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It has been eighty years since the fatal day of 116, when Rasputins body was found bobbing in the icy cold river of St Petersburg. To this day his name nonetheless lives on in books, movies and even rock songs. The life of Rasputin is one that can be told by many historians in many different languages, and still have the same electrifying effect, that it did on the day St Petersburg woke up to hear that a healer had walked into town. However, his name has been looked upon negatively, as majority of historians conclude that it is he who was the cause for the demise of the Romanov family, hence being one of the various causes to the 117 Russian revolution1. These accusations that have been lodged on Rasputin is to an enormous amount, the imperfection of the sources that have been distributed after the 117 revolution, sources that have been interpreted incorrectly, altered to suit the historians agenda and causing bias. Hence, with these and with the help of biased memoirs by Duke and Duchess, historians have over the past eighty years been convinced that theyve painted an objective picture of Rasputin; one that is free of all interpretations, and opinionated judgements. Therefore to what extent Rasputin is at fault for the demise of the Romanov family is vastly questionable. And as to why he is tended to be held accountable is due to the unreliable sources that have been used over, and over, and over again by historians throughout time. Thus the historians past account, regarding Rasputin should be looked upon with great caution, as the tale of Rasputin has been for so long barren of any objective truth.

Sources are most obviously the main basis of knowledge for historians to be able to access evidence of the past. Thus it is safe to say that sources are the foundation of history; without them wed have no past. After the 117 revolution, the Provisional Government took over the rule of the Tsar. The government started an investigation on March the fourth 117 called the Extraordinary Commission. This investigation was established to interrogate the peoples that were involved in any way with the Tsarist regime. Derived from the Extraordinary Commission was the Thirteenth Section, which was established especially for the dark forces that surrounded the Russian throne, with Rasputin being the main persona emphasised. All individuals that knew him or had any contact with him were interrogated. On that same year the Bolshevik seized power over the Provisional Government and put a stop to the interrogations, they however later only published selected documents from the Thirteenth Section, documents that suited their own agenda. The Extraordinary Commission also endeavoured to recollect information from Rasputins earlier life. They interrogated his fellow villagers, yet much of the document and information collected were destroyed. Today scarcely few fragmentary documents are left to establish Rasputins earlier life, thus most of it is merely speculation. Furthermore, upon these sources where the memoirs written mostly by Duke and Duchess who had fled the Bolshevik coup on October 117; they based their writing upon personal reflection of their times in the Russian court. Therefore historians and authors alike have throughout the nineteenth Century drawn up conclusions using these varied sources, thus after eighty years of research this is thus far the result...

Rasputin was born on the 10th of January 1861 under the name on Grigory Efmovich in the little town of Pokrovskoe, situated in Siberia. He grew to be a skinny, unattractive boy, yet had eyes that dazzled all who glared upon them. His fellow villagers later testified of Rasputin sinful youth, which was spent drinking, womanising and stealing. His youth was spent in the local pub drinking away the loneliness that farming life brought, Rasputin himself later stated I was dissatisfied, there was much I found no answer to, and I turned to drink4. Hence he gained the name Rasputin5, which stayed with him until the day he died. Thus his sinful youth made it attractive and trouble-free for the Bolsheviks to use him as a propaganda tool, while the Dukes and Duchess without difficulty placed the demise of the Romanov family on him. This accusation, which was placed upon him, thus carried through other historical texts.

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These documents on Rasputin thus continue to reveal that he married at the age of twenty-eight to Praskovia Fyodorovna, who was both strong and well built, which is what a wife in Siberia, was chosen for6. Simultaneously, at the age of twenty-eight Rasputin had a life and spiritual transformation, until I was twenty-eight, I lived, as people say, in the world; I was with the world, that is, I loved what was in the world7. His spiritual change befell upon him, when he picked up a priest by the name of Melety Zborovsky on one of his daily journeys down the main highway of

