Thursday, September 10, 2020

How is maleness represented in 90's british films brassed off full monty and trainspotting

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on how is maleness represented in 90's british films brassed off full monty and trainspotting. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality how is maleness represented in 90's british films brassed off full monty and trainspotting paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in how is maleness represented in 90's british films brassed off full monty and trainspotting, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your how is maleness represented in 90's british films brassed off full monty and trainspotting paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service!

For this essay I shall be discussing the representations of various male characters that play lead roles in the above films, this will enable me to conclude how maleness is represented in 0's British Films.

To define the film Trainspotting, critics have described it as the "British Film that defines the 0's"; as the film portrays the harsh but true lives of heroin addicts reflecting realism, it focuses on the highs and lows of the junkie culture. The lead roles played by Ewan McGregor (Renton), Jonny Lee Miller (Sick Boy), Ewen Breminer (Spud), Robert Carlyle (Begbie) & Kevin McKidd (Tommy) portrays the troubles of 5 childhood friends who battle their addiction to drugs and alcohol. Danny Boyle the director represents the characters in different depths; Mark Renton is seen as the main focus of the film. All the other characters are in essence different sides of Rentons personality. he often narrates most of the scenes as they happen and his battle to choose between self-destruction and life portrays his strong will power. The scene where Renton looses a fix down the toilet and naturally dives into it shows how desperate heroin addicts can get and to what extent they will go, the way that Renton sees it in his eyes is represented as a fantasy world under the sea this shows the serene hallucination of a typical junkie. There is a lot of symbolism, both with regards of the heroin addiction, and with regards to the current state of Scottish society particularly from Renton's character who is represented as a nationalist "its shite being Scottish, scum of the earth", this reflects how the underclass feel when they are up against the British. After meeting a woman in a nightclub and going back to her house only to find out in the morning that her housemates are actually in fact her parents and that Diane the woman is a 15-year-old schoolgirl is the time when Renton starts to get his life back in order, this is only a third of the hilarious tangent story lines that Danny Boyle has created to represent the comical side of the drug addiction, the imagery that director Danny Boyle uses to convey the sense of dread and hopelessness surrounding Rentons prolonged heroin abuse is extremely realistic particularly in the cold turkey scene when his parents lock him in his room to dry out, his withdrawal is a hideous combination of hallucinations, cold sweats, craving and finally, screaming, this represents the lowest of the lows of being a heroin addict.

Sick Boy is another case entirely. Being on heroin is his excuse for acting in a criminal manner, stealing money, books, television sets. Sick Boy also justifies life with his theory that everything relates in some way to the career of Sean Connery. Sick Boy has no morals either. He even steals Rentons television and has the gall to ask about Rentons passport and how much money he could get for it on the black market. This represents the nasty side of living the life of a junkie especially when the five of them have been brought together by their addiction but not actually supporting one another.

Buy cheap how is maleness represented in 90's british films brassed off full monty and trainspotting term paper

Begbie is a secretly bent psychopathic that erupts in abrupt violent acts. He claims he would never stoop so low to ‘shoot' smack but he is represented as a heavy drinker and smoker.

Spud (Ewan Bremner) is a goofy, gangly guy who takes speed before a job interview to insure that his behavior will not get him hired. deeper sensitivity that makes the audience feel pity for him

Tommy (Kevin McKidd) is the only straightlaced member of the troupe who doesnt do drugs, lie or steal but eventually succumbs to the needle when his girlfriend dumps him and his friends refuse to sympathize with his problems. The scene where he tries to get his friends to go on a nature hike is especially funny.

Please note that this sample paper on how is maleness represented in 90's british films brassed off full monty and trainspotting is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on how is maleness represented in 90's british films brassed off full monty and trainspotting, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on how is maleness represented in 90's british films brassed off full monty and trainspotting will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment from cheap essay writing service and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Efnafræði III, verklegar æfingar

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Efnafræði III, verklegar æfingar. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Efnafræði III, verklegar æfingar paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Efnafræði III, verklegar æfingar, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Efnafræði III, verklegar æfingar paper at affordable prices!

Æfing 1 - Tilraunastofan algeng tæki, tækni og öryggi

Tilgangur að kynna sr og æfa algeng vinnubrögð á tilraunastofu til þess að verða öruggur í meðferð tækja og læra að velja hentugustu áhöldin hverju sinni (sjá vinnuhefti bls.1).

