight for my liberty with my last breath. Meanwhile, Haley is going crazy buying slaves. I feel really sorry for all the slaves before the Civil War. I would hate to live a life like that! I would just be so awful. I am so thankful that I dont have to. Eliza is still in the company of friends, which brings to mind the underground railroad. I bet that there had to be a lot of trust in the Underground RailRoad, because of all of the people hiding the slaves. But, I am guessing that people were dishonest and told where the slaves were. You have to learn who you can trust.

Chapter 17-1 Slave hunters are still trying to track down Eliza, George, and little Harry. So, they decide to move in the night. I think that that would be a very good idea because its not as easy to see people in the night, especially when you dont have technology like flashlights and things. Mrs. Ophelia buys her a little girl so that the girl wont have to belong to a cruel master. That is total service right there. Doing something for someone like saving their life is priceless, and they will be rewarded for it if they havent already.

Chapter 0-6 Her new slave girl is everything that she could have imagined. She loves the girl like her own. She is a beautiful dark girl with glittering eyes, and sparkling teeth. When Mrs. Ophelia decides to give Topsy, the slave, a bath, she notices the giant welts and clloused spots all over the girls body. Mrs. Ophelia decides to teach Topsy all that she can. She has Topsy confess all of her sins, when in reality, Topsy has none. I wish that I was as good and pure as Topsy as to have little or no sins. That would be really nice indeed. Topsy is a bery good maid. She does everything with perfection and elegance. Even though it seems to be going great, Topsy is really hurt and says to Ophelia Nobody can love niggers. She is very hurt and upset by this, but I would be also.

Chapters 7-4 Eva dies and her husband St Clare is deeply hurt. I remember when my grandma that I was really close to died. It was like a part of me died with her. Me and my grandma were very close, but not even ask close as a husband and a wife. It was unbelievable to bare for St. Clare. Tom tells St. Clare about Christ. He gets him to pray, and he immediately becomes closer to Eva. St. Clare offers Tom his freedom, but Tom does not go. He wants to fully convert St. Clare and insure Christian happiness for him. St. Clare is worried about sending Tom away. My cousin just left on a mission last night, and I was worried about him going, but you just have to know that they are in the right place at the right time doing the things that they know they should be doing, so, I told him goodbye. Ophelia tells Clare that Tom will be extremely cared for in the North. Later on, Clare is stabbed, and he calls upon Tom to pray for him. He dies. When that happens, Tom is the sold to a man named Mr. Legree. Mr. Legree will not let Tom even speak of God on his plantation. Tom tries to help the slaves on the plantation. He tries to help a lady but then is roughly flogged for it. I would hate to bet beaten. It is probably the worst thing in the world.

Chapter 5-40 Legree is nothing but a loser drunk man that will never give up an sort of drink if he life was on the line. He is afraid of Cassey, a woman slave. Since is feared to harm her, he hurts a helpless Tom instead. There has never been someone more helpful to Tom then the woman named Cassey. She is something. I remember the day that I met my best friend. It was a whlie ago, but we have been the best of friends ever since. She is a really big example in my life and I love her a lot. She means the world to me, and if I lost her, it would be the end of the world as I know it. I also feel that way about my mom and dad and brother and sister and aunt and uncle and cousins. All the important people in my life are really important and I do NOT want to lose them at the least bit. I love them all.

Chapter 41-44 Tom is about to give up. He as tried everything from forming an escape party to trying to kill himself. His master now says that Tom is trying to die, the troublemaker. Its too bad that people have to lose hope like that. No matter what happens in this life, we should never lose hope. Uncle Tom finally dies. He is then burried on a sandy knoll. All of Toms friends have found freedom, its too bad that Tom could not be there with them.

Chapter 45- This is the ending chapter, just giving hope and faith to those slaves that have none. She states that she has only given a faint shadow, a dim picture, of the anguish and despair that are at this very moment, riving thousands of hearts, shattering thousands of families, and driving a helpless and sesnitive race to frenzy and despair. She says that people who have slaves will be held accountable before God.

Please note that this sample paper on Uncle Tom's Cabin is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Uncle Tom's Cabin, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Uncle Tom's Cabin will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Is demand in the school kiosk decreasing due to the sudden rise of prices of certain products?

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Is demand in the school kiosk decreasing due to the sudden rise of prices of certain products?. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Is demand in the school kiosk decreasing due to the sudden rise of prices of certain products? paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Is demand in the school kiosk decreasing due to the sudden rise of prices of certain products?, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Is demand in the school kiosk decreasing due to the sudden rise of prices of certain products? paper at affordable prices! Is demand in the school kiosk decreasing due to the sudden rise of prices of certain products?