Pokrovskoe1. With him Rasputin engaged in a conversation on god, which changed him almost instantly. Rasputin had longed for such a conversation and after this event in his life, he under went drastic change, he spent much of his time wandering from monastery to monastery yarning for knowledge of god. He returned to his village a changed man. He ceased drinking and smoking, ceased eating meat and sweets. He supposedly started to develop visions, vision that told him to go wander, he thus acted upon the visions and he became a starets. As a result of these wondering, Rasputin truly learnt to penetrated the deepest secrets of the soul of the Russian people, and absorbed the real feeling, thoughts and wishes of the peasantry4. However as mentioned before, the evidence we comprise on Rasputins earlier life is questionable, as they were details written by Rasputin himself, of his wonderings, toward astounding the Tsarina, thus it is more than likely that he may have exaggerated a few details, comparable to when he repetitively changed his age, the rest of his early life is merely speculation.

The legends and conjectures finally come to an end in the capital (St Petersburg). Now begins the story of Rasputin that is corroborated by documents and the testimony of witnesses5. These documents have thus contributed to the reasons as to why the tale of Rasputin has for over eighty years been barren of any objective truth. The Provisional Government, during their interrogation in the Thirteenth Section accumulated hundreds of pages of testimonies regarding Rasputin and his influences on the duration of the Tsars throne. The Thirteenth Section gathered crucial testimonies of Rasputins dealings in St Petersburg, from those that were in his intimate circle, and those that were not. However when the Bolshevik took power in the October of 117, they halted all works of the Extraordinary Commission and the Thirteenth Section. Yet, in 17 to mark their tenth year anniversary the Bolsheviks published a quantity of the interrogations, which theyd closed off in 117. Furthermore at this stage of time the Bolsheviks were losing influence of their power, the people of Russia were becoming increasingly intolerant of their living conditions; they had been promised an end to peasantry, yet they were, in spite of everything, still living like peasants. Thus, to sustain their political power, the Bolsheviks in 17; out of the hundred pages of testimonies published, from the Thirteenth Section, a pitiful seven-volume magazine6 entitled Proceedings of the Extraordinary Commission of Inquiry, which consisted of interrogations, of various important

ministers1 in the Tsars regime; was published. The Bolsheviks were trying to elevate the spirit of revolution; hence they used Rasputin as a tool to do so. The Tsars ministers were interrogated on Rasputin and his connections with the Tsar, and fondly enough all the ministers accused Rasputin of all sorts of dubious accusations. It was thus, unproblematic for the Bolsheviks to use Rasputin as their own political tool for stabilising their power. The Bolsheviks therefore derived from the Thirteenth Section, interrogations that suited their own agenda, in other words they misused the sources and thus conjectured together a seven-volume magazine, which offered a false, subjective and engineered account of Rasputin and his influences on the Romanov family. Furthermore, the long-term ramifications this had on Rasputin was catastrophic, for it was these published sources that were for many years the chief documentary basis for all the books written about Rasputin.

Moreover Russian historian Edvard Radzinsky4 made a discovery that further exemplified the exploitation of sources in regard to Rasputin and his influence on the demise of the Romanov family. When in 164 the journal, Issues of History was published, it had eager historian lining up to read it, for laid inside the journal was the Resolution5. In brief words, the Resolution was an outline of the Thirteenth Sections efforts to explain Rasputins role in the Tsarist regime. It was the head of the Thirteenth Section, F.P Simpson that had written the Resolution. Radzinsky after reading it explains how Simpson quotes testimonies of peoples who were not mentioned in the Proceedings of the Extraordinary Commission of Inquiry (were he obtained his information), yet were most definitely linked with Rasputins most intimate circle6. Radzinsky writes, naturally I... started looking for that testimony in the Proceedings published by Schyogolev. And naturally I failed to find there7. Radzinsky was not able to find these testimonies in the Proceedings of the Extraordinary Commission of Inquiry, as the only testimonies that resided in the Proceedings were the testimony of biased men who despised Rasputin. Schyogolev did not consent to the publication of the testimonies of persons that were involved in Rasputins intimate circle, persons who worshipped Rasputin, whod spent nearly all their time around him; persons in other words who liked Rasputin. Too Radzinsky however, these two documents, the Proceedings and the Resolution, did not embody the whole truth as, nearly all hundred pages of the testimonies in the Thirteenth Section were so readily neglected1. Thus, much like Schyogolev, Simpson tried to elude using these equally important testimonies. Therefore the Resolution, which is labelled a reliable source, is also concealed with biased selection methods, as Simpson used testimonies that collaborated only with his own explanations. Hence, once again these biased and opinionated sources have had server implications on the history of Rasputin and further installing the perception that Raspuitn was to blame for the demise of Romanov family. It must be noted that Radzinsky after 164 went in search of the files of the testimonies of men and women who knew Rasputin extremely well. He knew that these Files perhaps had the solution to the riddle; there, perhaps, was hidden the authentic portrait of that mysterious person (Raspuitn).