Efni og tæki sjá vinnuhefti bls. 1-1

Framkvæmdarlýsing sjá vinnuhefti bls. 1-1

Custom Essays on Efnafræði III, verklegar æfingar

Niðurstöður svör við spurningum úr vinnuhefti koma í rttri röð undir yfirskrift hvers liðar fyrir sig.


Mynd 1 sýnir loga á bunsenbrennara sem fenginn var með því að hafa loftinntakið á brennaranum lokað og stilla gasinntakið þannig að login yrði um 10cm á hæð. Guli flöktandi bjarminn í loganum skýrist með því að of lítið súrefnisstreymi er til staðar til að oxa allt própangasið í koldíoxíð og vatn þannig að hluti þess oxast aðeins upp í kolefni sem myndar agnir í loganum og þær glóa með gulum lit.

Efnajafnan fyrir brunann

CH8 + O ® C + CO + 4HO

eða CH8 + 4O ® C + CO + 4HO

Blái, stöðugi bjarminn í loganum myndast þar sem enn er nægjanlegt súrefni til staðar. Þá oxast própangasið fullkomlega í koldíoxíð og vatn og engar glóandi agnir myndast.

Efnajafnan fyrir brunann

CH8 + 5O ® CO + 4HO

Mynd sýnir loga á bunsenbrennara sem var fenginn með því að opna loftinntakið að hluta og stilla gasinntakið þannig að login yrði u.þ.b. 7cm hár. Í honum eru keilur, sú innsta er ljós blá, þar fyrir utan er litlaus keila en ysta keilan er dökkfjólublá. Þessir ólíku litir skýrast af því að agnir frá própangasinu brenna á mism. stöðum í loganum þar sem þær örvast og aförvast og senda frá sr ljós með ólíkar bylgjulengdir. Hver litur hefur þannig ákv. bylgjulengd og ákv. hitastig.

Þegar postulínsdeigla var borin í logann á mynd 1varð deiglan svört af sóti þegar kolefnisagnirnar í loganum settust utan á hana. Þegar sótug deiglan var borin í heitasta hluta logans á mynd (~1500°C) fyrir ofan innstu keiluna hreinsaðist sótið aftur af henni, þ.e. kolefnisagnirnar brunnu upp.


Eftirfarandi niðurstöður fengust úr vigtun

Vigt tilr.glas deigla bikarglas mæliglas m.glas pappír mynt

m 5mL vatni

grófvigt 16,7 4,7 1,7 54, 58,8

fínvigt 16,7751 4,87 0,868 8,48

Mæliniðurstöður eru gefnar í g.


BaCl(aq) + NaSO4(aq) ® BaSO4(s) + NaCl(aq)

Við filtrunina reyndist nauðsynlegt að nota fíngötóttan pappír nr. en grófari pappír nr.1 var ekki nægilega þttur til að filtra botnfallið.

Útreikningar á mólleysni BaSO4

Leysnimargfeldi, Ksp fyrir BaSO4(s) = 1,510- við 5°C (skv. Zumdahl)

BaSO4(s) ® Ba+ + SO4-

Ksp = [Ba+] [SO4-]

1,510- = x

x = ,10-5

Mólleysni BaSO4 = ,10-5mól/L


Gefnar upplýsingar

Eðlisþyngd 7% HCl lausnar 1,1Kg/L Þ 1,1Kg lausn/L lausn

Massaprósenta HCl 7% HCl Þ 7g HCL/100g lausn

Mólmassi HCl 6,458g/mól Þ 6,46g HCl/mól HCl

Hlutur HCl í eðlisþyngd lausnarinnar

0,7 1,1 Kg/L = 0,440 Kg/L = 440, g/L

massi HCl í 1 L ¸ mólmassa HCl = mólstyrkur sýrunnar

440, g/L ¸ 6,458g/mól = 1,08mól/L

Til að búa til 50 mL af 0,100M HCl

[ ]1 V1 = [ ] V

1,08M V1 = 0,100M 0,5L

V1 = ,0710-L = ,07mL 7% HCl lausn


Efnajafnan fyrir títrunina

NaOH(aq) + HCl(aq) ® HO(l) + NaCl(aq)

Tafla með niðurstöðum mælinga

Títrun Aflestur 1 Aflestur DV = DV

númer upphaf lok Afl 1 Afl meðaltal

(1 0,18 1,45 1,7)

0,0 1,58 0,68

0,4 1, 0,80

4 1,64 4,0 0,66


Meðaltal rúmmáls NaOH sem bætt var út í var fundið út frá niðurstöðum -4 mælingar þar sem fyrsta mæling var ekki marktæk.