For as long as I have been in this school, there has always been a kiosk and a dining room, plus the presence of vendors down at the entrance at the morning and afternoon. The dining room has change almost every year since my first year in this institution in 4th basic, but the kiosk has never changed of being in charge of the parent directive, at least until this year. This year, the school board decided to change the control of the kiosk to the same company that runs the dining room, Eurest. In this essay, I will try to review the problems that the new kiosk has had to put up with, specially the problem that involves demand.

Indeed there have been many changes this year, and for the best, since new products have been introduced, such as ‘sopaipillas', ‘calzones rotos', and many others. Everything seemed good through the first half of the year, but nothing is perfect. Problems started to appear. Products started to disappear, whilst other were introduced, such as the ‘calzones rotos'. Also prices gradually started to rise. This has decreased demand, especially during the lunch break, since that is the time were the kiosk has more competition, because during this time, the dining room is selling lunches to students and because a man in a trolley goes to the entrance of the school to sell snacks, known to everyone as Juan Carlos. Maybe this doesn't concern to Eurest, since they run the dining room also, so still, they have a majority in the market shares that is Saint John's food vendors, but clearly is not as much as it is during the first to breaks, when they have a monopoly. The decrease in demand has been very clear, because during the first half of the year you could see easily that many students went to the kiosk to buy some food, and you could see really long queues, most of the times the students had to run to avoid these queues, during all breaks, even during the lunch one. But, from half of the second trimester and on, these queues have been shortening down, every day a little bit more, especially during the lunch break, although you can say that for some products is a bit of a strategy, like soda can's. The price of these rose only twenty pesos, making a change of only 6.6%, but since we are in summer, and we are experiencing some hot weather now, the demand for any kind of drink would go, but I think that for this to work, they have to raise every single liquid products' price up, which they haven't. So maybe it is only a coincidence.

The change on demand has been clearly notorious, but I thought it might be pertinent to make a little questionnaire to several students, to get their opinions on this matter (To see the questionnaire go to annex 1). A total of four simple questions were asked to thirty students from first, second and third medio. Considering that there are more than a thousand students in this school, and that between those three levels there are at least two hundred and fifty students, the results are pretty insignificant, but they are very good to have an idea of what I am talking about.

Basically, twenty five out of thirty (8.%) told me that they are very displeased with the sudden rise of prices, whilst the other five (16.6%) told me that they were unconcerned about this. But, later when I asked them the second question all 0 answered that they were still buying at the kiosk. This is funny, since they are unhappy about the prices, but they still buy the products. This clearly shows us, that the price elasticity for these products is very inelastic, since there is a less than proportionate decrease in quantity demanded. This can be seen in the next graph.

After the third question, sixteen out of the thirty students (5.%) answered that if their income increases they would buy more of the products, and the remaining fourteen (46.6%), said that they would spent the same as before and the rest of their income would be saved. This, tells us that the income elasticity of demand is also inelastic, meaning that if there is an increase in income, there would be a more than proportionate increase in quantity demanded. This, also, can be seen on the next graph.

And finally for the final question, nobody could say to me why the kiosk chose to raise its prices.

Clearly we have somewhat of a situation here, since there is an increase in demand due to the income raise for some students, but this increase is lower than the decrease in demand that have regular students. We can see, that the kiosk in this case is like a restaurant after its first week of opening, since during the first week the restaurant does everything possible to win their clients, but after they have settled down, their only concern is to keep these clients, instead of worrying to have more customers. The same happens here during the first half of the year, the kiosk, was almost perfect, but then, from the half of the second trimester and on, they stopped worrying about the costumers, thus the stop worrying about the students. Just like a restaurant, they stopped worrying about us, and started to worry about themselves, so they raised prices to have more profits. My only advice to the school directive, is to find someone that starts worrying about the students, since we are in a school were the most important thing is us.

Please note that this sample paper on Is demand in the school kiosk decreasing due to the sudden rise of prices of certain products? is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Is demand in the school kiosk decreasing due to the sudden rise of prices of certain products?, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Is demand in the school kiosk decreasing due to the sudden rise of prices of certain products? will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Monday, May 18, 2020

Poetic Existence: A Personal and Social Imperative

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Poetic Existence: A Personal and Social Imperative. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Poetic Existence: A Personal and Social Imperative paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Poetic Existence: A Personal and Social Imperative, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Poetic Existence: A Personal and Social Imperative paper at affordable prices!