Although by the 10s this Bolsheviks wave of denigrating the Tsarist regime through Rasputin, faded; the denigration of Rasputin did not however stop. Further source thus continued to place the blame of the demise of the Romanovs on Rasputin. These sources are memoirs that have been written by the Dukes and Duchess of the once Russian court. More then often they have written about Rasputin and there influences on the Tsar, thus receiving a sense of excitement in their writing. Moreover these Dukes and Duchess that wrote about Rasputin had not met him, they only knew him through word of mouth. Such memoirs included, One Year at the Russian Court, which was written by Renee Elton Macid, who has dedicated a whole chapter on Rasputin and his influences, yet she herself has never met Rasputin. Another of these famous memoirs were of Maria Rasputins book My Father. This book as been rejected by historians, as it is extremely biased. However it is Prince Felix Yusupovs4 book, Rasputin His Malignant Influence and Assassination-17, is without a doubt the most famous of these three sources. For it is Felixs book that describes in detail his death and how it was planned5. Off course much that was testified in the book was fabricated, as Felix wanted to make sure that Rasputin was represented as the devil himself in man flesh. He stated in his book It should be remembered that we were dealing with an extraordinary person1. Felix was simply able to lie about the poison and the gun shoots, to prove his theory, to justify his actions. Thus like the sources mentioned earlier, all have subjectively select pieces of evidence that support their theories and scrape the rest, Felix has done the same thing. Therefore the memoirs, like the testimonies and the files, have all thus so far been sources that have remain tainted and misused. Therefore, to date, all sources that we hold on Rasputin, are plainly biased, thus all that has been claimed for the past eighty years is questionable.

Thus to what extent is the demise of the Romanov family the fault of Rasputin? For eighty years Rasputins name has been placed down in history, as the sole reason for not only for the fall of the Romanov family, but also the collapse of Imperial Russia. Russia was, with or with out Rasputin, in turmoil by the turn of the Century. Thus, Russia was already in such an asserted position of collapse, that when Rasputin came into the picture it made but a little difference. If anything Rasputin wanted and tried to prevent such an end by advising the Tsar of his wrong decision-making, as Rasputin truly knew the wishes of the peasants4. He was not heeded and thus Russia was on its way to destruction whether she wanted or not. Yet Rasputin did have an affect, out of no choice of his own. Quite simply his presence in the Russian court degraded the image of Romanovs, as the majority of the public could not understand why such a man, who drunk endlessly, and slept with countless women had the authority to be in the Russian court. It thus lessened the support of the Romanov family5, and inflated the revulsion for Rasputin. It was thus Rasputins image and weakness that made it less problematic for historians to place the fault upon his shoulders, rather than placing it upon the backwardness of the former Russian Empire.