Útreikningar á styrk saltsýrunnar

MNaOH = 0,108M

Útreikningar skv. vinnuhefti bls. 1

MHCl = DV ¸ 5,0mL MNaOH

0,71mL ¸ 5,0mL 0,108M = 0,18M HCl lausn


Efnavitar eru stórar lífrænar sameindir, veikar sýrur eða veikir basar, sem hafa ólíkan lit eftir því hvort umhverfi þeirra er prótónerað eða ekki. Sýruformið hefur annan lit en basaformið og litbreytingi verður á ákv. pH bili.

HIn H+ + In-

Phenolphthalein er t.d. litlaust á HIn formi en bleikt á basaforminu In-. Litbreyting verður við pH þegar 10% efnavitans hefur gefið frá sr prótónur (skv. Zumdahl). Þannig verður 10% efnisins að breyta um lit til að mannsaugað greini litabreytingu. Eins og sst á mynd af títrunarferli fyrir títrun rammrar sýru með römmum basa helst sýrustig nokkuð stöðugt framan af og ræðst pH þá af styrk sýrunnar. Þegar jafn mörgum mólum af basa hefur verið bætt út í lausnina og upphaflega voru af sýrunni næst svokallaður jafngildispunktur og þá er lausnin hvorki súr n basísk, hefur pH = 7 (gildir bara fyrir títrun sterkra sýra og sterkra basa). Á þessum punkti er umhverfið ekki lengur prótónerað og eftir því sem meira er bætt út í lausnina af títranti verður lausnin meira basísk. Þessi breyting hefur áhrif á jafnvægi efnavitans sem breytir um lit.

And if then

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Please note that this sample paper on Efnafræði III, verklegar æfingar is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Efnafræði III, verklegar æfingar, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Efnafræði III, verklegar æfingar will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Mutual funds

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on mutual funds. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality mutual funds paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in mutual funds, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your mutual funds paper at affordable prices! HDFC to launch income scheme

HDFC Mutual Fund has designed an income scheme with multiple dividend option, including a monthly option. The scheme named Regular Income Plan would be pitted against the MIPs and would be positioned to attract MIP bound funds. The proposal has been sent to SEBI for approval and has two plans, namely, short-term plan and long-term plan. The short-term plan comes with monthly and quarterly dividend options and while the other comes with a half yearly dividend and a growth option. Both the funds have a dividend reinvestment option. The asset allocation pattern reveals that the fund would invest primarily into debt and money market. The exposure into equity would be limited. Normally the fund would invest 5 per cent into equity and equity related instruments, the remaining 75 per cent going into debt and related instruments. The benchmark index would be MIP Balanced Index maintained by CRISIL.

Reliance Capital MF plans to be among top

Reliance Capital Mutual Fund (RCMF) is aiming to be among the top three in the Mutual funds Industry. With total Assets Under Management (AUM) of more than Rs 6,000 crores, the fund is looking at launching new schemes under both debt and equity funds category. The fund also has plans to explore the opportunities in pension fund market. The fund has hired professionals from the various fields like banking and financial services. The strategy is to take leverage of the captive retail customer base of Reliance India Mobile by bringing in technological developments in the MF Industry.

UTI strengthens investment procedure

UTI Mutual Fund, the largest domestic mutual fund, has effected significant changes in its investment policies. The fund has decided to focus on 10 scrips out of the 50 in its portfolio. Many of these 50 scrips are penny stocks of poorly performing companies. Under the new arrangement, where the NAV based schemes have come in the UTI Mutual Fund fold, several pre conditions have been specified for investment. The list of 10 stocks would be constantly researched and reviewed and the investment would be based on fundamentals. Apart form the SEBI guidelines; several internal guidelines would also be followed. Only 1 per cent of the funds can be invested outside the list of specified 10 stocks. The fund has also specified sectoral guidelines for investment.