The topic of this lecture strikes one as puzzling because it has an air of familiarity and yet it seems to startle one into trying to figure out what poetry is. Then one wonders what poetry has to do in the lives of individuals and society. It is quite easy to relate poetry to poems but what makes poems cardinal to existence seems unclear. Does it transform or enrich individuals and communities? How is this done?

As one ponders these questions, some commonly held ideas, derived from impressions of poetry the study of prescribed poems in schools begin to come to the fore. One recalls how "poems canonized by scholars" were thrust on students and how they were expected to respond enthusiastically to these classic in the poetic tradition of Literature. But alas, one could neither muster nor feign the required feeling of excitement; most of the poems seemed to parade verbal puzzles that proved quite formidable. How could such writings as obtrusively affronted one's senses be responsible for indicating a worthwhile life style?

If poetry presents one with this high measure of unease, then how desirable would a poetic life be? Is poetry not a collection of pieces of writing that are notorious for the uneconomic use of space on pages of paper? Are the uneven lines on paper, not a result of dislocations of normal linguistic patterns? Is the stock of trade of poetry not the distortion of conventions word, phrase, clause and sentence order? Do poetic manipulation of sounds, images and meanings ever facilitate communication? Is poetry not a recondite method of transmitting experience? If one is unable to grasp the poetic import and is successfully denied involvement in the transmitted experience, how can he benefit from the supposed bounty provided by poetry? These questions not only suggest the reader's notion of the formidability of poetry, they underscore his frustration.

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The reader's frustration stems form the manner in which the "outer form" of poems places obstacles on the reader's attempt to gain entry into the secret bowers of poetry. The situation is worsened by the fact that teachers of poetry openly declare that the daunting linguistic paraphernalia constitutes the hallmark of real poetry. Is it not normal that many readers naturally react negatively to poetry from their perceptions of the technical or formal linguistic machineries or devices in written texts? These devices, all too often, rudely confront and force many a reader from a rewarding poetic adventure.

Not even well intentioned explanations of the technicalities of poems can successfully change these fairly common perceptions of poetry. Neither explaining that what is referred to as "uneven lines" are specific arrangements of "sounds of words" that constitute lines or verses nor demonstrating how metre as measured movement verse ad the length of lines can generated any renewed interest in poetry. Ask the reader if he did enjoy the rhythmic effects produced by systematized deployments of stressed and unstressed syllables in intonational languages as well as structured emphasis on syllables in tonal languages, the response would be, how can one enjoy what cannot be accessed in the first place? No one could blame such a reader because iterative structuring of sounds through peculiar lineation configurations in the written text constitute graphic representations poetic effects that become truly manifest only through performance or oral re-creation. Thus the frustrated reader is cheated out of being part of rhythmic impetus of poetry by written texts even though this rhythmic impetus remains an indispensable vehicle for the poetic experiences that connects man with the essence being.

Modern critical theories do not ease the pressure put on the reader either. For example, Russian Formalism postulates "literariness" as what distinguishes poetry from other discourse because it "defamiliarizes" by making language draw attention to itself. By insisting the poetic experience be seen virtually as mere sensitivity to the distinctive devices by which meaning is either deployed or subverted rather than a participation in the meaning implicated in poetry, formalist approaches to poetry subvert the fervour necessary for a poetic involvement in life. Is it any wonder that that poems are regarded as obscure propositions that have little or no reward to offer for the great effort they demand? How then can these kinds of discourse generate attraction towards poetic existence?

This uncomplimentary view of poetry, which is based on the premise of impenetrability, seems quite logical but it is also important to not that it originates from "restrictive or specialized" consideration of poetry as a distinctive kind of verbal discourse. Futhermore, this attitude is underscored by a total reliance on the "formal cause" in utter disregard for the "material cause" of poetry. To have a full understanding of what poetry is, not only should both causes be taken into consideration, their coalescence is a vital function of the formation of poetic visioning which is reflected in the Coleridgean concept of an organic form that flows naturally from the matter to compel the desired poetic involvement. Thus poetry, even in this more restricted sense of being verbal artifact, intensely communicates what resonates in the soul of man.

While the Greek word poesis (which etymologically spun off such words as poem, poet, poetry, poetic and poetics amongst others and denotatively means "making or to make") supports this specialized consideration of poetry as an artistic verbal construct, it also recognizes a wide array of creations or products. Poesis as "making or to make" implies that poetry can be applied to any object fabricated by human beings or even any action or activity that stands in contrast to a natural phenomenon. This explains why Plato, in the tenth book of The Republic, correlates products of verbal fabrications with those of carpentry and warfare and proceeds to apply the same standards in evaluating their usefulness. In effect while it is acceptable to regard those who artistically produce oral or written works as poets and their products as poems in the specialized sense, it is also acceptable to regard, in a general sense, all things produced by man as poems while all humans are poets because they produce things and initiate actions that can be regarded as poems.