As to why historians condemn Rasputin for the fall of Imperial Russia is relatively simply; sources. For the former part of the nineteenth Century, historians did not regard sources as anything except perfect. The belief being that source has permanently and will continue to maintain absolute truth. There were no historians such as Burke, Vincent or Jenkins, who would instantly point the imperfections on the countless sources regarding Rasputin, who would denounce them to be biased and most likely engineered; for this was truly the case. After the 117 revolution the Bolsheviks did indeed release sources that were only fit for their own purpose and agenda and the rest were regarded as junk. Thus the Bolsheviks were able to remove the idea of a heteroglossia view of history1 from Rasputins sources. Historians have to learn that their actions have serious ramifications, and that one wrong move or judgement could change the image of a man for eternity. And thus it can never we fixed. It is the responsibility of the historian to ensure that their interpretations, their accounts, and very single word that they write is accurate as it affects another individuals perception; hence they must make absolute confirmation, that the concepts they record, do not have an connotations within them, that may misled the train of thought of their reader. Rasputins sources have most definitely fallen short of such awareness and unfortunately are unrecoverable.

Rasputin is condemned as the man who brought the demise of the Romanov family because historians were easily blinded by the sources from which they had. Thus they were to blind to see what was so plainly in front of them. Being that Rasputin could easily have been at the wrong place at the wrong time. Or that it could equally be the fault of Alexandra Feodorovna that brought about the demise of her own family4. She kept quite about her sons5 haemophilia, thus never giving the public a reason as to why the peasant Rasputin was associated with the royal family. Thus the public were only left to speculate as to why. Therefore, since the sources on Rasputin only emphasised his crude nature, historian thus never saw past this screen of biasness. It thus tainted Rasputins image, his persona throughout history. To give an example as to how far these sources have misguided not only historians but also the publics perception of Rasputin is Boney Ms6 song, Rasputin. This is a completely inaccurate story of Rasputins tale, yet sums up what the sources on Rasputin accomplished. The song was about Rasputin and his times in St Petersburg, Ra -Ra Rasputin lover of the Russian Queen... Further on But when his drinking, and lusting and his hungry for power become known to more and more people, the demands to do something about this outrageous man became louder and louder... they put some poison into his wine...he drunk it all and said of fine... ....

Rasputin overall has perplexed many historians for many years and is understandable going to continue on perplexing them for many years to come. Rasputin made a substantial contribution to the fall of the dynasty, by alienating persons who could have advised the Tsar and Tsarina better...he involved the imperial couple with persons they should have steered clear of...yet most of his misdeeds were no more than errors of judgement, and much of his so -called influence was based upon bluff1. Thus to entirely accuse Rasputin for the demise of the last Romanov family is ludicrous, as much of his influence have been exploited and exaggerated by the sources ...

1 The 117 revolution was the end for the last ruling autocrat of Russia. In 117 Tsar Nicholas II of Russia abdicated his throne, ending the 00-year reign of the Romanov family name. From 117 onwards Russia was no longer run under one ruler. These were turmoil times, until the Bolsheviks communists took control on October of that same year. They ruled until 11 when the communist party was over thrown.

The Provisional government were the men who took over the rule of the Tsar Nicholas and handled all affairs after Nicholas abdicated his throne. They gained total control of all of Russia. It was a government rule not an autocrat.

Tsar is the Russian term for king Tsarina stands for Queen. The last of Tsar of Russia was Nicholas II.

1 Before Edvard Radzinsky brought the secret files on Rasputin to light, the date of Rasputins birth had remained a mystery for eighty years. Radzinsky discovered in the files he found in Tyumen archives that Rasputin was born on the 10th of January 186. Before this historians put the year of his date as 186, 1864, 1865 or 187. Radzinsky believes that this confusion of Rasputins date of birth was much his own doing, Rasputins own efforts are responsible for the confusion about his birth date. (Rasputin the last word- 000, p.5) By his date of birth it is clear that Rasputin would be too young to be the elder that the Tsarina claimed him to be, thus Rasputin, out of shame, would deliberately alter his birth date.