UTI in restructuring mode

UTI would go through a major restructuring in the coming days. Four new outfits would be created to manage pension and portfolio management services, distribution, properties and recoveries of sticky assets. Reportedly there would be a major reallocation of employees from various departments to the new companies and divisions. A company called UTI Infrastructure has already been made that would take care of the properties owned by the UTI all over the country. It would also look after maintenance an take up civil contracts. The fund house is also expected to launch a financial services distribution company that would market mutual funds products of its own as well as other fund houses.

AMFI to check dividend stripping

The Association of Mutual Funds in India is initiating steps to dismantle the practice of mutual funds coming out with tailor made products to facilitate dividend stripping. There have been a lot of cases where AMCs have declared a dividend of 45 to 75 per cent to help HNIs take tax benefits. As a result a possibility has been expressed that the government may remove the tax benefit that is available to the mutual fund industry. The AMFI best practices company has discussed the matter at length and has decided to come out with detailed guidelines. The modus operandi is quite simple the fund house declares a hefty dividend, which is tax free in the hands of the investors. The payout of the dividend also means that the NAV falls in the same proportion. This results into short-term capital loss that can be adjusted against any capital gains. This has been happening in-spite of the government requirement that the investors should stay in the fund for minimum 0 days before or after the dividend payout to be eligible for tax benefits.

JM MIP mops up over Rs. 4 crores

The recent IPO of JM MIP from JM Mutual fund has attracted over 11000 retail investors and has succeeded in moping up Rs.4.16 cr. JM MIP Fund has been one of the most successful retail launches in recent history. The first NAV (Net asset value) for the scheme is declared on September 0, 00 at Rs.10.16. The JM MIP Fund is open for sale and repurchase at NAV based prices from October 1, 00.

Please note that this sample paper on mutual funds is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on mutual funds, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on mutual funds will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

King lear

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on king lear. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality king lear paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in king lear, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your king lear paper at affordable prices!

In what way shall we judge the growth of a man's understanding of humanity, and ability to be virtuous within that understanding? Can we attain this quality of being virtuous even after having made a substantial mistake? True remorse for our mistakes is what makes us good people, not flawless avoidance of making mistakes. Shakespeare's King Lear shows us the astounding growth of an individual. The King is at first blinded by self importance. It is only through great mistakes on his part that his station is reduced enough that he may learn humility.

It is important that we note that in the beginning of the play, during the "love test", the King asks not who loves him most; but "…which of you shall we say doth love us most?" (I.i.5) We should also remember that in judging their answers he did not consider who he knew to love him most, but whose answer was most pleasing. This mistake, as we have seen, costs him his kingdom, his family, his position of power in essence, it costs him his reality. But what new reality is he forced to enter? In his new reality, he is not all important, and is accountable for his own actions, particularly to himself.

When King Lear sees that he has forfeited not only his power as king, but his right to continue his lifestyle under his false-loving daughter, Goneril, he curses her. He asks nature to make her sterile or that she give birth to a child that teaches her the pain she has taught him "…that she may feel /How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is /To have a thankless child." (I.iv.4-6) This early glimpse at King Lear shows us his reactionary nature. He only wants the suffering he must endure to be returned upon it's aggressor. His action shows no hint, at this point, of self examination for the presence of blame. He has yet to discover his own folly. He takes the situation to be horrible; but he does not seem to stop and consider his role in causing the problems he faces. He chose to forsake the daughter he knew loved him in favor of those who simply claimed to more vehemently.

As King Lear's troubles intensify, and he wanders the heath in the storm, his reaction is but more intense; he challenges the storm to do it's worst to him and to strike down "the thick rotundity o' th' world… that makes ingrateful man." (III.ii.7-) He seems to have lost faith in all humanity. His world is shattered; he's lost all he's ever considered important.

Write your king lear research paper

The storm symbolizes the chaos of Lear's life, and at the same moment embodies the awesome power of nature. Lear's wandering in the storm humbles him. He realizes his frailty in the face of nature in more ways than one. He is not just susceptible to the whims of uncontrollable nature, but to the whims of other people. He does not fully comprehend the reasons his daughter's went against him. He realizes for the first time that he lacks importance -which he previously saw as a source for invincibility. In his previous mindset, he was king… and, as such, all powerful. He learned from this realization and gained humility.