If the core attributes of aesthetic verbal discourses form the base of all human products and activities, then it follows that the products and activities are poetic. For example the rhythm, which flows from the measured movements or "metred language," creates an aesthetic harmony that showers forth intense experiences and profound insights. When this aesthetic harmony is infused into all other human products as well as into the lives of individuals and social groupings, they become poetic. Other verbal discourses (be they literary - prose, drama, fable- scientific treatise, philosophic musings, or historical records), mathematical equations, artistic types like painting, music, architecture etc and other non-verbal and sign-related texts are poems, in the general sense, if they thrive on the poetic thought and impulse. In like manner, all human products, activities and visions are enriched and made more worthwhile by being poetically realised.

Please note that this sample paper on Poetic Existence: A Personal and Social Imperative is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Poetic Existence: A Personal and Social Imperative, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Poetic Existence: A Personal and Social Imperative will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Wednesday, May 13, 2020


If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on why?. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality why? paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in why?, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your why? paper at affordable prices! To explain the impacts of postmodernism, we have to understand the very composite nature of postmodernism, which is a relatively new all encompassing philosophy and one that reputedly lacks a historiography. The nature of the title question is very philosophical to which an equally philosophical answer could be given why? However I am not so bold as to give that as the answer. I will therefore endeavour to simplify and qualify, what I consider are, related factors and, where applicable, their origins. Similarly, as the title requests, I will also tackle their relationship with the ‘what is history?' debate (having first explained exactly what it is) to offer a conclusion as to the profundity of their impact.

The debate that continues through modern day historians on exactly ‘what is history?' was instigated by the writings of Collingwood, Elton and Carr, during the 0th century. It appears a very multifaceted issue and seldom does a historian writing about the ongoing debate fully agree with any of his cohorts in any of the intellectual disciplines.

In the words of Oscar Wilde, ‘To write history we have to rewrite history'. Obviously, this always involves revision, which encompasses ‘our understanding of the past and our sense of the persistence of the past into the present.' (1) Once again, it is a complex issue to address as each individual may offer a different perspective, on their view of past histories due to personal circumstance and ideology, which subsequently ‘emphasises the connections between different fields of human endeavour.'()

There is commonly a distinction between history and sociology in as much as history commonly refers to study of past events and human affairs, while sociology may be defined as ‘the study of human society, with an emphasis on generalisations about its structure and development.'() Rather than to get engaged in the parochial debate between how history and sociology differ, it is much easier to accept that they compliment each other. In fact there are a number of intellectual disciplines (including social anthropology, geography, politics and economics, to name but a few), which are all complimentary to the writing of history.

Clearly the more recent the event, the more likely we will have more evidence as contemporary sources whether they be oral accounts, manuscripts, diaries and so forth have had less time to withstand the destructive processes, experienced by many other similar sources, throughout the passage of time. However, this is not to dismiss findings from archaeological digs, as with the help from modern technology it is believed we can interpret quite accurately dates, scenes and lifestyles of societies from long past epochs.

With regard to the impact of postmodernism on the history debate we need to understand the meanings of both modernism and postmodernism. The former is the philosophy that began with the enlightenment during the 17th and 18th centuries in which science and art flourished.

Ren Descartes (born in 156) is perhaps the single most important philosopher of the European Enlightenment, the period in which philosophy emphasised reason and individualism rather than accepted tradition. Having studied under the Jesuits, who stressed the importance of the method of acquiring knowledge over everything else, Descartes developed a life-long obsession with how knowledge was acquired rather than the substance of knowledge itself. He deliberated over the basic principles of philosophy by asking the questions and reasoning with the answers to ‘How do we know things to be true and how do we distinguish the false from the true?'(4) Initially he stopped believing in everything but later realised that this was practically impossible and therefore set up a provision of rules to adhere to. Summarised by Hooker (16), Descartes believed that ‘if you cant be sure that anything is true, then you should accept for the time being what the people around you believe, especially in the field of morals. Once you arrive at certainty, then you can reject what other people say is true, but until then, you need some system of knowledge and morality to live by.'(5)

In his bid to find a common truth he realised the most simple of notions; the fact that he possessed the ability to think proved that he existed. He is renowned for his quote, "Cogito, ergo sum" which translates as "I think, therefore I am." Hooker (16) suggests that ‘the importance of the cogito is that it privileges the individual over tradition (Descartes is explicitly rejecting tradition) and privileges the individuals perception of the truth over some objective truth or some commonly shared truth.'(6) This basically means that the individual's subjective experience is the foundation of truth. However, the fact that only one viewpoint can generally be accepted poses many problems, as often there are no absolute truths.