Pokrovskoe lies in the western part of Siberia, near the river Toura, it is not far from the rural mountains. It is sixteen miles away from St. Petersburg. Alex De Jonge describes Siberia as Russias Wild West. He then describes Pokrovskoe to be a normal if not livelier town, with several streets of spacious wooden houses of one or sometimes two stories... (The life and times of Grigorii Rasputin- 18, p.) Some have dammed the town due to Rasputins association with it, calling it a dump, remote and wild, among other things. It was the town that the Tsar and Tsarina would later visit after Rasputins death.

It was Rasputins eyes that attracted most individuals to him. Many have claimed that he hypnotised many, using his eyes. Robert Massie claims, Friends and enemies alike described their powers His eyes were without a doubt his most remarkable feature. Iliodor, one who loathed Rasputin described his eyes as his steely grey eyes, deep set under their bushy eyebrows, which almost sank into pinpoints Edvard Radzinsky states his eyes... attract even in the photographs (Robert K Massie Nicholas And Alexandra-167, p.180)

4 Edvard Radzinsky Rasputin, The last word- 000, p.7. It has been taken from the New times, who did an article on Rasputin. Interviewed by M. Menshikov

5 Rasputin comes from the Russian word Rasputa meaning immoral, good for nothing person, a dissolute. Later on the Tsarina made countless attempts to change his name to a more respectable level, she never succeeded.

6 Praskovia was an excellent wife. She was a hard worker and bore Rasputin three sons and two daughters. She was two years older than Rasputin and was born in the neighbouring town of Dubrovnoye. She supported Rasputin later on, when he claimed to have had spiritual visions.

7 Edvard Radzinsky Rasputin, The last word- 000. It is this part of Rasputins earlier life that was so well recorded. He would talk of spiritual change endlessly to the Tsarina and shed kept transcriptions of these stories, which was titled The life of an experienced wanderer. Edvard Radzinsky warns we shall keep in mind he said what his royal admires wanted to hear... (p. 4)

1 Rasputins daily journey down the main highway was his daily job. Hed use his fathers cart to carry passengers up and down the highway.

These visions that visited Rasputin were that of the Mother of God. Edvard Radzinsky states in his book Rasputin; the last word that Rasputin claimed to have had a vision, Once I spent the night in a room where there was an icon of the Mother of God. And I woke up in the middle of the night and saw that the icon was weeping Grigory, I am weeping for the sins of mankind. Go, wander, and cleanse the people of their sins. (Rasputin the last word- 000, p.0)

A starets is the Russian term for a holy wonder. A starets was a well-respected figure in the Russian society, and they were regarded more higher than priests because a starets would actually sacrifice the luxuries of daily life to wonder the lands of Russia preaching the word of God and listening to the peasants worries. They are usually old men and have been wondering the lands ever since the reign of Peter the Great. Yet interestingly enough Alex De Jonge does do believe Rasputin to be a starets, Clearly Rasputin was no starets; he could not possibly be. To be a proper starets he would have to have been a monk... (The life and times of Grigorii Rasputin-18, p.75) Rasputin on the other hand was no monk. However he did follow the ways of the old starets, and like them he too wondered place to place. But to label him a starets is still questionable.

4 Rene Fulop-Miller Rasputin the holy devil- 17, p.?

5 Edvard Radzinsky Rasputin, The last word- 000, p. 47

6 The magazine, in which these interrogations were published, was called Time Past. P. Schyogolev, who used to be a loyal member of the Extraordinary Commission from which he turned his back on, in the 117 revolution, established the magazine. He was an immensely crude persona and more than often rumours spread around Russia that more than likely involved him.

1 The Tsars ministers were men who belonged to the Duma. The ministers often gave advice the to Tsar, and during Nicholass reign much of their advice was not heeded. The ministers spent endless hours in the Winter Palace, helping the Tsar with his duties of running the country. Thus the minister would have probably noticed Rasputin wondering around in the shadows, and some would have even met him. The majority of the Tsars ministers despised Rasputin and his way of speech and manners. The Prime minister Stolypin was one of these men. He warned Nicholas on more than one occasion of Rasputin evil ways, yet Nicholas payed no attention. Further still, the ministers opinions on Rasputin was moreover tarnished by WWI, when Nicholas went to the front, leaving Alexandra, or as some ministers have suggested Rasputin, in charge of the affairs within Russia, many of which were fired. Thus when the surviving few testified for the Thirteenth Section they were not afraid to hold back on their feelings of Rasputin, and bad mouthed him at every hance possible.