The play as a whole is set in motion by Lear's foolishly blind betrayal of Cordelia's love. His betrayal is based on his preference for appearances over reality. Having gained the humility he so dearly lacked he saw his wrong and repented. Upon his first reunion with his only truly loving daughter, he admits that she has cause to hate him (IV.vii.7-74) and tells her that "…If you have poison for me, I will drink it."(IV.vii.71) He is actually ready to die at her command out of repentance for the wrong which he has done her. She, of course, remains the true innocent of the story and would not ask this of her father.

Their brief reconciliation is all that is needed to solidify Lear's fluctuating mind. Though he never regains his complete sanity, through their meeting in the end his character holds to a final condition he is a humble and caring individual. He cares for nothing other than Cordelia, and he places his love for her over all else. His ability to understand these emotions in himself through his madness is profound. Through all of his fleeting understandings of reality, he has come to a point where he understands where he erred. He has come to a point where he feels the feelings that a truly virtuous person would have, had they made his mistake.

This brings us full circle. King Lear started with an exaggerated view of his own importance as a person. He was unable to get past himself. Through the events of the play, however, he developed the capacity to value others over himself, the ability to feel remorse for his sins. No greater achievement can be hoped for in a man; can it? His development shows us that there is hope to be found in mankind. Those who are blinded by their circumstance do not necessarily have to remain blind. Only Shakespeare could provide us with this accurate a description of the development of an aspect of good character. He shows us the uncertainty of one who doubts their beliefs and reality, through King Lear's madness. He supplies a situation under which even the most stubborn of men must grow due to the events they must endure. It is tragic how many had to die to present this as strongly as it is in this play; but is that not the beauty of theatre? -That no one must truly die for us to learn the lessons we might learn from the tragedy of their deaths.

King Lear does change, and this change is most definitely something that Shakespeare planned from the outset. The change is marked and meaningful both within and without the context. This play is, in my opinion, meant in part to be a lesson to us that we can change for the better. We can come to better understandings of ourselves and of the consequences of our actions. Not developing these understandings, as the villains did, is folly. Following the route of our protagonist, King Lear, and developing as people through tragedy is the intent of the author.

Please note that this sample paper on king lear is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on king lear, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on king lear will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Monday, September 7, 2020

Everything in life

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on everything in life. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality everything in life paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in everything in life, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your everything in life paper at affordable prices!

Article Summary #3

"Solving the Mystery of Insect Flight"

In 1903 the Wright brothers flew the first plane, and since then humans have gained quite an understanding of flight in its many shapes and forms. There is still one frontier in the science of flight that has yet to be conquered and still baffles scientists everywhere, insect flight. Insect flight is an enigma to most scientists; they don't understand how the tiny wings of an insect can keep it aloft or how it can possibly make such intricate maneuvers in the air. This is a mystery that was solved recently by a man named Michael Dickinson and his team of scientists.

Michael was mystified by the way insects flapped their little wings and were able to create lift. According to scientific dogma an insect's wings would have to be much bigger for it to create lift enough to stay in the air. After using modern techniques to look at how the insect flaps its wings, Michael realized that it did not just flap its wings up and down it also rotated its wings as they flapped in an inverted oval shape. This caused Michael to believe that the rotation of the wings had something to do with the flight patterns of the insect. He discovered that when in flight, the insect uses what is called a leading edge vortex to generate increased lift. A leading edge vortex occurs when the wings is flapped at a steep angle and air stuck against the backside of the wing creates a short lived vortex, lowering air pressure and creating extra lift. Michael found that this accounted for the increased lift but not for the all the characteristics of the insect's flight. Michael then discovered that the insect's rotating wings also created the ability for the insect to make incredibly sharp maneuvers in the air by changing the timing and angle at which the insect flaps and rotates its wings. Due to Michael's continued research, in the future, small flying devices could be created for many different tasks such as search and rescue, or army reconnaissance.

Buy everything in life term paper

I am interested in this article because it is about something I am not very familiar with. Most articles I read are about something I know a little about, but this article is completely new to me and reading it is truly a learning experience. Also this article is interesting because sometime in the future it could affect me and how I live, due to inventions that could be made using the research described here. Overall, this was a very interesting article and one that I had to read twice.