The following traditional parable offers an example of the problems associated with the belief that an individual's subjective experience may offer the foundation of truth

An elephant was brought to a group of blind men who had never encountered such an animal before. One felt a leg and reported that an elephant is a great living pillar. Another felt the trunk and reported that an elephant is a great snake. Another felt a tusk and reported that an elephant is like a sharp ploughshare. And so on. And then they all quarrelled together, each claiming that his account was the truth and therefore all the others false.

(Cited from Kierkegaard, 15)

Although the accounts offered by each of the blind men are viewpoints, they cannot be considered as absolute truths nor can they be dismissed as false. Kierkegaard (15), suggests that an absolute truth, or one that is true for all, ‘cannot be achieved because of the constant motion of circumstances of who said it, to whom, when, where, why, and how it was said.'(7) However, it is generally recognised that if the blind men had accepted the different truths and every perception of the elephant had been taken into consideration, then quite obviously opinions may have changed and adapted.

Please note that this sample paper on why? is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on why?, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on why? will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Monday, May 11, 2020

Child abuse

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Child abuse. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Child abuse paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Child abuse, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Child abuse paper at affordable prices!

Hypothesis Child Abuse is a big problem in Australia. The legal rights of children, and organizations dealing with children affected by child abuse, urgently need to be strengthened.

Types of Abuse

First, in order to understand child abuse it is helpful to know exactly what it means. There are many legal and operational variations in the definition of child abuse. However, all definitions refer to the physical or psychological damage caused to the child by the abusive behavior of others, or the failure of others to protect a child from such damage. Most commonly, the categories of abuse cover physical, sexual and emotional abuse and neglect.

~ Physical abuse is any non-accidental physical injury inflicted on a child. This may include beatings, burns and scalds, fractures, poisoning, bruises or welts, internal injuries, shaking injuries or strangulation.

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~ Sexual abuse is any sexual behavior imposed on a child. The child is considered to be unable to alter and/or understand the perpetrators behavior due to his or her early stage of development and/or powerlessness in the situation. The perpetrators position of authority and/or trust enables him or her implicitly or directly to coerce the child into sexual compliance.

~ Emotional abuse is a constant attitude or behavior towards a child, which is detrimental to or impairs the childs emotional and/or physical development. This may take the form of scape goating, emotional rejection, isolation, or continuing verbal abuse.

~ Neglect is any serious omission or commission by a person, which jeopardizes or impairs the childs physical, intellectual, or emotional development. A child who is neglected may be consistently dirty and unwashed, without appropriate supervision for extended periods of time and, therefore, may be at risk of injury or harm, constantly tired, hungry, listless, and with medical conditions related to poor hygiene.

As an example of child abuse I would like to share with you the story of David Pelzer his story can be found in his autobiography called "A Child Called It". In the book he relates that for his developmentary years form age ½ to 1 he was denied food, beaten, and physically and mentally tortured in various ways. Some of these include being smashed face-first into mirrors, forced to eat the contents of his sibling's diapers and rotten meat, forced to swallow spoonfuls of ammonia. This was all instigated by his mother a devoted den mother to the Cub Scouts in her care and nurturing to her other children but not to David, whom she referred to as "it". She starved him for days at a time and forced him to vomit after every day at school to make sure he wasn't sneaking any food. When he tried stealing scraps from the garbage, she laced the trashcan with ammonia. She forced him to take ice-cold baths with just his nose above water. She often locked him in the bathroom with a bucket of ammonia and Clorox (a deadly chemical) the toxic fumes in the ‘gas chamber' as he called it, burnt his throat and nearly killed him. His mother beat him with a dog chain, a broom, her fists, burnt his hand on a gas stove, stabbed him in the chest, then left him to clean up the wound.

Although this is an extreme case of child abuse it highlights the need to protect children from such acts of violence.

In Australia an estimated 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 7 boys have been sexually abused before the age of sixteen! Most are abused by family members or others in a position of trust, many of them pillars of the community. Less than 1% of perpetrators are ever convicted of the abuse that is reported. Only 8% of abuse is reported. Perpetrators ensure that victims are too afraid or ashamed to tell, or have no one they can tell. For most, the abuse continues for years. All are emotionally scarred for life. Unless they are helped to heal many later turn to drugs; some die of overdoses. Many attempt suicide; some succeed. (Australian Child protection Alliance)

Figure 1 is the complied data from the Kids Help Line in South Australia during 001-00

Figure is the graphing of data in 001. It is the calling profile of Kids Help Line in South Australia. Females made 7% of the calls conserning child abuse, males made 1%. Figure graphs the age and sex of each caller calling about child abuse.