The many accusation that Rasputin was charged for have not all been proven, yet it is not say it was not factual. The biggest accusation placed upon Raspuitns name was his apparent association with the Khlysty, which is the Russian term for whip. There is not enough evidence that we know about the Khlystys, thus much of our knowledge is speculation. In brief the Khlysty believe that any man could be united with God, they believe sin was the only approach of uniting with God, because without sinning there is no repentance and without repentance there is no redemption, this doubtful view of morals led them to all manner of extremely grave sexual excesses which over and over again brought them into conflict with the authorities of both churches and state (Brian Moynahan Rasputin the saint who sinned - 17. This was a statement from the police who were investigating Rasputin, Okhrana. P.7). The tag of the Khlysty never left Rasputin.

Edvard Radzinsky Rasputin The last word-000 p. 7

4 Edvard Radzinsky is one of Russia most recognisable playwrights. Radzinsky is a very well trained historian who has written exceptionally academic books on Russian History. His best seller was his book Nicholas II, the Last Tsar. Also in 000, he published his book, Rasputin The last word. This is also an amazing book on the life and times of Rasputin.

5 Full name is Resolution of the Investigator F. Simpson of the Extraordinary Commission Regarding the Activity of Rasputin and his Close Associates and their Influence over Nicholas II in the Area of State Governance

6 An example of on eof the members of Rasputins intimate circle includes, Maria Golovina who was one of Rasputins most devoted followers.

7 Edvard Radzinsky Rasputin The last word-000 p.

1 As to why he couldnt see this as the whole truth is because he knew of the deep dissension within the Commission...Vladimir Rudnev had resigned in protest... In August 117, I submitted a request to be released from my duties in view of the attempts of the President of the Commission, Muravyov, to incite me to patently biased actions.(V. Rudnev). Edvard Radzinsky, Rasputin The last word-000, p.8

Edvard Radzinsky Rasputin, The last word- 000, p.

Maria Rasputin was Rasputins second daughter. After her fathers death she published a small pamphlet entitled My Father. It was her attempt at trying to clear her fathers name from the accusations, which have been placed upon him after his death. However Marias book was drowned against all the countless numbers of books, which were published on Rasputin, by historians who placed him responsible for the demise of the Romanovs. Maria tried her hardest to try and clear her fathers name, yet her attempts went unnoticed.

4 Felix Yusupov family, by the end of 114 had become the richest family in the whole of Russia; they owned thousands of hectares of land, all around Russia. He ended up marrying the beautiful Grand Duchess Irina.

5 Felixs describes in detail every bit of his account of what took place on the night of Rasputins murder, on the 16h of December 116. Felix had for a long while been planning to kill Rasputin, in order to save the monarchy. He thus planned to Felix invited Rasputin over to his palace to visit his wife. Prior to his arrival Felix had prepared poisoned sweets and wine for Rasputin. Upon his arrival he was taken straight to the cellar were all the foods were placed. Rasputin was offered sweets, which he refused to eat, as he did not like them. He however drank the whole bottle of poisoned wine, which did not affect him in anyway. Felix ran upstairs, retrieved a gun, came back down and shot Rasputin twice. Rasputin still was not dead, yet he was badly injured Felix stuffed him in a bag and tossed him into the nearby river. His body was found the next day. Once again this is only his account, thus it cannot be fully reliable.