Please note that this sample paper on everything in life is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on everything in life, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on everything in life will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Friday, September 4, 2020

The Scarlett Letter

If you order your cheap term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on The Scarlett Letter. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality The Scarlett Letter paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in The Scarlett Letter, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your The Scarlett Letter paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service!

The strict moral values that ruled the Puritan society were the cause of more misery, and contributed more to the downfall of that way of life than any other factor. The perfection the Puritans were seeking was impossible to obtain. No man can conceal his sin from the public without getting confused about what is the honest truth. This is the plight of Reverend Dimmesdale, Doctor Chillingworth, and Hester Prynne, in Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter.

The townspeople perceive Reverend Dimmesdale as a living example of moral perfection that should be emulated throughout their Puritan colony. Dimmesdale's role in town, coupled with the interference of Doctor Chillingworth, makes it impossible for Dimmesdale to lay his burden down. The reverend is plagued by his lingering obsession with his crime of passion. Dimmesdale falls through an intricate spiral that leads to insanity, with only death granting a relief from his torture. By the reverend's refusal to confess his sin, he was doomed to a life of inner suffering. Dimmesdale could have enjoyed a better life with Hester and Pearl if only he had laid his conscience to rest when Hester did.

A mysterious doctor comes to the Puritan colony just as Hester is taking her place on the scaffold; no one would have ever guessed this doctor was Hester's husband, who was thought to be in the bottom of the sea. Doctor Chillingworth also must keep a deep secret that turns into insanity similar to Reverend Dimmesdale's. Chillingworth portrays a skilled doctor who is a twisted, wicked character. Chillingworth alleviates the pain of his wife's betrayal by preying on her secret lover. Fueled by his jealousy, Chillingworth tries to get even with Dimmesdale for providing Hester with a deeper love he could not give her. Dimmesdale's death denies Chillingworth of his only pleasure, inflicting his wrath of torture. Chillingworth's death soon follows because he has no other reason to live. The characters of Dimmesdale and Chillingworth might be referred to as scarlet letters themselves, because both of their dual personalities offer them the same shame that is found within Hester's letter.

Hester Prynne is perhaps the strongest woman in the colony. Hester was perceived as a strong woman until she was drawn into her forbidden affair with Dimmesdale. It was not possible for Hester to choose to hide her affair because the birth of Pearl, a living confession of her sins, was in the near future. Hester stood solemnly before the colony as punishment for her sins. By refusing to confirm her lover's identity, Hester is proving her love and devotion to the society. The shame and alienation that Hester feels from the Puritans changes her life forever. The actions surrounding Hester turn her into a strong maternal figure, not only to Pearl, but also to the poor and needy. Hester's character endures the most public humiliation, but by admitting her secret she is permitted to carry on her life with Pearl. Hester's life is free from the burdens and disintegration that ruin Dimmesdale and Chillingworth.

Little Pearl is not only a punishment for Hester; she is also a precious gift from God. Pearl is Hester's only companion who sees her mother as a person, not as a mere symbol of adultery. Pearl is Hawthorne's symbol of youthful innocence. The other Puritan children scorn Pearl, just as their parents scorn Hester. The contrast between Hester and Pearl is that the hateful children do not bother Pearl, while it is years before Hester learns to deal with the pain. Pearl fixates on the symbol and makes the reader constantly aware of the symbol and Pearl's innocence toward it. Pearl is also a symbol of youth and the inquisitive nature that surrounds children. Pearl inquires and implies harsh opinions about the people in her life, particularly Reverend Dimmesdale.

Reading the Scarlet Letter is a task that is easier said than done; because it cannot be simply read, the author's meaning must be analyzed. Hawthorne does an exceptional job of taking the love between Hester and Dimmesdale, and bringing out evil in order to create a story. Once examined, this evil is found in the characters of the story, is found to exist only as a state of mind, which has been found to exist only as a state of mind, which has been forced on the characters by the Puritan Society. The only exception to the evil is found in Pearl, who is protected by her youthful innocence. The protest of Puritan morality is the author's message in The Scarlet Letter.