What is being done?

The government has established specialist police, education, health and welfare services to provide assistance to victims and their families. Protective programs have been introduced into schools. Policies have been formulated and other procedures have been updated. Legal reforms have been implemented and financial assistance has been given to self-help groups, strategies to work with abusers and a growing awareness of the problem in the community. This is helping to change attitudes towards child victims and those who hurt them.

A convicted child abuse offender will be place in custody for a minimum of 10 years with the option of bail in 5 years. Many believe that that amount of time is not nearly long enough. Persons convicted of not reporting abuse to the appropriate authorities are placed in custody for a minimum of years with bail available to the offenders as early as 6 months after being placed in custody.

What needs to be done in the future?

The greatest chance we have to prevent it.

Prevention of child abuse must be tackled on a number of levels

Primary Prevention is everyones responsibility. The goal is to stop abuse before it happens. Part of this is changing attitudes towards violence, protecting childrens rights and changing the way we behave as a society.

Secondary Prevention includes the recognition that parenting is difficult and that it can create stressful situations. Family support, respite care, personal safety programs, self esteem groups, community awareness programs, parenting skills courses, non-violent conflict resolution courses and self-help groups all can assist in preventing abuse. This is the responsibility of agencies, volunteer groups and others who must offer parents and other caregivers support rather than judgmental criticisms.

Tertiary Prevention is the responsibility of government agencies, which must act to protect a child who has already been abused. They must provide the best services available. Their duty is to ensure the child is safe from future harm.

The community needs to have harsher penalties for child abuse offenders. It is thought by some that we should follow some other countries leads which place the offenders in custody for life. It is the view taken by many that as a nation we are too lax in our child abuse laws and the punishment of the offenders.


Although a variety of child abuse intervention strategies have been introduced around Australia, few have been subject to evaluation. We know little if anything about the relative effectiveness and efficiency of child abuse programs in Australia.

Child abuse needs to be tackled on all fronts, social, legal, personal, and if we want to prevent it, we need to provide support for parents, research information for professionals and a community, which refuses to allow violence against its most vulnerable members.

The legal rights of abused children, the need for preventative measures have come along way from what they once were, BUT they still need to improve in order to insure the safety of our future generations.

Information found lessons/ChildAbuse.ppt





David Pelzer, autobiography. "A Child Called ‘IT'"

Information Found http//

Also see http//

Statistics found in "Child Abuse South Australia 001-00" Report,

Information found in http//

See Above

See Above

See Above

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Ethics in the Workplace

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Ethics in the Workplace. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Ethics in the Workplace paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Ethics in the Workplace, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Ethics in the Workplace paper at affordable prices!

Ethics in the Workplace-Internet Article Review

In the end, character will probably be the most important defining characteristic of a company. Ethics are from our values. We develop character through our commitment to our values and principles (Jeter, 000). Ingram (000)states that unethical behavior has caused many businesses to fail. Instead of using principles as guidance, many companies apply "situational ethics" to determine acceptable business practices by rationalizing the circumstances (cited in Jeter, 000). Daniel states that we as a society, have adopted an entitlement philosophy of life that spills over into the work environment (cited in Jeter, 000). Management experts agree that there has been an erosion of trust in the workplace for the last two decades (Jeter, 000). Businesses as well as learning institutions are beginning to take a serious interest in ethics because of the failure of Enron, WorldCom, and other companies that have failed due to unethical behavior.

Unethical behavior is displayed in many areas of our life. Cheating in school is second nature to some. Some employees do not consider taking small items such as pens, notepads, etc. from the workplace as stealing. Slacking on company time or taking care of personal tasks on the job is not an issue for some employees.

Because of the diversity of nationalities in America today, we are experiencing challenges to the Judeo-Christian based value system that has long been accepted as a common value. Because of these challenges, we are losing the "absolutes" that are the basis of a common value system. This could very well lead to the evolution of a society with a value system based on profits rather than ethics and consideration of other people (cited in Jeter, 000). This type of moral and ethical decay is an underlying factor in the failure of businesses in our society today. There is no guilt over being dishonest in business transactions or conversations with associates.