1 Edvard Radzinsky Rasputin The Last Word-000 p.47. Actual quote is derived from Rasputin His Malignant Influence and Assassinations-17

Edvard Radzinsky claims that Felix exaggerated the amount of poison that was placed inside the food and the amount of sweets and wine Rasputin really drank. Radzinsky says and so, Rasputin never did eat the sweets. And he evidently didnt drink much, either (Rasputin The Last Word-000 p.478)

Russia was facing hardship by the turn of the nineteenth Century. Europe had already gone through its industrial revolution; Russia was still every much old fashioned and out of date. For example Russia only demolished serfdom in 1861. She had more people than she could carry, as Russia was Europes biggest country. Not too mention that they had an incapable ruler on the Throne, and thus when she entered in WWI, it was with the doubt the ending of Russia. The society was hanging on the balance with the low class become every hostile of the conditions of their everyday life; they were sick of living in poverty. Further more the working class were forever campaigning for better pay and conditions. Hence, if the very backbone of society, or country is unhappy, or hostile with their working and daily life conditions, then there is no way of having or even trying to secure an affluent future. Therefore Russia was in this condition and when WWI was proclaimed, Imperial Russia was already falling.

4 As Rasputin was a starets, he learnt, through his wonderings, the wishes of the peasantry. He learnt what they lacked, what they had plenty, what they needed and wished for. Thus he tried and converts this knowledge to the Tsar, yet he did not do a good enough job, as Rasputin was not an educated man. As J.N Westwood writes, Yet Rasputin may well have been a man of much goodwill, who failed to make Russia a better place only because he lacked the education and experience... (Endurance and Endeavour 181-180-181, p.0). After all under Rasputins name not one blood was shed.

5 Soon enough, rumours circulated St Petersburg that Rasputin was the lover of the Tsarina and article after articles were published with crude images of the Rasputin and Tsarina playing puppets with the Tsar. These articles thus influenced the perception in which the latter public and historians saw Rasputin. These rumours basically tainted his image and made him once again an easy target, as historians thought, if the people of his time hated him, why should we change that?

1 The concept of a hteroglossia view of history basically means that all voices should be taken into account when seeking the truth of the past. It is without this heteroglossia, that history has for so long been biased and limited. Thus objectivity could be achieved once this view of history is firmly placed.

What this means is that the majority of historians writings fail to mention that Alexandra (Tsarina) had before Rasputin, many other holy wonderers in the palace. As it could simply have been Monsieur Philippe, a French miracle worker who could have entered the Tsarinas life before Rasputin, yet this was not the case. Philippe was a great hit with the Tsarina and she instantly loved him. He spent the next few years of his life in the Russian court giving endless spiritual advice to the Tsarina. It was however when Philippe predicted that Alexandra would have a boy and it ended up a girl that he was thrown from away. Thus Rasputins coming to the thrown was just been an accident, thus Rasputin would have had no intention of ruining the Romanovs lives.

Alexandra Feodorovna is a German born Princess, yet was brought up in an English cultural. She married Nicholas in the year of 18 (Tsar of Russia) and moved to Russia, not knowing the culture or the language, yet spent most her time trying to master it. By 114 she had perfectly mastered the language. She however never had the talent nor charisma to be able to became a Tsarina. She was quite shy and hated the public life, and tried to bring her kids up away from royal life.

4 Alexandra was a German and quite arrogant. She was hated by the Russian public and never really accepted her as their Queen. Indeed, Prince Felix Yusupov Stated in his book Rasputin His Malignant Influence and Assassination-17, that the reason as to why he wanted Rasputin dead was because he believed him to be the direct result of Alexandrias power. Thus with Rasputin dead, Alexandra to would have no power over the Tsar and thus too would fall, leaving the throne once again to the true Russian Nicholas. Alexandra was nagging and it has been claimed that

5Her son was Alexis, born on the 5th of June 104. Robert Massie describes Alexis, The Tsarevich was a handsome little boy with blue eyes and golden curl...he was happy, high-spirited infant. His parents called him Sunshine. (Nicholas and Alexandra-178, page 1)

6 Boney M was a 60s rock band, who sung a song about Rasputin. The song was entitled Rasputin and was written by Boney M in 178, published by BMG records

1 Alex De Jonge The Life and Times of Grigorii Rasputin-185, p.47

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