Please note that this sample paper on The Scarlett Letter is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on The Scarlett Letter, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college papers on The Scarlett Letter will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Reflective Essay on Education

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January 1, 00

Reflective Essay on Education

What do I think about Education

Custom writing service can write essays on Reflective Essay on Education

Education is the pursuit of knowledge, not a goal that can be reached after obtaining a college degree. A person, no matter how much they know, can never stop learning simply because they have completed a college or master degree program. Instead, a person is educated when he or she continues to devote their lives to understanding what they do not yet still comprehend or know.

It centralizes on acquiring knowledge to promote intellectual and personal growth. Education is about acquiring information, learning new skills and developing already existing abilities.

Education opens windows and doors to so many things, such as history, biology, astronomy and so forth. Without education one cannot know the nature and dedication that our forefathers went through so we can have the world we live in today.

Education stems from the day we are born. We are being educated from that point on until eternity. In essence education is the commitment to the pursuit of knowledge, with a mind constantly open to new theories and innovations.

To be truly educated, one must be committed to learning its entire life and to making new discoveries in everything that is revolving around others and oneself.

My characterization of the educated person involves a few essential and important elements such as; reading and understanding the written text. An educated person should be able to read and appreciate the various written materials in printed format.

An educated person should be tuned to others and to the world around them. Being able to listen and hear what others are saying, they should be able to follow the emotions that lie behind any point and communicate a sound advice.

An educated person should be able to talk with anyone, whether it's a child or a senior official. They should be able to communicate at the same level of competence and genuine interest.

They should be able to write clearly, the written text should be understandable and easy to follow .The words should attract the reader's attention as if they were communicating in person.

To be educated, a person must possess skills that require making informed intelligent decisions, a learning technique that results in improved facilities that will adapt him or her to function effectively in any given situations both in their personal and professional life.

An Educated person's benefit to society

It has always been an endeavor of human beings to become educated. Education can be used as one of the factors in placing a person in certain social standing. The level of ones education brings prosperity and many opportunities in life. This is one of the main reasons for the quest and pursuit of higher education. It is in our natural disposition to desire success and teach others. Education is the product of the sum of the experiences in life; and an educated person needs to make connections between what has been learned at school and the different aspects of life.

Gaining a higher education usually enables one to acquire power in society and freedom to make choices. One can relate what he or she has learned in school to life and its components. It's like an investment, and prepares us for the wide range of problems that we will face in the future. I believe we are involved in a forward-thinking mode of education, looking not only to today's needs but teaching critical skills for tomorrow's problems and challenges.

An educated person's contribution to society encompasses and fulfills the different components that make up our world and living cultures. Without it society would be in chaos. Society counts on and needs the skilled and intelligent resources that an educated person provides.

An educated person recognizes that what they teach, what they research, and how they teach and create knowledge must continually change in respect to our social needs. The importance and mandated skill of such a person impacts the many different functions through out the world.

Such a person should be able to integrate information for different situations and adapt to new scenarios. Society benefits as a whole when an educated person can apply their intelligence and wisdom and contribute it to the welfare of others.

Thus an educated person who can acquire information, learn new skills and apply his or her wisdom to better upgrade humanities living conditions has then succeeded in their quest to obtain that elusive roll as an educated person.

Differences between an Educated Person and a College Person

The purpose of school is to produce an educated populace. But the product of the school system is not always what many view an educated person to be. School teaches us how to survive in society; it installs a sense of discipline in the students and teaches them to work in a structured environment with established guidelines. Many people associate level of schooling with career and social status. Having a college degree instantly increases thus.

There is a difference between being an educated person and being a college graduate. College teaches how to achieve good grades and conform to a well discipled environment. The course material that is taught consists mainly of information that we are required to learn and understand in order to pass a course. An educated person instead nurtures this information and proceeds to excel and formulate it so society can use it and improve their living surroundings.

So I believe that a person who has graduated from college but does not pursue his education any further is content with the basic skills and knowledge that they have acquired. Their goal was to obtain a position in life that would benefit himself and his family, such as a higher position at work or a new career. An educated person instead continues to learn and apply his or her schooling and knowledge to others so they in turn can better improve themselves.

Please note that this sample paper on Reflective Essay on Education is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Reflective Essay on Education, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Reflective Essay on Education will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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