Most companies implement some kind of policy that governs employee behavior. Many employees do not regard these behavioral policies as anything more than protection for the company against lawsuits. When employees observe senior management behaving in a manner that is inconsistent with company policy, they have no incentive to view the policy in a serious manner. Managers and supervisors set the standards for how their subordinates react to company policy as well as how they react to everyday situations in the workplace. When a company has high ethical standards that are upheld throughout the organization, it will attract quality employees who are loyal to the company, as well as satisfied customers who would recommend the company to others.

Ingram states that "situational ethics" is the norm in the workplace today. Individual situations are rationalized to determine whether a response is acceptable. As a society and as individuals, we have the ability to rationalize every circumstance and justify almost every action as reasonable and correct (cited in Jeter, 000). Many times, we justify our words and actions by using the excuse that everyone else is doing it so it must not be too bad. According to Drabman, we are seeing people achieving the ends they want and justifying the means (cited in Jeter, 000). We are all responsible for our own words and actions and must be willing to accept this responsibility. In today's world, society as a whole, and even our judicial system, allows individuals to pass the responsibility for their actions to others, based on situational ethics. Our values and ethics have to begin from within. The most effective discipline is that which we impose on ourselves.

As Daniel stated, society has adopted an entitlement philosophy of life that continues into the workplace. We feel that the company owes us something, and therefore, the guilt for theft, goofing off in the workplace, or using company property for our own benefit has been eliminated. The use of alcohol and drugs in the workplace also results in employ theft and poor performance due to the dulled sense to moral conscience (cited in Jeter, 000).

Lack of trust can lead to failure in the workplace. New management approaches include restructuring the workplace to include self-directed work teams (Jeter, 000). Self-directed work teams build trust and loyalty in employees by allowing them to participate in company decisions. Employees who feel a sense of trust from their employer are more likely to feel a sense of value and belonging in the company, and therefore, a commitment to uphold ethical standards.

Owning a business that has no employees other than myself, helps eliminate most of the issues that have been described. However, there are still ethical issues that have to be contended with concerning company assets. I have to be very careful to ensure that designated company property is not used for personal projects, or that use is properly documented. Financial records for the business must be kept separate from personal expenses. The company could handle the documentation by keeping an inventory log and marking every item that is used and the nature of the use. Separate bank accounts could be established for company and personal assets.

In summary, society as a whole must revert to a common value system that upholds moral and ethical behavior in order for us to maintain honest working environments. Organizations can have effective behavior policies as long as they are well executed and upheld throughout the organization. Ethical behavior flows from the top. Management must show responsibility in the example they set forth for their subordinates. We must build a high standard for value and ethics within our own character and not allow ourselves to deviate from these values.


Jeter, L. W. (000). Workplace ethics serious challenge to businesses. Mississippi Business

Journal, (7). Retrieved November 10, 00, from


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Friday, May 8, 2020

The Chosen

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on The Chosen. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality The Chosen paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in The Chosen, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your The Chosen paper at affordable prices!

Conflicts in The Chosen

In reading The Chosen, one is exposed to conflicts between characters throughout the book, which Potok expresses in three main conflicts father against father, son against son, and father against son. Each variation of conflict has a very important significance to the main theme of conflicts among four Jewish males throughout the book. In post-Holocaust times, can it be assumed that all Jews would share a common belief system and have no conflicts?

In The Chosen, the father against father conflict is a result of clashes between David Malters and Reb Saunders. Each held drastically opposite views on life, parenting, religion and most every issue. This created major conflict at a time when American Jews who had escaped Germany were beginning to relay horrific stories from the Holocaust. While David Malter and Reb Saunders are both fathers and religious scholars, they demonstrate fundamentally different beliefs about disciplining children and religion. Reb Saunders and David Malter are very different in their ways. Reb is a Hasidic Jew and isolationist fanatic while David is an Orthodox Jew, more open-minded and interactive with the modern world around him. Reb's traditionalist mindset is stubborn and parochial. For most of the novel, he refuses to consider the outside world or interpret Judaism in ways other than his own. David Malter, on the other hand, remains tolerant of other points of view, even Reb Saunders. Most important, David Malter is willing to adapt his religious beliefs to incorporate contemporary issues. For Reb Saunders, being Jewish means one must accept a special set of obligations like studying the Torah and serving God. "We are commanded to study His Torah! We are commanded to sit in the light of the Presence! It is for this that we were created! . . . Not the world, but the people of Israel (Potok 18)! For David Malter, being Jewish is less rigid and more about possessing a certain intellectual and spiritual mindset and honoring obligations that will, in turn, provide meaning. The statement "man must fill his life with meaning, meaning is not automatically given to life (Potok 17), reflects David Malters growing feeling that it is not enough to wait passively for biblical prophesy, as Reb Saunders does. Unlike Reb Saunders, David Malter believes that religion should impact politics, and that it is important for Jews to actively engage the outside world. At times, each father feels threatened by the others views. At other times, each father displays strong respect for the other. The essence of different value systems and opposing viewpoints between these fathers is the core catalyst for conflict as the story develops.

