Wednesday, April 29, 2020

The Rights of Animals

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on The Rights of Animals. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality The Rights of Animals paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in The Rights of Animals, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your The Rights of Animals paper at affordable prices!

Animals have roamed the earth centuries before man had evolved. They live in various places on the Earth and are many benefits to our environment. However, there are some people around the world that like to exploit animals for their individual gain. It is important to know that these types of people don't understand the idea that animals were on the Earth first.

Jane Goodall is an anthropologist who studied the cognitive abilities of chimpanzees and their behavior in the mid-sixties. Upon her conclusions, she found that chimpanzees are quite smart and logical animals. As she began to write here books, Jane started referring to the animals as "he" or "she". Once this was reported, the human officials became outraged. The reason for this was back then they believed that animals had no brain or intelligence that a human would have. Jane continued to write about these animals regardless of what people thought. From here, she began to fight the idea that humans are superior to animals. Today, Jan tries to show people around the world that animals, especially chimpanzees, are very similar to human mind. She also proves that animals should have protection from exploitation and harm from other smart creatures.

We, as humans, don't understand the danger that we put animals in. We tend to shoot animals for sport, kill for food, and even capture them to perform research on them. I find it wrong to take innocent animals and have them experimented on to only help us. It is not fair that they have to be the ones, who are mutilated, brutally effected by chemicals, and killed for the benefit of one sole species. A solution to this problem would be to start experimenting on ourselves and see how we would feel. Also, each year, we tare down many natural rain forests. Among with the destruction of these forests go the lives of many exotic creatures. Every time we do this, we are not only harming them, but we are harming ourselves. Scientists and researchers report that in these rain forests, cures can be found to battle our illnesses and diseases. If we continue to destroy the homes of innocent animals not only will we be killing them but also ourselves. It is also important to think about why we have animal distinction between species today. The reason being is the destruction of their homes and the killing of them for fun. It is important to know that animals are allowed their equal rights regardless to their size, shape, and type.

From the pre-historic dinosaurs to the common house cat, all animals should have basic rights in order to survive in their natural habitat. It is very important to understand that we too are animals. We should respect all the animals on the earth regardless of their stature or type. We should also live in harmony and learn from them by safe and beneficial means.

Custom writing service can write essays on The Rights of Animals

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