As the old saying goes, like father like son. "I'm my father's son, remember? I'm the inheritor of the dynasty. Number one on our catechism Treat the son as you would the father, because one day the son will be the father" (Potok 178). It isn't surprising that, the sons of these two strong-willed men conflict with each other in a similar fashion as their fathers throughout the pages of The Chosen. Danny and Reuven become friends in an unlikely way. While playing an interschool baseball game, Reuven was pitching and Daniel hit the ball and shattered Reuven's glasses. Reuven went to the hospital for immediate eye surgery. After the eye heals, Danny went to Reuven to beg his forgiveness and the two boys became fast friends. Reuven's family has more flexible religious customs, while Danny's relatives represent very strict Hasidic beliefs with limited views. "My father doesn't like us to mix with outsiders" (Potok 16). The two boys embark upon adulthood in New York in the 140's and together try to negotiate issues typical for that era. Reuvens father becomes an outspoken proponent of Israel as a Jewish homeland while Dannys father is fanatical in his belief that only the Messiah could lead the Jews to Israel. It is at this point when Reb Saunders goes to the extreme of demanding that his son cease being friends with Reuven because of a speech on Zionism made by Reuven's father. "Danny was not to see me talk to me, be found within four feet of me. My father and I had been excommunicated from the Saunders family" (Potok 1). During this ban, Danny and Reuven continue to communicate through eye contact and subtle gestures. The look on Dannys face, though, when I saw him for the first time, helped a little. He passed me in the hallway, his face a suffering mask of pain and compassion. I thought for a moment he would speak to me, but he didnt. Instead, he brushed against me and managed to touch my hand for a second. His touch and his eyes spoke the words that his lips couldnt. I told myself it was bitter and ironic that my father needed to have a heart attack in order for some contact to be established once again between myself and Danny (Potok 41). This, they learn, is a non verbal means of perpetuating a friendship. As the boys grow into young men, they discover in the other a lost spiritual brother and a link to an unexplored world that neither had ever considered before. In effect, they exchange places, and find a peace that neither would have gained without the other.

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The last, and one of the most important conflicts in the book, is father against son. Fathers and sons cannot choose each other, but this lack of choice does not make their relationships any less meaningful. These conflicts may not be quite as obvious because they are typically more silently communicated. Danny and his father speak only to one another when Reb Saunders asks him questions about the Talmud on Shabbat. "They never talk, abba. Except when they study Talmud" (Potok 47). Primarily, this stems from the respect that is expected to be shown between parent and child in a Hasidic family. An example of father-son conflict takes place within Danny Saunders when he is torn between a life devoted to the intellectual study of psychology which he realizes is not congruent with his Hasidic religious views because it emphasizes a non-religious view of human nature. He realizes that he faces a decision of deeply disappointing his father by not following in his footsteps of living a life devoted strictly to the Hasidic traditions or foregoing that which his heart desires. Although very intelligent, Danny has never been to a movie or a museum, but he secretly goes to the library every day, and reads secular books. Danny becomes increasingly torn between honoring his father and his religious upbringing and his intellectual hunger. Even when Danny was still very young, Reb Saunders realized that in his boy the dazzling intellect was growing into a dominant force. "I cried inside my heart. I went away and cried to the Master of the Universe, What have you done to me? A mind like this I need for a son? A heart I need for a son, a soul I need for a son, compassion I want from my son, righteousness, mercy, strength to suffer and carry pain, that I want from my son, not a mind without a soul (Potok 15)!

Despite what can seem like insurmountable differences in The Chosen, everyone has similarities as well. There is good in everyone and two people are bound to share some common views. By dwelling on the similarities and respecting the fact that everyone doesn't see eye to eye on every single issue, it can be possible for individuals to cohabitate peacefully and sometimes even enjoy sharing attributes of their differences. For, in sharing these differences, diverse citizens learn about perspectives beyond their own and can experience growth. While some people remain more narrow-minded than others, they may refuse to accept a lifestyle or a belief. But, they may begin, little by little, to consider tolerating the differences. Like it or not, the world is full of many different people and no matter who the group of people, or what past experiences they may share, there will always be conflicts because no two people are alike.

Please note that this sample paper on The Chosen is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on The Chosen, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on The Chosen will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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